
11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: In the wide shot with Asia Argento and Vin Diesel standing in the hall of the villa once he caught her tampering with the floor safe, the shadows are entirely different from a moment before, when she was on the floor operating the computer. (00:59:10 - 00:59:40)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: The position of the Kodak camera Yelena is using with her laptop are inconsistent between shots, in particular when we see the 'transmitting' message; the camera looks perfectly aligned with the laptop and further back. (00:59:00)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

XXX mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Xander stops Viktor to inquire about Kiril's coat-sniffing habits, a bowling ball appears literally out of nowhere between Jan Filipenský's hands between shots. (00:56:00)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: The wire transfer has been successful in dramatic fashion and Yorgi is telling Xander about the famous car number 10. He passes the paper to his brother; Kolya is at distance from the car, in fact he even steps away from it, to his right. But in the next shot, he winks at Xander standing by it, elbow on its roof. (00:47:20)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: In the close-up where agent Toby Lee Shavers grabs the gun from the case to show it to XXX, the owner of the hand in shot is wearing a ring on the left ring finger. In the following bit, the prematurely departed Michael Roof is sporting the ring on his right hand. The same mistake (left hand ring in close-ups, right hand ring for the other shots) happens when he picks the binoculars up and when he applies the bandage. (00:43:30)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Xander's own personal Q (Toby Lee Shavers) shows him the various gizmos; when they're done with the pervy binoculars, TLS holds up a box of band-aids. Michael Roof's hand is in a completely different position on the box between shots. (00:45:00)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: XXX meets agent Toby Lee Shavers; he is initially pestering a local female officer but then has to turn his attention to Xander. Keep an eye on the woman; she puts both hands on the computer monitor, but at the cut she is in a totally different position. (00:42:25)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: For their first meeting, Xander and Yelena entertain a very overwritten conversation taking jabs at each other. He says he'd send her to 'charm school' and she does a weird sound sucking through the teeth as she walks away. Her shawl leaves her upper bare completely bare, but at the cut, it's all the way down covering her completely. (00:39:40)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Xander just shot the cop, who goes face first into a glass panel. Close-up on the car wheel, then the whole car is in frame. Xander has his hands on the wheel, or at least, he's not still pointing the gun. But he is a second later. (00:49:45)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Other mistake: The shot of the windows falling off when agent Milan Sova touches them is repeated, it's like they are coming down a second time and not in a dramatic "replay" sort of way. Also, if the windows come down, in unison, when a guy simply taps the glass to wipe a bit of dirt off (he was not leaning on it with his body or he would have fallen as well), the building is made of playing cards, and we have seen snow in the previous scenes, which would have built more pressure on those roof windows than that guy's hand, tenfold. (00:48:15)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Other mistake: When the bad guys take the cop from the bar, he starts talking to them in English and everyone is, for no reason since they are in a bar in Prague they own and he is from the local police force. In the rest of the movie it is otherwise abundantly shown when people speak a foreign language, but for that scene it wouldn't have worked. (00:35:55)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Yorgi's henchman with the super-pointy stache beckons Xander in close-up once he hears the word "cops." In the same shot he lowers the hand he was using to gesture, but the same hand is still up beckoning in the next shot. (00:35:35)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Xander barges into Yorgi's private section saying "Yo, I'm American", the two goons behind him are quick to hold him at gunpoint. They also hold a different position between shots (the one with long hair suddenly has his hand on his knee and the other one re-points the gun). (00:35:20)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Character mistake: Xander is nicknamed "Triple X" by Augustus Gibbon because he is, in his words, facing a triple strike; "Grand theft auto, reckless endangerment and that little bridge stunt of yours." While there is judicial precedent of two felonies committed in the same act counting as separate strikes when the same person ended up in court for a third one, the three strikes law is designed to fight recidivism, and Xander, apparently a first time offender, wouldn't instantly be put away for life because he committed multiple crimes at the same time. Incidentally, reckless endangerment is not a crime per se in California (but 'reckless driving' is); Gibbons however is not a lawyer of the State (character mistake) and possibly could just be bluffing trying to intimidate Xander. (00:30:30)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: When XXX jumps with his bike at the man with the golden dentures, in the wider shot the man raises his weapon, but in the semi-POV shot his face is completely open for the bike trajectory, no weapon in sight. (00:26:05)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Vin Diesel and the guy who kinda looks like him look at each other as they just woke up, Mini-Diesel's leg is at a different angle in the two shots. (00:16:35)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: The waitress pours Xander some coffee with very shaky hands. You can see instantly Xander reach the cup and lift it, but the next shot shows him taking his time, glance suspiciously at the waitress and only then pick his coffee up. (00:13:20)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Xander is hit for the first time by a tranquilizing dart. He plucks it out and then begins to collapse, holding the dart in hand, his right one. The faraway shot shows him fall but A) he is still just plucking out the dart and B) he holds it in his left hand. (00:12:20)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: When the cops look at Tony Hawk and the others driving off, from the bridge the parachute is less spread all over the trunk than in the close-up of their taunting. (00:09:45)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Other mistake: Tony Hawk's crew recovers in a handful of seconds the three cameras that recorded Xander Cage's insane stunt. Considering it's 2 guys wearing sleeveless tank tops and one camera was strapped to the hood of the car (and the car fell hood-first, right on top of it) and the other was secured inside the burning car itself, you gotta wish someone filmed THAT operation, because sounds xtreme as hell. (00:09:10)


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