Question: If the Basilisk snatched Ginny and took her to the chamber, then why doesn't she have teeth marks when they show her lying on the chamber floor? Surely the Basilisk didn't drag her, because it doesn't obviously have arms.
8th Dec 2017
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
8th Dec 2017
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Question: Did the Basilisk intentionally mean to petrify Mrs. Norris or was she in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Answer: It was just a coincidence. There was a puddle on the floor that Mrs Norris was drinking from. When the Basilisk appeared she seen its reflection in the water and was petrified. Though, even with it not being intentional, she still would have died had she actually looked it in the eyes instead of seeing it through a reflection.
8th Dec 2017
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Question: Why does the basilisk only obey Riddle? Was it trained or bred to?
8th Dec 2017
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
6th Dec 2017
Ghost (1990)
Question: Why was Carl laundering $4 million into the account? Was he in debt when he says to Willie "I'm dead if the account closes", which it does?
Answer: Carl is laundering money for drug dealers. If the account is closed and he can't get the money back then it would be lost. The drug dealers would then most assuredly murder him in retribution.
5th Dec 2017
Valentine (2001)
Question: Whenever Adam / Jeremy Melton is the killer and he kills one of the girls his nose starts to bleed, obviously from all the stress he has to go through to kill them. But whenever he's not the killer, why doesn't his nose bleed? Until at the very end when his nose starts bleeding on to Kate.
Answer: Plot hole? Or perhaps Adam's / Jeremy's nose was bleeding because he was about to snap Kate's neck. Or it was because he was so happy.
He killed Dorothy at the end that could be why his nose bleeds.
Answer: Paraphilia is a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities. He technically "got off" when killing people.
5th Dec 2017
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Question: What exactly killed Sergeant Horvath? I reviewed the scene carefully but I couldn't tell what exactly pierced his back - was it a piece of shrapnel, or did he get shot by one of the Wehrmacht German troops?
Answer: Horvath was shot in the back by attacking Germans trying to seize control of the bridge. He was shot a total of 3 times. Once when he went toe to toe with the German. His German attacker's gun was jammed/empty of ammo. The German throws his helmet, so does he, beats the German to a pistol draw and gets shot in the side, then throws his .45 cal at other Germans. Another after he fired a bazooka round and Miller is yelling to get off the bridge - he starts falling back and gets hit in the leg. The 3rd was in the back, right after the 2nd when he stood back up.
5th Dec 2017
Ghost (1990)
Question: Did the subway ghost commit suicide or did someone push him on the train tracks?
Answer: He killed himself by jumping in front of the train. During his conversation with Sam, he's offended by any suggestion that he committed suicide. Soon afterwards, he forgets who Sam is, which indicates that he has mental health issues. He then jumps in front of a train.
5th Dec 2017
Ghost (1990)
Question: What did the old man ghost mean when he said to Sam that he's waiting for his wife in the cardiac wing and "she's fighting it."
Answer: I believe he is trying to say she's trying to stay alive (like the way people try to beat cancer to stay alive longer). He's most likely missing her though and is hoping she will die so they can be together soon. Makes the most sense.
7th Nov 2017
The Relic (1997)
Question: Why didn't the Kothoga kill the German Shepherd dog in the sewers? It killed the other one, but spares this one, despite killing its handler.
Answer: More then likely, the dog was too afraid of the Kothoga to attack it and when the Kothoga saw this, it let the dog live. The other dog was probably unafraid and tried to attack the Kothoga which prompted it to kill the dog; not out of self-defense, but, because there were still people trapped in the museum and the dog was impeding his attack.
Answer: The beast needed human brain cells to survive, not animal cells, it ignored the dog because it wasn't important. After it killed the first one, it knew his canine brain cells would not work.
Answer: It's possible that the human side of the Kothoga, John Whitney emerged and seeing that the dog was afraid decided to let it live feeling pity for it.
16th Sep 2017
An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)
Question: How did Andy know that it was Claude who bit him?
Chosen answer: When Andy is fighting Claude in the subway car, he looks at Claude's right shoulder and see a wound on it. He suddenly remembers back in the sewers of Paris how he took a part of a broken gate and stabbed a werewolf with it giving it the very same wound.
16th Sep 2017
An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)
Question: How did Claude survive getting hit by train even when he was dragged under the train?
Answer: I watched this today and I thought he should be dead but he is a bad ass werewolf and most likely they can take a beating.
16th Sep 2017
An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)
Question: What did Claude say in French to Jacques when he choked him for allowing Serafine and Andy to go through the door?
Answer: Claude says in anger while choking him, "Depuis quand tu laisses partir mes invites, Jacques?", which in English translates to, "When did you let my guests go, Jacques?"
14th Sep 2017
An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)
Question: Did Inspector Leduc die?
Answer: Having just finished rewatching the film again I can say this: the inspector does not die. From a werewolf. The last we see of him is that of him falling down a hole in the ground and landing in some water.
14th Sep 2017
An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)
Question: Was the bouncer a werewolf?
Chosen answer: No. He was an ordinary human. This is first shown at Club De La Lune when Claude and his friends turn into werewolves. Many people were running in fear to the doors and when the bouncer is seen outside of the club, he is still in human form.
14th Sep 2017
An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)
Question: What kind of dark jacket was Andy wearing at the end with the red and white stripes.
14th Sep 2017
An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)
Question: How did they get Andy to the hospital after he banged his head on the Eiffel Tower? It seems highly unlikely there were any elevators around.
Chosen answer: The Eiffel Tower has several elevators in use that they could have taken.
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Answer: The comment that she was "snatched" was a generalization used by the Hogwarts staff and not a literal description of her physically being taken. Riddle was able to control Ginny through the diary, putting her into a trance and commanding her what to do. She most likely was instructed to follow the basilisk into the Chamber of Secrets.
raywest ★