Revealing mistake: When the killer attacks Sid's bodyguards, the younger one has blood on his throat before the killer slashes it.
24th Nov 2002
Revealing mistake: When the killer attacks Sid's bodyguards, the younger one has blood on his throat before the killer slashes it.
Suggested correction: That's because Ghostface smashed the window before slashing the cop's throat; it's obvious the cop got cut by some of the broken glass.
10th Sep 2004
Corrected entry: In the scene where Sidney is in the car with the camera man, she sees Ghostface walking behind an intoxicated Randy, but later when she is approached by Stu and Randy (both saying the other is Ghostface), she locks them both out.
Correction: She's panicking and can't think straight.
Correction: Perhaps Sidney was also starting to suspect that there could be two killers. Billy did conveniently show up minutes after she was attacked and, even if Ghostface were approaching Randy from behind, he's somehow left alive. So Sidney might have subconsciously started thinking about things that didn't add up.
7th Jan 2004
Corrected entry: The big question at the end of the film - Does Edward Nygma know who Batman really is? Once they see that Nygma is crazy everyone is confident that Batman's real identity is a secret. Unfortunately, they don't take into account Two-Face's large team of henchmen who stormed Wayne Manor, all of whom (presumably) now know that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Less than half of them were captured by Batman's underwater net, leaving several to spread the word of Bruce Wayne's secret identity.
Correction: While they did indeed storm Wayne's home, Nygma was the only one to actually find and enter the Batcave. There's a decent chance that none of the henchmen were aware that they were necessarily attacking Batman's home, just some billionaire playboy.
Sugar and Spice knew Batman's secret. They were in the room at the end when the Riddler asked Batman if he and Bruce Wayne could ever coexist, as well as when he referred to Chase as being the love of Bruce's life. The movie acts like all loose ends are tied up, when they certainly were not.
Correction: The novelization reveals that Sugar and Spice escaped Gotham to avoid being captured.
24th Mar 2004
Corrected entry: The dinosaur that rises from the lake is an apatosaurus (or something from the same family). Apatosaurus is herbivorous, and would never try to eat humans as depicted. Even if the species had changed its diet in the millions of years since its apparent decease, its body is not appropriate for hunting: too big, too bulky, too slow, etc.
Correction: The hippopotamus is bulky, slow, and herbivorous too. It's aquatic as well. It contributes to a huge number of human deaths every year by biting them. It's rarely in self-defense, and more out of general aggression.
Correction: It was just being territorial. It's never shown eating people, it just bites and chews them up in its mouth and spits them out.
13th Oct 2006
Corrected entry: When the witches follow Mary into the alley after singing I Put A Spell On You, Mary Sanderson said she smelled Scrod, a bottom feeder that would be good with margarine. 300 years prior to that, butter would be the topping of choice as margarine hadn't been invented until the 1800s, when the sisters were dead.
Correction: She doesn't say margarine. She says marjoram, which is a herb.
The official subtitles on a retail copy of the movie says "margarine."
I agree she did say margarine; though it should be pointed out a subtitle should never be used as confirmation to what a line is saying. Just about every movie has incorrect subtitles at some point as the script is not used to create the subtitles. It is determined by watching and going off the audio ridiculous as it is.
The mistake is correct. She does say margarine, not marjoram. She even follows this up with "Or oil. Olive oil works", so she's talking about cooking with some sort of fat, not an herb.
Correction: Mary watched 10-30 minutes of television commercials at "The Master's" house earlier in the evening, so she could have learned about it from TV.
I half agree. Even witches can learn anything from TV. But some how they would have put something in the script to say that.
13th Oct 2020
Corrected entry: The sisters were only supposed to be back on Halloween night. When Max, Allison and Dani woke up it was November 1st, so the Sanderson sisters shouldn't have been alive.
Correction: It wasn't sunrise yet - Winifred said as soon as the sun comes up they're dust.
26th Oct 2004
Corrected entry: I don't see how Ben turned into a zombie. When the guys got to the house, they had to cut open the door meaning that zombie's didn't get through it and Ben was never bitten.
Correction: This is a remake of the 1968 version. In that version, people turned into zombies the moment they died. It was only in later zombie films that they brought in the whole infection story. So in being true to the original version, it is understandable that Ben turned into a zombie when he died, despite the fact that he hadn't been bitten.
Correction: It has been established that no matter how you die, unless it's via head trauma, you will return as a zombie, so it is obvious that Ben initially died from bleeding to death from the gunshot wound.
14th Oct 2019
Other mistake: When Jessie pops the tire on the RV, Bonnie's dad gets upset and says "I just bought it." Throughout the rest of the film however, he says the RV is a rental.
Suggested correction: Not exactly a mistake considering he bought a rental.
Suggested correction: At best it's a character mistake. As he was exasperated as Bonnie's mother says to her "Daddy's going to use some words" apparently meaning he was going to swear.
If it's a character mistake, it's still a mistake, so no correction is needed. I think it's a valid other mistake because it's the screen writers flipping back between owning and renting, but not an actual plot hole. I've been exasperated with a rental before and never in my anger or frustration said I bought the rented item.
31st Mar 2020
Corrected entry: Ian comes home from school with a clean face after getting ink on it at school.
Correction: He probably wiped it off before he came into the house.
22nd Oct 2019
Corrected entry: Dirt poor Arthur owns a VCR and answering machine, both of which were relatively new in the early 80s and too expensive for someone of his limited means.
Correction: This is assuming way too much. He could have gotten these in any number of ways from theft to gifts, to poor spending habits from him or his mother.
In the day the movie was made, VCRs, answering machines, two big television sets (his mom has a TV in her room too) are as little more than junk and don't disturb the narrative. But if the movie were set in 2020 and they'd watch Murray on their 82" screen in their living room and he'd doodle his thoughts on the latest iPhone, I kinda think that most people would raise an eyebrow about the tale of this family so down on their luck. Sure we don't have access to their bank statements and can't technically rule out that Arthur tripped over a big bag of cash some day on his way back from his beyond-minimal-wage job, but I think there's far more assumption in *denying* that this is strange, compared to just observing that it is entirely incoherent (given the time frame of the movie) with the premise of Arthur living a life without a single moment of happiness.
Correction: His mother did work for the Wayne's, maybe she saved up and bought it.
She worked for him in the 1950s and had drug habits and abusive boyfriends - no way she'd have saved that much money. That stuff was expensive at the time; a VCR was well over $1000 which for inflation at the time was like 3000 bucks today, and an answering machine was around $250, so about $750 today. That is without counting blank tapes, the expensive movie tapes and this is a very conservative estimation anyway, the equipment alone could have cost 50% more.
Even that guy who gave him a gun could have stolen a VCR and sold it cheap to Arthur.
3rd Aug 2019
Plot hole: Scar tells the pack he didn't make it to the gorge in time to help Mufasa. However Zazu was with them at at the gorge. He could have easily told Sarabi or any of the other lions on the numerous times he spoke with them, exposing Scar.
Suggested correction: Actually, Zazu wouldn't honestly say that Scar was lying; he left Scar at the gorge, but for all he knows, when Scar talks about not getting to the gorge in time, Scar could just mean that he couldn't find a safe path into the gorge to help Mufasa and Simba escape.
Suggested correction: Zazu wasn't with them when Scar said so. He was with Rafiki. He couldn't have heard what Scar was saying.
Suggested correction: But it wouldn't have confirmed that he killed Mufasa.
It would prove that Scar (who had the most to gain from Mufasa and Simba's deaths) was lying about the circumstances surrounding their deaths. But no-one brings it up.
It would prove Scar is lying about the events of Mufasa's (and Simba's presumed) death, and given Scar gained the most from it, the other animals should be extremely suspicious of him.
10th Mar 2011
Corrected entry: It is never explained how Jason appears at the beginning of the film in his normal hulking form since the end of the previous film showed him being washed away from toxic waste in the sewers of New York City and turning into a little boy.
Correction: The boy was another of Rennie's hallucinations. Jason awoke presumably after the toxic waste dried out the next day and retrieved his slightly melted mask then made his way back to Crystal Lake. The mask he has belonged to Jim Miller, who he took the mask from in part 8, as his other one was destroyed by Tina Shepard in part 7. Why there was an axe mark in Jim Miller's mask is anyone's guess. Probably authenticity, as it was national news that Jason Voorhees wore a hockey mask. Also, the writer/director of Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan has stated on DVD documentaries and in books that he wanted to portray Jason Voorhees as more of a supernatural spiritual entity rather then just a walking corpse. Rennie's "visions" were more than just her own hallucinations because her dog saw one of them earlier on in the film.
Correction: This movie was made as if the previous movie didn't exist. Just ignored it altogether.
30th Oct 2018
Corrected entry: When Michael is being put in the ambulance, only the woman gets in. When they start to drive off the man is seen sitting in front of Michael.
Correction: If you look carefully, he went in on the side of the ambulance.
8th Jun 2018
Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when the vampires come back to get revenge they never asked for permission to enter the home the way Max did. All vampires must get permission from the head of the house to enter.
Correction: It's not that they can't "get in." It's that once you invite them in it renders you "powerless" (according to Max). Let's not forget that David and his friends were all killed. Max was stronger and probably would have won if Grandpa didn't crash into the house and impale him. Basically they can enter anytime...but being invited in gives them an advantage.
10th Sep 2018
Corrected entry: How did the mosasarurus survive that long without food? I know the writer of the film says this part takes place a week after the first movie but that's not true. The remains of the Indominus Rex are just a skeleton, that takes a lot longer than a week. And the mosasarurus could have been feeding on it, but then the remains wouldn't have been intact.
Correction: It could have fed on the other dinosaurs roaming the park that came too close to its lake.
Correction: Colin Trevorrow says the beginning of the film takes place between a week or a month, not necessarily a week, also it could've eaten the Indominus rex slowly or any pteranodons that flew to close to the surface, it was already freed for 2-3 years when Fallen Kingdom actually starts.
14th Jun 2018
Corrected entry: There is only one T Rex on the island - in one scene she is near the volcano while they are escaping, and in the next scene she has been captured and is on the boat.
Correction: That is the same T-rex. After she kills the Carnotaurus she is shown walking off, and when Owen, Claire and Franklin see the helicopters with her in a cage she was just tranquilized offscreen.
Correction: It is never stated that there is only one T-Rex on the island. The veteran rex seen in the previous films was captured and removed from the island. There is at least one more left on the island. Also, I just saw the film again, and shortly after the scene where the T. Rex is with the fleeing animals, a sedated T. Rex can be seen in the background being loaded onto the ship by helicopter. This could be the veteran T. Rex we've seen in the previous movies that was captured as the mercenaries were preparing to evacuate.
6th Jul 2018
Corrected entry: Mills should have heard the T-Rex before she eats him.
Correction: He just came from underneath a car that was being trampled and crushed by a stampede of dinosaurs who weigh thousands of pounds it's quite obvious he became momentarily deaf which explains why he didn't hear the Tyrannosaurus.
6th Jun 2018
Corrected entry: As Dawnie answers the phone and the killer says "it's Ted" he can be seen sneaking in to the house in the background - he doesn't have a phone to his mouth. It can't be the second killer as he repeats the line "don't forget to set the alarm" which could have only been heard from inside the house.
Correction: Both killers were present Mrs Loomis was inside and Mickey was calling Cici.
Correction: Could easily have had a hands-free headset in, under the mask.
30th Jun 2003
Stupidity: When they are preparing for a German assault towards the end of the movie, Miller explains to them the concept of the sticky bomb and adds, "If you have a better idea of knocking the treads off a tank I'd like to hear it." Um... The bazooka? They had eight rounds for it, and it could have easily been used to disable the treads. And the men wouldn't blow themselves up with it. While it couldn't destroy a tank by penetrating the armour, it's certainly strong enough to disable the tracks.
Suggested correction: Allied forces familiar with the Panzer VI "Tiger", a 60-ton Main Battle Tank during the war knew that the armor is very tough and, even with support fire from a friendly tank, the odds of destroying a Tiger tank with a bazooka like Horvath's are pretty small. From the infantry perspective, techniques that were developed and employed in order to combat heavy Tiger tanks focused mainly on disabling the tank rather than destroying it. Anti-tank weapons of the era, such as the bazooka, were ineffective against most areas of the Tiger's armor, so specific weak points in the design were the focus. Hitting the Tiger in the tracks, suspension, engine compartment, observation slits, and in the joint between the main body and turret were some of the common weak points. Tiger tanks could only be destroyed head-on or from the sides by land mines, or direct hits by heavy artillery shells, or bombs dropped from aircraft. In the film, the first Tiger is disabled by taking out the tracks with "sticky bombs" followed by grenades thrown in the turret hatch. When Horvath fires at the second Tiger, both shots are placed on the joint between the body and the turret, the idea most likely being to hinder or incapacitate the turret's ability to swivel left or right. As the war went on, the Allies developed better strategies for disabling Tigers. One example involved British Cromwell or US Sherman tanks trying to "flank" a Tiger by working in squadrons or columns. One or more tanks would act as a diversion to keep the Tiger's crew focused in front of it while another tank would maneuver behind the Tiger and hit it in the rear section where its armor was the weakest.
1st Sep 2002
Continuity mistake: Jodie Foster has very blue eyes. When they flashback to her childhood, when she is crossing the lawn to greet her father, the girl playing the young Clarice has dark eyes. (00:20:10)
Suggested correction: Eye color also can change with age. This happens in 10 to 15 percent of the Caucasian population (people who generally have lighter eye colors).
Babies born with blue eyes can develop brown or darker eyes as melanin is produced. And while eye color can get lighter with age (older than Clarice usually), a child her age with brown eyes won't develop blue eyes. They could turn green maybe, but not the blue color seen.
I just rewatched the scene you were talking about and they're not blue eyes they're actually hazel and the adult Clarice could be wearing contact lenses.
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