
23rd Apr 2009

X-Men (2000)

Question: Jean and Storm combine their powers to get Wolverine to the top of The Statue of Liberty. Why is this? Wouldn't Jean's telekinesis be sufficient enough to levitate Wolverine to the top without Storm's power?


Chosen answer: Jean's powers were not that powerful at the time.


But they were powerful enough to lift cars, water, etc. when she was like 7.

It's more that she doesn't have enough control over it.


In addition to what Lionhead said, Xavier also says he altered her mind in "X-Men: The Last Stand" by creating psychic barriers to lock out the Phoenix personality, which also seemed to have altered her memory. So it's entirely possible (and likely) her overall power reduced when that happened, and didn't start to fully come back until the events of "X2."


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