
21st Feb 2020

Roxanne (1987)

Trivia: Steve Martin had been a fan of the play "Cyrano de Bergerac," on which the film was loosely based, since he was 12 years old. Making a modern-day retelling of the play became a dream-project of his during the 1980's, eventually resulting in this film.


21st Feb 2020

Roxanne (1987)

Trivia: For some strange reason, the film was originally given an R-rating by the MPAA despite the fact it contains very little violence or profanity. The studio appealed, and the MPAA thankfully gave the film a much more appropriate PG rating without requiring any editing.


20th Feb 2020

Roxanne (1987)

Trivia: Don't shut off the film once the credits start rolling. About a minute into the credits, there is some extra voice-over dialogue from C.D. and Roxanne as they discuss the name of the comet Roxanne discovered.


20th Feb 2020

Roxanne (1987)

Trivia: This film is loosely inspired by a French play from the 1800's, "Cyrano de Bergerac." One of the many nods to the play is the fact that the lead character of this film ("C.D. Bales") has the same initials as the protagonist of the play.


20th Feb 2020

Roxanne (1987)

Trivia: The surgeon's nameplate on his desk reads "Dr. Schepisi." This is a nod to the film's director. Fred Schepisi.


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