Corrected entry: In this episode Ted suggests that the group go mini-golfing and everyone is fine with the idea and they do go. However, in the fade-out of the first episode of this season Xander suggests the same idea as a way to spend the afternoon and Willow states that there is no course in Sunny dale.
2nd Jan 2010
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
14th Jun 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Dead Things - S6-E13
Corrected entry: Toward the end of Tara and Willow's conversation outside the Magic Box, Tara's hand disappears from her shoulder strap for one shot. It's there before and after. (00:23:05)
30th May 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Dead Things - S6-E13
Corrected entry: Buffy is going to confess to the police and Spike is trying to stop her, so Buffy is punching him repeatedly in the face. We cut to Spike who is bleeding from his nose, which is all well and good. But then we cut to Buffy and she says, "I will never be your girl," and then it cuts back to Spike, he now has a huge cut over his left cheek that wasn't there before. (00:36:00)
9th Dec 2008
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In the first season, Giles tells everyone that for a vampire to make another vampire, the victim must drink the vamp blood too. Throughout the whole show we see vamps constantly killing people by draining them and dumping them, only for the victim to come back later as a vamp themselves, without feeding from their killer at all.
Correction: The show's mythology is consistent on the point that for a human to be turned into a vampire they must drink blood from the vampire, as well as being fed on. This is not contradicted in any season of Buffy or Angel. We may not always see this part of the process, but that doesn't mean it has not taken place.
14th Jun 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Dead Things - S6-E13
Corrected entry: At the Magic Box, Dawn's arms shift between the wide shot at the table and her line, "Does this mean you're not going away?" (00:38:10)
13th Apr 2007
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but Buffy's kitchen door changes the side it's opened from across the show.
23rd Dec 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: Towards the end when Willow is in the science lab casting her spell you can see the wires that are used to levitate the vials. They are especially noticable after the vials drop and you can see them dangling there. (00:35:20)
Correction: Having watched this scene through at normal speed and in slo-mo, no wires are visible.
25th Feb 2005
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: When Tara and Willow are in the park, Tara has a straight hair parting. If you look at her in the next shot, her hair has changed to a zigzag parting. In the next shot she has magically switched back to a straight hair parting.
14th Jan 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: When Amy is de-ratted in season 6 she is quite strong, almost as strong as Willow - she can move things with a glance and turn people into goats with a wave of her hand. But when she turned herself into a rat in season 3 she had nowhere near this level of power - if she did she could have escaped from MOO with ease, and not in a way that left her a rodent for 3 years. How have Amy's powers grown so much?
Correction: This seems to make a huge assumption about her level of magical power, since she was only an occasionally recurring character. She easily turned herself into a rat with little or no effort, and Willow commented on what a powerful witch she was. We have no reason to suppose that she wasn't a very talented witch even before she went ratty.
12th Jan 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In "Him", after Xander has his flashback to "Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered" he smiles and says 'Good times...', but during that episode he explicity stated that he hated what was happening. Nearly being axe murdered by a crazed horde of women shouldn't be a happy memory, it should be a traumatic one.
2nd Oct 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In 'Hell's Bells' the only part of Dawn's conversation Anya could have heard is "...he's just run off and no one can find him". Given that she had already been told the cleric had run off to perform a C-section how does she instantly realise that it's Xander Dawn is talking about? Shouldn't her first thought be that Dawn is talking about the missing cleric?
Correction: Well, if she thought the cleric had left for a specific reason, she wouldn't expect anyone to be trying to find him - as they knew where he went, so it couldn't really be him that Dawn was talking about. Xander is the only other male who is essential for the ceremony, plus the fact that she knows him well enough to suspect he might suffer from cold feet.
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Correction: So, either a course has been built in the interim, or they go outside of the town to play.