Question: Why were Harry and Hermione messing with Ron when they got back to the hospital wing?
27th Dec 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
5th Nov 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why did Hagrid cover up that creature when Dumbledore arrived?
26th Oct 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
15th Oct 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why did the trio watch Buckbeak being executed?
Answer: Because they had some small hope that something would happen that prevented it, they stayed to see if a miracle would happen basically. They didn't want to see it of course, but they felt it too terrible to just not know if there was any hope it wouldn't happen and then miss it.
Answer: They didn't actually see Buckbeak being executed because he never was. They were far enough away that they only partially saw the executioner wield the axe, but he was actually chopping a pumpkin out of frustration because Buckbeak had disappeared. If they had been closer, they most likely would not have looked at all, not wanting to witness such a gruesome scene.
Thank you but I was meaning to ask why they stayed on that hill to watch instead of returning to the common room?
It's pointless to speculate what their reasoning for watching was because it really comes down to it being a plot device. The audience has to think that Buckbeak has been killed in order to propel the story forward. That is achieved by having HR&H stop atop the hill and watch what they think is the execution. It also is to convey their sense of grief and hopelessness.
8th Jun 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
10th Apr 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
8th Mar 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: When they were hiding behind the pumpkin patch, what was the noise that made Hermione turn around?
Answer: Hermione heard a twig snap behind her. It was the time-traveling Hermione, who was hiding in the trees with the "other" Harry. They are waiting to steal Buckbeak in order to save him from execution. When Hermione heard the sound, she started to say, "I thought I just saw..." then abruptly stopped. She must have realised that it was her alternate self, and not wanting Harry or Ron to know, then dismissed it as being nothing.
29th Nov 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
28th Nov 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
28th Nov 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why did Hermione keep telling Harry to go when they were out of the shrieking shack? And where did they want him to go?
Answer: Hermione was telling Harry to go over to Sirius, who had gone a little further ahead. Harry was torn between tending to Ron, who'd injured his leg, and wanting to talk to Sirius. Hermione thought it more important for Harry and Sirius to talk while she stayed with Ron. Harry had only found out moments before that Sirius was not responsible for murdering his parents, and he had much to discuss with his godfather.
28th Nov 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why did they stop when they got out of the Whomping Willow?
9th Nov 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: I've only ever guessed this but am I right in thinking that the reason Harry wasn't expelled from Hogwarts because they thought he'd be safe from Black only there? Is that also why they wouldn't overlook Harry's Hogsmeade form not being signed?
Answer: Harry's protection from Black was always the first priority, but the reason Harry was wasn't expelled from Hogwarts was because he never did anything that warranted permanent dismissal. The incident with Aunt Marge was provoked by Harry's family and Dumbledore never would have held him fully accountable. Any other school rule-breaking on his part was never anything more than what other students had engaged in and resulted in being punished in an appropriate way. The school would never have overlooked Harry's unsigned form. If a parent or guardian did not sign it, then the school would not allow a student to participate in any activity that needed parental permission. That was the rule.
8th Nov 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: I've heard that this movie shows some Ron and Hermione moments that weren't in the book, can someone please tell me what they are?
Answer: The moments are brief but important to those who ship Ron and Hermione. Basically, it's just a few moments where Hermione gets scared and instinctively grabs Ron's arm. That's literally all it is. It happens twice but Ron only reacts the first time. And one more, in the original timeline, when Buckbeak supposedly dies, Hermione shields her eyes behind Ron's shoulder and wraps her arms around his neck while crying.
8th Nov 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why didn't they take Snape with them when they were leaving the shrieking shack?
27th Oct 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: From the way Rosmerta said "Harry Potter?" I'm just wondering has she never heard of him?
Answer: She's heard of him, she is just surprised to hear his name when asking what Sirius Black is doing here.
15th Oct 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: How come Hermione and Harry are confused when Dumbledore lies about not knowing they were rescuing Sirius? Hermione at least should know.
Answer: I don't recall either Harry or Hermione acting confused and Dumbledore never lied to them about knowing they rescued Sirius. He would never directly acknowledge it to them, however, because he could more truthfully tell investigators that he knew nothing about Sirius' escape. It's called "plausible deniability." The less detail he knows about how they accomplished their goal, the less he can be questioned about it.
7th Sep 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: When they are leaving the shrieking shack, why does Hermione keep looking back?
Chosen answer: She could have been looking at Remus and Pettigrew, who exited from the tunnel behind her, Ron, Harry, and Sirius. She probably also heard Snape making his way through the tunnel shortly after that. He was the last to exit from the Shrieking Shack after being knocked out by Harry's spell.
7th Sep 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Even though Pettigrew valued his own life over his friends, why not just lie and tell him they went to Ireland to keep them safe?
7th Sep 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
7th Sep 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: When Hermione says "if we succeed more than one innocent life could be spared" why was she saying it in such a surprised tone?
Chosen answer: Because it was at that moment she understood what Dumbledore had meant when he said earlier that more than one life could be spared - meaning that both Buckbeak and Sirius Black could be saved.
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Answer: Because they were just having a bit of fun at Ron's expense. After saving Sirius and Buckbeak and going through a rather harrowing ordeal, they can now relax and enjoy themselves. The levity provides an "end point" to the main story, indicating to the audience that it has reached its conclusion.
raywest ★