Corrected entry: Compare the predators ship and crew from the end of AVP and start of AVP: Requiem. The end of the first movie shows the huge ship on the ice with a huge amount of predators. The size of the ship and crew seams to have been downsized in the beginning of the second movie.
7th Jun 2008
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem (2007)
9th Jun 2008
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem (2007)
Corrected entry: In the very first scene, where we can watch again the birth of the "Predator bred" Alien, the wound in the Predator's chest should be filled with fluorescent Pred blood, not gooey green slime, Aline blood. After all, it was a Predator's Chest. (00:01:40)
Correction: It's also a dead Predator, so it seems pretty reasonable that Predator blood might congeal much like humans would as it dries out. And it hardly qualifies as a plot hole either.
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Correction: You are correct, but in the extended DVD release (Ultimate Combat) a missing scene showing the smaller ship leaving the much larger Predator ship, that was in the first AVP movie, is restored explaining the size difference.