
16th Mar 2010

Toy Story (1995)

Question: I was wondering. Does Sid destroy toys because his father beats/abuses Sid, so Sid lets out his anger on toys? This would explain all the locks on Sid's door, to hide from his father and to hide what he does to toys. When Scud is looking for Woody, he notices Sid's father sleeping, and Scud walks away, which could mean that Scud doesn't want to wake up Sid's father knowing he is a cruel and violent man.

Answer: This is a Disney/Pixar production, at no point are they intimating that kind of a relationship between son and father. If anything, the father simply doesn't care what his son gets up to so long as he isn't disturbed by it. Any other inferences you get from the movie are for you to contend with, but the family nature of the movie would suggest beating/abuse is not the answer.


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