
6th Aug 2018

Rush Hour (1998)

Question: Why did Lee agree to come with Carter to try and rescue Soo Yung instead of going back to Hong Kong, during their conversation on the plane? They talked about Carter's father and his dislike of the police profession. Why did this change Lee's mind? (01:12:30 - 01:13:05)


Answer: Lee believed Carter was selfish and only cared about finding Soo Yung to further his own career. Carter explained that he was cynical about police work because his father was an excellent cop but was killed during a routine traffic stop. Hearing the story about how Carter's father died showed Lee why Carter acts the way he does. Lee was wrong to write Carter off and he recognizes that Carter really just wants a chance to prove himself. Carter shows Lee that he is willing to accept that there is more to police work than serving your own interests when he says "Prove me wrong." This is what changes Lee's mind.


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