Corrected entry: Ella's ball-gown changes from before she gets locked up in the dungeon to after she escapes. When she is locked up, her ball-gown has a huge hoop-skirt. When she escapes, the gown is different.
1st May 2004
Ella Enchanted (2004)
12th May 2004
Van Helsing (2004)
Corrected entry: In the scene where the syringe containing the werewolf antivenom is held in the viscous liquid, surely the liquid which is shown to be more than highly corrosive, (by the way in which it chewed a hole in the metal grating) would have dissolved the metallic syringe parts, even if it left the glass component undamaged.
Correction: The metal bits looked like gold to me, and gold reacts with nothing except for mercury.
10th May 2004
Van Helsing (2004)
Corrected entry: When Van Helsing and Carl first arrive in Transylvania, we see a shot of Anna planting her feet on the well and talking to VH and Carl. On her right leg, tucked under the laces of her boot, is a white-handled knife. Later, when she takes Van Helsing to her house and is loading up on weapons to hunt Dracula, we see her pick the same knife up off a table and slide it into her boot - where it should already have been.
Correction: Anna pulls the knife out to slash at one of the Brides who is carrying her off. The Bride drops Anna onto the roof and Anna loses the knife as she falls. She probably has a matching knife back at the house and so just replaces the one she lost when she gets home.
8th May 2004
Van Helsing (2004)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Kate Beckinsale closes the window she recognizes the wolfman's wet footprints on the floor. A few seconds later, in another shot, the footprints are gone.
Correction: The camera doesn't pan over that same section of the floor again. It looks behind Anna, it looks around the corner and it looks several feet in front of where she stops, but not over that same patch of ground. And we see the wolfman has climbed on top of the cases so his prints would probably not be anywhere on the floor except where he walked from window to case.
12th May 2004
Van Helsing (2004)
Corrected entry: In the middle of the film, our heroes travel from Transylvania back to the Vatican, which is shown on a nice map representation. The thing is that the map states that the Carpathian mountain range is to the South of Transylvania (wrong, since it is to the North, though a bit reaches in to the left side of Romania) and that Budapest (and Hungary) is not to the Southwest but to the Northwest. At least they could've bought a map of Central Eastern Europe for a film with such a big budget.
Correction: The map doesn't have the cardinal directions written on it--the camera shot might imply those directions as the line is shown travelling toward the bottom of the screen, but there is no S or N to mark which way is north or south. The map could be twisted so that North is on the left of the screen, or even to the bottom.
9th May 2004
Van Helsing (2004)
Corrected entry: Budapest was originally called Buda-Pesth and it still was at the time the film is set, even if it DOES say Budapest on the map (sorry, but I'm not sure when it changed)
Correction: It still is Buda-Pesht, but how many Americans know that? I've also seen it spelled different ways in English (your Pesth, my Pesht, the usual Pest), so they had to use the format most common to the largest portion of the audience just so the viewer would know what they were referring to. Besides, who's to say that VH didn't have an American made map?
16th May 2004
Van Helsing (2004)
Corrected entry: In the Masquerade ball scene, VH sends Carl down into the ballroom to push the fire-breather into Dracula. A minute or so later, VH and Anna make their escape, and they find Carl in the next room. There is no way Carl could have got back upstairs and into that room in the time it took VH to get there.
Correction: There was plenty of time. VH and Anna stood on the balcony for quite a while as Dracula talked to them, then Frankenstein's Monster was wheeled through the ballroom reciting the 23rd Psalm (modified), then the other vampires made evil faces at them, THEN they ran to the room where they met up with Carl. Carl was probably running the whole time he was offscreen.
8th May 2004
Van Helsing (2004)
Corrected entry: In the scene where the brides of Dracula and Dracula are hanging upside down from the ceiling, their hair is obviously hanging down the right way, but not the jewelry on the brides. You can see the necklace on one of the brides laying flat on her neck and chest, when it should be dangling down towards her head.
Correction: The necklace is a rather stiff beaded thing--her earrings are going in the proper direction, so I assumed that the beaded necklace had simply stacked itself so that it stood 'upright'--ie, away from gravity. I have a similar necklace, and it can be done (the beads are so tight on the string it acts almost like blocks and can stand upright in a sort of tower). The director probably had to force it to stand up to keep the big dangly bits hanging on the bottom from obstructing the actress' mouth and face, but it can happen naturally.
17th Sep 2003
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Corrected entry: When Janet is singing to Rocky before they get down to it in his coloured box, she is saying that she is a virgin, but we have just seen her getting it on with Frank in the bedroom (When she thought it was Brad)
Correction: She's singing about the beginning of the night, not her present status. The implication of the first verse is that now that she's lost her virginity she wants to keep on going, so to speak.
9th Sep 2003
Die Hard (1988)
Corrected entry: There is a scene, after the building is taken, where Hans gathers the hostages and asks which one of them is Tagaki. The would-be heist is obviously well-planned, well-financed, and well-scouted. He has no idea (through photos or surviellance) of what Tagaki looks like? Seems unlikely.
Correction: Hans is playing a mind game (and probably also trying to get a 'feel' for the people in the room). He knows who Takagi is; he finishes his little speech right in front of him and is looking at him when he does so. He just wants to impress upon the witnesses that he knows a LOT about Takagi, and potentially them if they get in his way. He also is trying to find the weak links in the group - who's willing to sell out the boss.
26th Aug 2003
Black Hawk Down (2001)
Corrected entry: Ewan McGregor pours bottled water to make coffee and the label on the water is "Me Eden" water, which is a company exclusively in Israel. This movie is supposed to take place in Somalia.
Correction: And was filmed in Morocco. If Ewan McGregor in Morocco could get a bottle of Me Eden, it's not inconceivable that his character in Somalia could, too.
28th Jan 2003
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002)
Corrected entry: A timeline problem - the Ya-Yas are shown as young girls (13 or so) at the premiere of Gone with the Wind in 1939, and yet only a couple of years later when America enters World War II, they're all grown up and being played by much older actresses. I know puberty is dramatic, but give me a break.
Correction: If the girls were 13 in 1939, they're 16 at the party scene when the boys are going off to war. While the actresses playing the girls are older, they would be an appropriate age to be getting engaged, etc. Heck, they could even be getting engaged at 16, it was the 1940s, people got married younger then.
26th Aug 2003
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, the Beast turns into a prince, and all of the furniture and other housewares (clock, plates, tea set, etc. etc. etc.) turn back into people as the enchantment on the house and its inhabitants ends. If all of the furniture in the house was once people, then what did this prince use for furniture in the first place?
Correction: Not all the furniture/silverware were enchanted people. Several times through the movie, as Belle moves through the castle, tables and chairs and knick-nacks through the castle keep their places. And surely there are tons and tons of rooms that are not shown to the audience - the real furniture could be stashed away in any one of them.
20th Dec 2001
Far and Away (1992)
Corrected entry: In the scene when they are all racing to get the land to own, there are several women racing by themselves. Women couldn't own property in the 19th century, so why would they bother to race for it themselves?
Correction: Single women could own property. Married women were property themselves, so anything they had went to their men. Plus, this is the American west - before it was divided up into states and incorporated into the United States, and women could vote in most of the territories. Owning property would be a small thing.
7th May 2003
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Corrected entry: During the defense of Helm's Deep, as King Theoden barricades the main door, he is stabbed through the breastplate by a massive Urak-Hai spear. In later scenes, his breastplate is shown undamaged. This is definitely Theoden both times - he goes down to help barricade the door, and a few moments later directs the soldiers doing this, just after telling Aragorn he can use 'as much time as you can give me'. He is seen shortly after looking at Aragorn and Gimli through the shattered gate just before the last piece of wood is put in place, yelling 'get out of there.'
Correction: This is difficult to see - it seems as if the spear hits him in the shoulder, beside the breastplate, but later on he has no difficulty to swing the sword when he rides out of that hall. If this shot really should be seen as if the spear hit the breastplate, then it is difficult to judge anyway, as he holds his clenched fist against his breast for the rest of the scene.
26th Aug 2003
Seabiscuit (2003)
Corrected entry: The child of Jeff Bridges and his wife in the film has brown eyes. Jeff Bridges and the actress who plays the boy's mother both have blue eyes. It's impossible for two blue-eyed people to have a brown-eyed child.
Correction: Not really. If one or both blue-eyed parents had a brown eyed ancestor, they can produce a brown eyed child. Brown is the dominant gene. My boss and her hubby did it, and I am fairly certain that since the girl looks exactly like her father with brown eyes instead of blue, that it is his daughter. ;-)
26th Aug 2003
The Mummy (1999)
Corrected entry: When Rick and Evelyn are on the boat, and have just come out of the room they have set alight, Evelyn says, 'The map, the map, I've forgotten the map.' Then, in a couple of shots later, we see Rick lean up against a wall, and someone (who I presume is a Med-jai) is shooting at him. Surely, if he was shooting into the wall, the dust wouldn't fly out of the wall, and the wallpaper would bend inwards instead of outwards.
Correction: Rick and Evie are at a corner that turns down a hall that extends away from the camera, and the Med-Jai who is shooting at them is down that hall (firing towards the camera). The bullets are in effect going through two walls - into the wall of that hallway, and punching through the wall next to Rick's head. So the wall would explode outward, towards the camera - in the direction the bullets are travelling.
26th Aug 2003
Apollo 13 (1995)
Corrected entry: In the scenes at the Lovell's home, as the crew nears re-entry, the priest, (who is wearing Catholic priest clothes), is wearing a wedding ring. (02:07:01)
Correction: The real life priest was Episcopalian, Father Donald Raish, and the actual pictures from the time show him wearing similar clothes. Episcopalian priests appear to be allowed to marry.
Correction: Some Catholic priests do, in fact, wear wedding rings. They are 'married' to the Church. Nuns wear them as well - they are 'brides of Christ.' It serves the same purpose as someone who is married to another human wearing a wedding ring - it shows their commitment.
26th Aug 2003
Fight Club (1999)
Corrected entry: Towards the end when Jack/Tyler and Marla are standing and watching the exploding buildings, we can see that in these buildings the lights are on. This means that people must have been in there. The intention was not to kill anyone. (02:10:00)
Correction: Not necessarily. I used to work in an office building and no one ever turned the lights off at night. Our whole floor would be lit up at midnight (I drove by it on the random Saturday night), but no one was there.
Correction: Jack asked Tyler about janitors and security guards, and Tyler assures him they are all members of Project Mayhem and are out of the buildings. They would have left the lights on to avoid suspicion.
21st Sep 2002
Tombstone (1993)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Curly Bill is playing Faro at Wyatt's table in the Oriental, there is a musician in the backround playing the piano. The song he is playing is "Marching Through Georgia" which deals with Sherman's army invading Georgia and basically burning it to the ground. To this day that topic is a sore spot for Georgians. During this scene, Doc Holliday is also in the room. He lived in Georgia when he was younger, and given his temper compounded with his state of intoxication during this scene, would have killed the musician without hesitation, reguardless of the fact that the Earps were in the room.
Correction: That might be, provided he was a)paying attention to the music, and b)knew the song. If Doc was paying more attention to the Faro table, he might not even have noticed what the piano player was playing--think Muzak. Also, I personally think if he had taken offence, he probably would have warned the musician first--Doc doesn't really seem to be a cold-blooded killer, drunk or not.
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Correction: She takes the dress off, removes the hoops and lets her hair down - after all, she's there overnight. As long as she's going to be in a dungeon, she might as well be comfortable.