
23rd Mar 2017

Demolition Man (1993)

Corrected entry: It seems curious that the museum, even in the weapons display, would have functional firearms and live munitions of any sort, even if no one would be interested in ever taking and using them.


Correction: That was the point of it all. This society believed no-one would ever want to get a hold of those weapons so they put them on display to show how barbaric the previous generations were. It's really no different than a museum today putting swords and spears on display.

26th Jan 2016

Minority Report (2002)

Corrected entry: After PreCrime thwarted Anne Lively's murder, and hauled the man away, Burgess steps in and drowns her. The deed was overlooked by the technicians, believing it to be an echo of the original murder. But since the PreCrime cops had actually stopped the murder from occurring, wouldn't at least one of the officers in attendance remember that Lively wasn't dead when they left? And would they have been so incompetent and uncaring as to leave the poor woman just sitting all by herself after such a traumatic event?


Correction: First off, Anne was never found dead, she was just "another missing person". So even if the PreCrime cops said she was alive when they left, that would have no bearing on her going missing. And since her actual murder was discarded as an echo and there was never another murder predicted for Anne, they wouldn't think she was killed. In regards to leaving her, it's a complete assumption leaving her would be negligence or seen as uncaring. The cops are only there to arrest a suspect prior to a traumatic event from occurring (unlike today's cops where they are there after a traumatic event occur where cops would stay with the victim, EMS would likely be called, and the cops would take statements from the victim regarding the incident).


Corrected entry: During the practice rounds, the question was asked about what was the densest element. The answer given was "Uranium" (19.1 g/cubic cm). The correct answer is Osmium with a density of 22.59 g/cubic cm).


Correction: They asked which element was the heaviest, meaning the highest atomic weight. Uranium is correct.

Greg Dwyer

Neptunium and Plutonium have been discovered naturally in trace amounts as well, meaning that uranium is also incorrect if measuring atomic weight and not density.

Corrected entry: Hank McCoy, for some reason, created Cerebro with the precise abilities to amplify Charles' powers and allow Charles to use it to locate other mutants, even though Hank would have had no idea that anyone could use the machine... It was even mentioned that the machine was pretty much useless without Charles.


Correction: It was built for a telepath, someone like Charles. They knew there were telepaths around so they built a machine but the machine needs a powerful telepath. Only Charles is powerful enough to use it.


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