Question: Why, in the 3 hour TV version of the movie, does Luthor waste time on that elaborate trap if he already knows, from reading Lois' interview, that bullets, fire, and cold won't stop Superman?
30th Dec 2020
Superman (1978)
17th Jan 2020
Superman II (1980)
Question: This was in the Richard Donner cut: Why does Lois want to expose Superman's identity? That and why doesn't she think it through? She's risking the safety of his family after all.
28th Aug 2007
Glory (1989)
Question: At the end of the movie the remainder of the 54th Mass top a cliff, look down and see a bunch of soldiers waiting for them who then fire on them. My question is what happened to the rest of the 54th Mass? did they die in this scene? Did they survive? It is never explained and during the burial at the mass grave none of the soldiers who ended up at the cliff are seen being put into the grave nor do you see their bodies on the ground.
Chosen answer: While the film deals with factual events, the only real character is Robert Gould Shaw, so, historically speaking, it cannot be stated exactly what happened to the characters based on historical grounds. However, only about a quarter of the regiment were actually slain in the real battle, with slightly more captured. Bearing that in mind, it's not unreasonable to speculate that the characters on the cliff were either captured by the enemy or managed to retreat.
Answer: The movie states that over half of the 54th perished in the battle. As for your question regarding the soldiers in the fort: if you are referring to the group consisting of Forbes (Cary Elwes) and Rawlins (Morgan Freeman), while no definitive answer is given, it can be assumed that they died as well, likely as soon as they were fired upon.
18th May 2023
Glory (1989)
Question: Why does Forbes try to convince Robert to stop the flogging?
Answer: Forbes feels that a flogging was way too drastic of a punishment. At this point in the movie, Forbes doesn't think that the higher-ups are going to allow the 54th into battle, and as such, he feels Robert's methods are a bit excessive.
3rd Feb 2022
Point Break (1991)
Question: Near the end of the movie when Utah goes to capture Bohdi in Australia, he looks quite a bit heavier, was this scene shot sometime after the movie was originally filmed?
Answer: Basing this off nothing but a theory, I always thought that sequence was shot first, given his hair length. I surmised that Keanu came in with long hair to shoot that sequence, then got a haircut to shoot the rest of the movie. Again, this is 100% speculation, just my two cents.
Answer: Possibly. But remember when they were telling Utah about the 50-year storm, they said it would be next year. Plenty of time for the character to gain weight.
25th Jun 2021
Heroes (2006)
How to Stop an Exploding Man - S1-E23
Question: I'm watching the show on Peacock, the streaming service. But this episode is not available, even though it seems all the others are. Is there any reason why they would leave out the season 1 finale or why they wouldn't be allowed to air it?
Answer: As of right now, I do see the episode available on Peacock.
27th Sep 2021
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Question: C3PO is talking to R2 and says "Scariff..." If they are at the base, how do they get on Leia's ship for her to give R2 the plans? I don't think she picked them up since she is being chased by Vader's ship.
Answer: Princess Leia is not being chased by Vader's ship until after the events of this movie. The entire fleet heads off to Scarif, and she picks up C3PO and R2 off-camera. At the battle on Scarif, we see the mothership get boarded by Darth Vader, and then we see the smaller ship make their escape. That ship contains Princess Leia and the two droids, which is subsequently being chased at the beginning of Episode IV.
23rd Oct 2019
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Question: Why do the German officers in the pub salute a Captain and LT but don't salute a Major when he walks in?
Answer: I agree with the previous answer, and another possibility is that since the Major was already in the pub, they might have already saluted him when he (or they) arrived.
I agree with this, and to expand on that a little more, I was under the impression that they came to the pub together. I could be wrong, but I believe it gets mentioned that the major let Wilhelm and the rest of the soldiers have the night off to celebrate the birth of his son. He sits alone so as not to fraternize with the soldiers.
Answer: I can't say specifically for the WW2 German Army but usually in any group of soldiers the one with the highest rank will be expected to pay correct compliments to a commissioned officer (of a higher rank than themself). They do this by calling the group to attention and greeting the officer individually. These soldiers have saluted the junior officers but they would then expect the Captain to formally greet a Major.
28th Dec 2010
Saw (2004)
Question: When Lawrence is going crazy, he tries to reach the ringing phone using the box he found it in. When this fails, it motivates him to saw through his foot. Since the box was just out of reach, why didn't he pull the phone towards him using the saw (just like Adam tried at the beginning of the movie, with the cassette player)? This couldn't possibly have failed, though. If he had, he could have answered the phone and probably gotten help that way. It would have saved him a lot of trouble and pain. Someone please enlighten me.
Chosen answer: First, it's because he was very distraught. Simply reaching the phone wasn't going to help him help his wife. Second, because it was the major plot point the entire movie has been building up to.
Answer: You said it yourself: he's going crazy. He had been sitting in that room for 8 hours, being mentally tortured. If finally comes to a point where he hears his wife and child in torment, along with gunshots. At this point he was simply not thinking and in his state, sawing off his foot was the quickest way to either get to the phone, or get to the gun to kill Adam.
25th Jan 2015
Saw (2004)
Question: When loading the bullet into the gun, why didn't they realise that the chambers of the revolver were empty of any spent cartridges? They could have easily concluded that the "corpse" wasn't dead and the film would have ended quite differently.
Chosen answer: First, odds are neither of them had much experience with guns. They wouldn't necessarily think about it. Second, who's to say that the person who put them there wouldn't have removed it anyway.
Answer: The other answer is solid. I will also add that neither one of them were in any state to deduce that the gun was empty. Dr Gordon is on the brink of insanity, and Adam is fearing for his life.
1st May 2005
Road To Perdition (2002)
Question: I'm guessing that Jude Law's character's face at the end of the film had something to do with the fight they had in the hotel, where Tom Hanks's character shot him in the face. But why did he have all those little marks, if Tom Hank's character only shot him once?
Answer: Tom Hanks shot at a glass lamp, which shattered right before Jude's face, causing lots of shards of glass to cut his face.
Were they scarred or stitched because it bothers me.
Scarred. He was injured by a bunch of tiny shards of glass, something that could pretty much heal on its own and wouldn't need stitches.
I think that's why McGuire shoots Sullivan out of revenge... He wasn't ordered to but after his disfigurement he wants revenge and kills Sullivan That's my take... After all Al says it's over after Connor Rooney goes down but it's now personal for McGuire.
Answer: I think that McGuire's last kill was personal. I think that after Sullivan deforms his face McGuire is out for blood. After all Al said after he kills Connor it's over. So it probably was but McGuire's kill was personal because of his deformity. It was not because he was instructed to kill Sullivan.
Yeah, when Maguire fatally shot Mike Sr. at Aunt Sarah's residence, it was no longer business and was definitely personal/a revenge killing.
28th Apr 2020
Panic Room (2002)
Question: Why would 911 put them on hold?
It does happen in real life, and it is sadly a common occurrence in big cities. Living in Los Angeles, I've had to dial 911 a few times. I was on hold for 5 minutes once, and I've read articles about people who have been on hold for way longer. With this film being set in New York city, this did not surprise me. Even Meg and Sarah don't seem too surprised by it, and they opt to call Sarah's father instead.
Answer: There could be a serious major event happening nearby where all the resources needed to be sent ASAP. The 911 operator had to prioritize and assumed the current caller's emergency - whatever it was - was less urgent. There could have been a shortage of operators for whatever reason.
28th Apr 2020
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Question: What happens to Nick the Greek?
Answer: Its left ambiguous deliberately but he either decided to lie low after finding out he was involved in stealing Rory's weed or, more likely, Rory killed him.
Rory was dead, so Nick just escaped and was none the wiser.
Agreed. We see Nick on the phone with the 2 thieves who initially stole the guns. Nick tells them that he does not believe he will see the guns or the boys again, because he gave up the address to Rory, who was on his way to kill them, and ends up getting killed himself. So from what we saw, we can assume that Rory let Nick off the hook because he gave up the address to Eddy and friends.
21st Jan 2018
Parenthood (1989)
Question: Is the timeline in this movie supposed to be somewhat non-linear? For example - in the scene where Karen and Gill go to Kevin's school to talk to the principal and psychologist, it is specifically mentioned that the new school year is 4 months away meaning it is approximately April since kids typically began school in August. Later, when Larry comes to visit and is talking to the dad in the garage, he mentions the Super Bowl (which you reasonably would have assumed they just watched) but that takes place in January. Plus, Larry's mom tells them that Cool (Larry's son) has just finished eating lunch. How? If they just watched the Super Bowl, it would be dinner since the game is always played in the afternoon. And despite being in "St. Louis" (we know they actually filmed in Florida), it never seems to be winter. The end is really the most confusing with the birthing order. We learned earlier in a scene that Karen is pregnant and is due in February. At some point around this time, we find out that Julie is also pregnant. At this point, Julie's mom Helen has just gone on her first date with Mr. Bowen (Garry's biology teacher) but the end, Helen is having a baby, Julie and Tod's baby barely looks a month old and Karen's baby looks to be about 4 months old. Did Helen marry Mr. Bowen immediately and get pregnant right away?
Answer: The movie is being told in a linear timeline. You have just about all the information right! I think the one thing you are letting throw you off is your assessment of the Super Bowl. You are surmising that they had just watched the game that day, but my assessment is that they are talking about the game from months ago (bearing in mind that Larry has not been around for years and has not seen his father since the last Super Bowl). My belief is the movie takes place in May. That would add up with Kevin's next year of school being 4 months away as schools usually start in September, and the math also works out with Karen's February due date. This would also explain your concern about the weather. As for Helen's baby, it is not made clear whether or not she married Mr. Bowman, nor does it really matter for timeline purposes, but they consummated the relationship not long after the first date and she got pregnant.
27th Dec 2012
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Question: Spoiler: How did Bruce survive the explosion?
Chosen answer: It is revealed afterward that he had fixed the autopilot on his aircraft. At some point prior to the explosion he bailed out and the craft continued on without him, taking the bomb far enough away for him to survive the blast.
It's not clear that he actually survived We did see him in the end but Alfred could have been imagining that Bruce was there It's up to us to decide if that is the case or not But it's not confirmed that he survived.
The Dark Knight Series has not been one to play with elements of imagination, or really leave things up to audience interpretation. I will relent that Christopher Nolan has a knack for this in some of his other movies. But here, things have remained pretty clear cut throughout the trilogy. We see that Bruce fixed the autopilot on The Bat, he basically delivers a map of the Batcave to Blake. And Alfred, being of sound mind and body, sees Bruce in a cafe at the end. Bruce survived.
30th May 2022
Cliffhanger (1993)
Question: How much money was in the cases the bad guys lost?
Answer: It totalled more than $100 million.
Uh, wouldn't a stack of $100 million in cash be too big to fit in a case?
The money was in 3 cases.
This, plus it's also worth noting that they were $1,000 bills, which would greatly cut down on the size.
15th Dec 2022
Frequency (2000)
Question: After Frank survives the Buxton fire, John rings his mom and goes through to her voicemail. The next day he tries again and gets through to a Deli (obviously because his mom has been killed and therefore someone else has what would've been her phone number). How did this work exactly? His mom died a long time ago from his perspective, one day isn't going to make a difference since it happened in the past. Can anyone explain this or is it a plot hole?
Answer: There are 30 years separating Frank and John, but it seems that the timelines are parallel and unfolding at the same time. Example: if something happens on October 10th 1969 at noon for Frank, any repercussions from that will unfold for John at October 10th 1999 at noon. We see evidence of this when Frank burns the desk, when he survives the fire, when he shoots Jack's hand off, etc. After Frank survives the fire, he comes home and has a conversation with John. After they talk, John calls his mother (Julia) and gets her answering machine. Then, keeping in mind this is happening in a parallel sense, young Julia in 1969 saves the life of her killer, setting in motion a new future in which she is killed. It is then when a sleeping John in 1999 starts getting memories of his mother's funeral. So, when he called and got her machine earlier, she had not yet saved her killer's life in her timeline. After she does save his life, John wakes up and tries to call her, but gets the deli instead.
Answer: John calls his mom, which goes to voicemail, before he uses the ham radio where he ends up talking to his dad. At that point, the timeline hadn't changed, his mom was still alive and his dad still died when he was a kid. The timeline changes (along with getting new memories) after his dad decided to listen to John's advice and make different choices.
30th Aug 2013
Frequency (2000)
Question: Instead of Frank giving the wallet with the fingerprints to John in the future, why didn't Frank just give the wallet to the police in his own time?
Chosen answer: They couldn't be sure that the police wouldn't lose it or turn it in when the owner showed up. Or, since we find out that the killer is a cop, he could have just taken it back from evidence.
Answer: Too much explaining would have to be done by Frank. The police would ask why he would want his wallet scanned for prints. Plus remember they were on a time frame. Julia was going to be killed in a week, and they were trying to save the other girls as well. Quicker just to get the wallet to john, and he would go scan for fingerprints right away.
Answer: Plus, they didn't have some of the technology in Frank's time as they had in John's.
20th Feb 2009
Back to the Future (1985)
Question: Why do Marty's brother and sister get erased from top to bottom, and Marty just fades? Why can't they just all fade?
Chosen answer: The way I understand Doc's explanation, Dave and Linda were both erased completely because Marty interfered with their parents' meeting; thus the three children were erased from existence, from oldest to youngest. Marty only begins to fade because the timeline corrects itself before he gets erased completely.
Super solid explanation, but I think the original question is asking why Dave and Linda literally disappear from top to bottom in the photo: in other words, Dave's hair is erased, then his whole head, then his feet, and Linda also disappears similarly. When we see Marty start to disappear in the photo, it is his whole body that starts to fade all at once, instead of vertically like his siblings.
28th Sep 2015
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
Question: Who was the mutant at the beginning and what did he (or she?) find? It was something like an iron X-men logo.
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Answer: He wanted to see for himself if the stories were true. Some reporters tend to exaggerate the facts and if he had any other weaknesses. He couldn't be sure the kryptonite would work.
While I don't exactly disagree that Lex wanted to see for himself how invincible Superman is, I don't think that's the main reason why he did it. The bullets and fire were simply a charade to make it look like this was his security system. Keep in mind, he wanted Superman to enter his lair because the real trap was the Kryptonite that he had in the lead box.