Plot hole: Even if the 30 bus passengers that were already dead had been burned up in the explosion of the building their bodies would still have been autopsied after the fact, thus proving that Phoenix had killed them beforehand and vindicated Spartan.
22nd Oct 2021
Demolition Man (1993)
27th Aug 2003
Demolition Man (1993)
Other mistake: During the scene where Phoenix is questioning the leader of the future society in his office, he says at least one word (hell) that he should have been fined for, and isn't. We see that there is a ticket printer in the room in a later scene, when Savage sets it off during his own confrontation. (01:06:50)
Suggested correction: Maybe it's because Phoenix isn't coded, so the swear printer doesn't know who to fine, and for that matter, because of it, it may not even register that it actually is being said by a human (it might be assuming it is a recording) since there is no voiceprint/coding match to attach the fine to.
False correction as when Simon was using the computer on the street (the "damn I'm possessed" scene) he curses there and it gives him a violation there. So therefore the machine in the leaders office should have given him a fine as well.
True, but it may also be a technological limitation based on proximity, (when Phoenix is in the booth, it knows that the person who violated the rule is right there, as it can easily "triangulate" his position based on there being multiple microphones in the booth for better background noise rejection, vs in a room where there are potentially multiple people in the same room.
This is too much of a stretch to justify a mistake in the film. You're making stuff up about non-existent technology that isn't fully explained in the film. The mistake stands, whether it was deliberate to keep the flow of the scene or a slip in dialog by the actor.
18th Mar 2014
Eraser (1996)
Factual error: When they are running the disc from Donahue's office, the technician takes the radio to transmit their exact location. But at the beginning of the movie, they "lose transmission in the vault." There's no way a radio would work in that room.
Suggested correction: The video transmitter is low power (likely under 1 watt, and possibly also in the microwave frequencies) whereas the 2-way commercial radio is much higher power, in the UHF or VHF bands, with a system that is designed to minimize dead spots in the building, likely using a repeater system to boost the coverage.
29th May 2020
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
Other mistake: When Ana received her flowers the card facing her says Christian Grey Enterprises, when she reads the card to see who they are from it says Christian and she contemplated putting the flowers in the bin. Ana would have known they were from Christian when she answered the door because of the business card facing her.
Suggested correction: Who ever said she didn't know who they were from? When the delivery man gave her the flowers, she gave a look as if she knew they were from Christian and was probably thinking of him while looking at the card. Nobody said she didn't know who they were from, or that it was "revealed" to her, because who else would be sending her flowers, especially after a break-up?
Suggested correction: Just because it's right there in front of her, doesn't mean that she saw it, or registered it.
19th Dec 2017
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
Continuity mistake: Just before Christian's helicopter crash, you can see that he's got a little stubble on his face. After he comes home - on the same day - he has more stubble, and is wearing a different shirt.
Suggested correction: Some men's stubble grows relatively quickly, I know a few men that can have a full on 5 o'clock shadow by noon, and he might have changed his shirt from a gym bag or from anywhere, since the shirt he was wearing when the accident occurred may have been pretty torn up.
21st Nov 2018
Fifty Shades Freed (2018)
Character mistake: When Anastasia has to make out the 5 million dollar check to "cash" to get the money to release Mia, she signs the check with her old last name, "Anastasia Steele" instead of "Anastasia Grey", which is written on the top left corner of the check.
Suggested correction: A key point in the movie is how Christian is upset that she didn't take his name in her work life, so it wouldn't be unreasonable that she signed the check using her maiden name (it also could have been just as easily a force of habit thing, it does take time to get used to using the correct name!).
18th Nov 2006
Judge Dredd (1995)
Corrected entry: The central computer explains that the DNA is imprinted onto the bullets by direct skin contact. However, all judges use long-sleeve uniforms and gloves, so there is no skin-gun contact.
Correction: They could load the bullets into the clips with bare hands at home. Cops really do pull prints off the unfired bullets in recovered guns.
Or, there is a DNA sensor in the grip that doesn't require direct contact, I mean it is 2139, almost 150 years from when the movie was made, technology has obviously continued to progress.
31st Aug 2020
Judge Dredd (1995)
Other mistake: Dredd tells Judge Hershey that lethal range for bullets is 300 meters "you're safe" straight after people were being shot and wounded on the ground at that distance.
Suggested correction: Wounded, but not dead. He says they aren't lethal, he doesn't say they can't hit you though. His logic is that they can't be killed by the bullets so therefore they are safe.
Presumably the Judges also have body armour which will protect from extreme range and hence lower power bullets, which civilians wouldn't have.
This. That statement about how it would be lethal even though they're 300 meters away always bugged me (on multiple sites), of course it might be injurious or even lethal to civilians, but I'd expect that Judges would wear armor that would protect them.
They were shot dead, extremely obviously. Huge holes in the stomach.
5th Apr 2021
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)
Factual error: When Major Kira was introducing Lieutenant Commanders Dax and Worf to the arriving Trill scientists, she introduces them as Commander Dax and Worf. While in informal conversation, they could be addressed as Commander, when making formal introductions, the person making the introductions would use their full proper rank. This is an error that no ranking officer would make, especially not twice. (00:03:10)
Suggested correction: And when was this established? If you are basing this error on modern American military protocols, there is no reason Starfleet in the 24th century would follow the same rules and traditions.
Yes, although it's not just American military introductions, it's pretty standard in most militaries to use full rank when making formal introductions, which has been followed for the most part by the writers, with other introductions that have happened onscreen.
24th Jun 2020
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)
Plot hole: Thomas Riker is able to steal the Defiant partially because he's a genetic double for and not a clone of Will Riker. Thomas Riker's existence is not a secret. Star Fleet is aware that the first officer of their flagship has a genetic duplicate who resigned and is out there somewhere. There should be something in place to verify Will's location before giving Thomas access. But then, of course, we wouldn't have an episode.
Suggested correction: At this point Thomas Riker is still a Starfleet officer. There is no need to lock him out of accessing the Defiant's systems as he is considered just as trustworthy as Will.
It's said that he resigned over suspected Maquis sympathies. They were right.
They say that he had expressed political opinions that supported the Maquis, not that he had resigned from Starfleet. A large number of Starfleet officers supported the Maquis' intentions, but still stayed loyal to Starfleet.
No, Thomas Riker accessed the Defiant under the guise of being Will Riker, and Major Kira released the lockouts being under that impression.
Exactly. NOBODY in Star Fleet has thought "Well, what if one of them claims to be the other? How do we tell them apart?"
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Suggested correction: Considering a building fell on the bodies it would be extremely hard to determine the actual cause of death. Phoenix also could have killed them in a way that doesn't easily show in an autopsy, like asphyxiation.
True, but why would they take the word of a known murdering kingpin over a police officer that while may not do things by the book, has always been for the greater good? It just seems way too far fetched.
The lack of soot and other ignition debris in the lungs and tracheas of the dead bodies would have immediately told the pathologists and coroners who examined the bodies that the hostages were dead before the building was destroyed by an explosion supposedly set off by John Spartan. It doesn't matter how badly mangled the bodies were - a tissue sample no bigger than your little finger would have told them everything they needed to know. John Spartan did not commit manslaughter.