
13th May 2015

Howard the Duck (1986)

Trivia: The Rolling Eggs cover has an article titled "Merganser Music." A merganser is a fish eating duck.


13th May 2015

Howard the Duck (1986)

Trivia: In Howard's apartment we see the duck version of Raiders of the Lost Ark, "Breeders of the Lost Stork" from the creators of Beaks (Jaws) and Fowl Wars (Star Wars). This is referencing executive producer George Lucas's work, as well as director/writer William Huyck. Huyck did the screenplay for The Temple of Doom as well as being an uncredited writer for Star Wars.


13th May 2015

Howard the Duck (1986)

Trivia: Howard's money says "The United States of Anatidae." Anatidae is the biological family of ducks, geese, and swans.


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