Question: Are alleys common in Texas neighborhoods? And are they normally big enough that cars can drive by in two directions? I only ask because they are rare in my part of the US.
25th Jan 2024
King of the Hill (1997)
25th Jun 2023
King of the Hill (1997)
Peggy the Boggle Champ - S1-E9
Question: Bobby points out the adult situations and profanity in the movie "Risky Business." Luanne says, "Not anymore," because she rented it from Blockbuster. Did Blockbuster really have edited movies? I went there in the mid- and late 2000s, and I definitely watched some movies with profanity, nudity, etc.
Answer: Blockbuster was somewhat notorious for carrying edited films or simply choosing not to carry a film, especially in smaller cities, to be more family-friendly. However, this was more for NC-17 films and unrated films that were deemed to get an NC-17 rating if they were rated. But even some controversial R-rated films weren't available unless the studio provided an edited version. For example, "The Last Temptation of Christ" wasn't carried when it came out on VHS. Edited R-rated films usually had controversial scenes cut out, rather than have swear words dubbed and nudity removed (although allegedly there were edited films where the nudity was pixilated). But Blockbuster never did the editing. This line just seems to be an exaggerated joke about how far Blockbuster censors films for small, conservative towns like Arlen.
10th Jun 2023
King of the Hill (1997)
The Substitute Spanish Prisoner - S6-E2
Question: Why did Dr. Vayzosa tell Peggy to make the check out to cash, instead of his name? She was about to hand it directly to him anyway. (I would understand him not wanting to have a "cash" check go through the mail.) Does it have something to do with his scam?
Answer: It has everything to do with his scam. While I don't think the episode reveals it, it's highly unlikely his real name is Robert Vayzosa, and even less likely he's actually a doctor of any type. By making it out to "cash," he doesn't have to give his real name and could probably cash it at any bank without having an account there or even ID, depending on where he went. Think of the scene in "Black Sheep" where the reporter is blackmailing Tracy and she agrees to write him a check. She says, "you'll have to tell me your name so I know who to make the check out to." And he replies, "My best friends call me Cash," even though she was going to hand him the check.
11th May 2006
King of the Hill (1997)
Question: What is Bobby's full name? There is one episode where Peggy says that she and Hank gave him a dumb middle name.
Answer: Bobby's full name is Robert Jeffrey Hill. I cannot recall the episode however on whether it was a joke to give him a dumb middle name.
This might be a continuity mistake now. In "Bobby Slam" (Season 2, Episode 10), Peggy says that she wanted Bobby's first name to be Jeffrey, but "some man" wouldn't "let" her name him that. Also, Boomhauer's first name is revealed to be Jeffrey, and he is highly respected by his friends and neighbors. Doesn't sound like a name that Peggy really thinks is "dumb."
Answer: In S03E18, "Love Hurts and So Does Art", where Bobby gets gout, they take him to the doctor's to see what's wrong with his toe. When Peggy is filling out the HMO forms, she says, "You know, Bobby, we gave you a dumb middle name."
1st Jan 2023
King of the Hill (1997)
The Father, the Son and J.C. - S6-E5
Question: After Jimmy Carter leaves, Cotton says something like "hen-pecked by the oh-peck." What does he mean?
Answer: He says "henpecked by OPEC." OPEC is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Henpecked is an insult, usually about a man whose wife is constantly ordering him around and belittling of him, and implies the man is too weak to stand up to her. Cotton is saying Jimmy Carter was too weak to stand up against OPEC. Jimmy Carter often is blamed for the 1979 energy crisis.
12th Sep 2022
King of the Hill (1997)
Question: Trying to remember the episode where Peggy damn near kills herself competing with Minh over who donates the most blood.
Answer: "The Buck Stops Here", s05e02.
14th Oct 2020
King of the Hill (1997)
Question: I don't know much about cars. Will someone explain what is humorous about Tammi wrecking a Chevette (her mother's) instead of a Corvette?
Answer: The Chevette was a short-lived, small, economically friendly hatchback. The Corvette was about 3-4 times more expensive new. While the names are similar, they didn't have anything in common other than being manufactured by Chevrolet. The Chevette name was basically meant to mean "baby Chevrolet" since it was so small and not a "baby Corvette." It's unlikely Tammi's mom would have been able to afford a Corvette.
10th Apr 2020
King of the Hill (1997)
Death of a Propane Salesman (2) - S3-E1
Question: The inspector/official Dale talks to wears a jacket with the initials RRC on it - what do they stand for?
Answer: Texas Railroad Commission. They're the agency that regulate the oil and natural gas industry, natural gas utilities, pipeline safety, and safety of the liquefied petroleum gas industry.
23rd Sep 2018
King of the Hill (1997)
Question: Can someone explain to me what a red shirt means? I know in one episode when someone broke Bill's high school touchdown record that Hank mentioned that Bill was red shirted because Bill went into the army before he graduated thus compelled Bill to go back to high school and try and break the record again.
Answer: The main point of being red-shirted is that a student athlete only has 4-years of eligibility to play. By red-shirting as a freshman, a student is allowed to practice, to get better, bigger, etc and then still be able to play for 4 years (seasons).
18th Nov 2006
King of the Hill (1997)
The Wedding of Bobby Hill - S3-E14
Question: When Luanne tells Bobby that he wasn't in Rad's inner circle and he was just a hanger-on, what does she mean when she says "like AJ"?
Answer: I just watched this episode on Hulu yesterday. There is a moment in the hotel (where Rad takes Luanne for a date) when Rad says hello to a man named AJ, while he hugs Luanne. I am quite sure that I never saw this moment when the episode aired on regular TV channels.
Answer: This is a reference to the Backstreet Boys, of whom AJ was the least popular member.
Has nothing to do with AJ from BSB. He was never the least popular. He was like the main singer in the group. Howie was the least favorite and didn't even sing.
Answer: We're never told, but he was just a friend of Rad.
8th Mar 2017
King of the Hill (1997)
Question: Everyone tells Luanne that her father is working on an oil rig, not wanting her to know that he is actually in jail. But she knew that her mother was in jail, so why not tell the truth about her father?
Answer: Couple things, first only Peggy knew the truth about Hoyt (Luanne's father) being in prison and Peggy is the one who said he's on an oil rig. But, Hoyt is Peggy's brother, so she could have been trying to hide the fact her brother is in jail. Lucky (Luanne's husband) deduced Hoyt had been in prison, but seems to be the only other person to know the truth, so when Hoyt went back to prison, he kept Peggy's lie up to spare Luanne. Additionally, Luanne was there when her mother stabbed Hoyt and was arrested, so it's not like someone had to break the news to her and they couldn't hide the fact. With Hoyt, even if Peggy wasn't trying to protect her brother's reputation, she didn't want Luanne, who is a sensitive and emotional young woman, to have to deal with knowing both parents are in jail.
23rd Apr 2007
King of the Hill (1997)
Question: What is Boomhauer's first name?
Answer: His full name is Jeffery Dexter Boomhauer III. (His father is Jeffery Boomhauer II). While he does say his name in the video game, in "Uh-Oh Canada", a woman calls him Jeff.
6th Aug 2008
King of the Hill (1997)
Question: Is this one of the longest-running animated shows after The Simpsons? It's been around for eleven seasons.
Answer: As of 2014, King of the Hill finished with 11 season, putting it 6th among longest running US animated shows (with at least 3 animated shows already in 9th or 10th season.) In terms of episodes, it's 3rd with 259 episodes, behind The Simpsons and The Bugs and Tweety Show, with South Park nearing that number.
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Answer: I'm not sure if I'd call it common, but from my experience living in Texas, I do know of plenty of areas that have alleys between houses. They're generally not marked one-way, so cars can travel both ways, but they're also generally not divided into a two-lane road. Arlen is a fictional town meant to be a suburb of Dallas and modeled after Garland. Just looking at the map of Garland, I can tell you alleys seem common in the neighborhoods, but I've never been there personally.