
18th Oct 2017

Cabin Fever (2002)

Question: So what exactly is cabin fever? Like I get that it's a virus... But what does it do? I know it's referred to as a "skin eating virus" but what exactly is it? What exactly does it do? Does it kill you? Just what is it and where did it come from?

Answer: In real life, "cabin fever" is not a disease or infection caused by bacteria or viruses. It's a term used when someone or a group of people become irritable, restless, or even claustrophobic after being in a confined space for long periods of time (such as in a cabin during the winter when going outside is difficult or impossible). In the movie, the disease is said to be caused by a virus, which was waterborne and spread through contaminated water. The origin of the disease is not given, but many animals can be carriers of diseases without showing signs and could have infected the water (through urinating, defecating, or dying in the water). The dog somehow got infected (possible through drinking contaminated water) and passed it to the owner through blood contact. From there the virus spread through blood contact or contaminated drinking water. However, "flesh-eating" diseases are caused by bacteria. They don't actually eat flesh, the bacteria end up destroying or killing soft tissue (such as muscles and skin) and releasing toxins. This can result in rashes and vomiting blood, and if the toxin are potent enough and get in the blood stream, can cause death.


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