
Character mistake: According to David, the triplets were "adopted by a blue-collar family, a middle-class family, and a more affluent family." There are different ways to measure social class, but there are similarities. Bobby's more affluent family (father M.D.; mother attorney) would be "upper-middle." "Eddy's father was a teacher. Middle-class" would be "lower-middle." "My family had a little store...more blue-collar" would be lower - or upper-middle depending on income. All three families were middle class. (00:20:30)


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Suggested correction: Nothing in your entry indicates a mistake. "More affluent" doesn't mean upper-middle class. And a teacher wouldn't necessarily be lower-middle class. Not to mention the fact that according to your own words, you said all three families were middle class and then ended the mistake with all three families were middle class. (Upper-middle and lower-middle are still middle class).


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