
17th Feb 2022

The Neighbors (2012)

Close Encounters of the Bird Kind - S2-E20

Continuity mistake: When Dick Butkus is in the clubhouse doing "The Butkus Group", the door is open. After Max and Abby leave and Bill Nye says you can't charge a cell phone with a potato, it's still open. But in the outside shot of Max Abby, the door is now closed.


17th Feb 2022

The Neighbors (2012)

Challoweenukah - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: After Reggie Jackson goes inside and Jackie Joyner-Kersee is talking to Dick Butkus, her hands switch from being down by her side to up around her waist depending on the camera angle.


17th Feb 2022

The Neighbors (2012)

Mo Purses Mo Money Mo Problems - S1-E21

Continuity mistake: When Marty grabs the puzzles from Jackie Joyner-Kersee, he has the newspaper tucked under his arm. It's still under his arm when he says maybe doing puzzles with Max is their thing, but in the next shot, the paper is in his hand. It's back under his arm in the next shot.


17th Feb 2022

The Neighbors (2012)

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Larry Bird hands Marty the pie, Marty takes it with one hand and then grabs it with his other hand. In the next shot, the pie is no longer in his hands and he's seen grabbing it with both hands at once.


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