David Little

21st May 2007

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Corrected entry: When MJ goes over to Harry's place for lunch, Harry is seen putting butter and what looks like peppers into the pan. They then start dancing until MJ says "The butter!" The next shot shows the pan with only butter in in - no peppers.

Correction: Harry puts red peppers in a stainless steel skillet and puts the butter in a black non-stick pan. When she yells,"The butter!," they then add eggs to the black skillet with the butter. The Butter and Peppers were never in the same pan.

David Little

Corrected entry: In the car chase against the three BMW's, John shoots at them with his pistol, and we see the bullets bouncing off, Jane makes mention that they are "bullet proof" One BMW gets blown up with the grenade, yet a little while later Jane throws the mini van in a 180 and takes out the remaining 2 BMW's with her pistol.


Correction: I might be wrong, but I believe all of the shots that bounced off of the car were aimed at the glass since John was trying to shoot the driver. When Jane shoots at the vehicle she shoots through the frame of the vehicle into the wheel well. Bullet proofing of the glass does not constitute bulletproofing of the entire frame.

David Little

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