Brian Katcher

17th Apr 2024

General questions

When scenes take place in restaurants, a character will occasionally order something like "the chicken", "the salmon", or "the steak." In my experience, most restaurants have more than one option that involves chicken, steak, etc. Is there a reason for doing this on-camera, or have I just not found such a restaurant?

Answer: Someone ordering food isn't particularly interesting. "I'll have the t-bone steak, medium well, with a baked potato—hold the chives—and broccoli" would slow down the movie's pacing more than "I'll have the steak."

Brian Katcher

Answer: Totally agree with the other answer but would add that movie scenes are filmed multiple times over many hours or even several days to get the best result. In a restaurant scene, if an order is being served, it's easier with simpler food, like a T-bone steak, that won't make a mess, spill, smell, or wilt under hot lights. It also keeps the audience from being distracted by hearing some fancy menu item being ordered and then wondering what it is. Realistic-looking prop food may also be used, so simpler is better, easier, and more efficient.


5th Jan 2024

General questions

What is the name of this possibly Japanese cartoon I saw in the 80s? Futuristic soldiers are converted into cyborgs to work in space. It follows an elite team before and after the conversion. One was an alien from the planet 'Mime' who never spoke. Another were a twin brother and sister who had the code names 'Iron Heart' and 'Iron Will.' During conversion, they realized Iron Heart had a defective heart, so they replaced it with machinery, making his name more appropriate.

Brian Katcher

Answer: "SilverHawks" (1986). The twins were called "Steelheart" and "Steelwill," who had artificial hearts put in during their transformation. Steelheart was the sister, though; Emily Hart, and her brother was Will Hart.


Thank you! Me confusing iron and steel made it impossible to Google.

Brian Katcher

5th Jan 2024

General questions

What TV character approached two people and said "Good morning" to one, then "Good afternoon" to the other, pointing out that the time had changed to noon in between? I know it's a trivial moment, but I suddenly remembered it and now I'm curious.

Answer: In the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror VIII, Professor Frink points this out to the family in a parody of "The Fly".

Brian Katcher


1st Dec 2023

General questions

In some English shows or movies, sometimes there's a scene where an English speaker can't understand a foreigner because of the language they're speaking. Like "I'm sorry, I don't speak/understand German." So what happens when these shows or movies get translated/dubbed into that foreign language? So in my example, if it was dubbed into German, would they dub all the German lines into a different language, like French?


Answer: It really depends on the show and the circumstances. In the Airplane! movie, for instance, the Black characters speak with a thick Bavarian accent in Germany and a thick Neapolitan accent in Italian dubs. In some Spanish dubs, however, I've heard characters say 'I don't speak Spanish' in Spanish. It's understood by the audience that the characters are actually speaking English.

Brian Katcher

29th Jul 2020

General questions

Anyone recognize this horror movie/TV show from 1990 or earlier? A surly preteen is walking down a street, when he's accosted by a strange man who says the boy is upset because it's his birthday and his parents forgot. The boy runs off, but obviously the comment hit home. He walks into an abandoned building to find a party with cake and presents all set up for him. He keeps calling for his family to come out, but instead, strange toy robots come clanking out of the darkness. When the boy opens the cake box, there's a severed human head inside which smiles and says 'hi', causing the boy to scream and run off. I was babysitting when I watched this and it was upsetting my charge so I turned it off, and I never got to see the ending, and it always bothered me.

Brian Katcher

Answer: The movie is called Spookies.

Thank you.

Brian Katcher

26th Feb 2023

General questions

What is the name of this point and click video game I played in 1986 or 87? You follow your dog through a portal in your uncle's (?) lab and wind up in a world where everyone (including the dog) is super cool. It being the 80s, that meant they dressed like martians. I could never get very far, because after a couple of minutes of game time, the bad guy would feed you to a carnivorous zoo animal.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Some of this description sounds a lot like "Pepper's Adventures in Time" but that came out in the early 90s. Also the game didn't have any Martians in it.

If it came out in the 90s, I didn't play it in the 80s.

Brian Katcher

2nd Feb 2023

General questions

I've seen this in a few movie/TV scenes. A man wants to ask a woman out on a date, but he expects her to say no and make an excuse. One common excuse is "I'm washing my hair that night." What is the origin of this? I am a woman who was born in the late '80s, so, for as long as I can remember, girls and women have washed their hair a few times per week.

Answer: According to my research, this was a more reasonable excuse before the 1980s. Many women wanted time for their hair to dry and "set", i.e. for a perm style in the 1950s. Some preferred to have this done at a salon, so an appointment could actually prevent them from accepting a date. Also, families in rural or low-income areas might conserve water. A girl/woman would not always have the luxury of going to a salon, or washing her hair every couple of nights.

Answer: They are making a lame, flimsy excuse to avoid going out with the guy. Washing one's hair doesn't take that long and isn't something that couldn't be rescheduled. Instead of coming up with a plausible excuse, they're basically letting the guy (and the audience) know they just don't like the guy.

Brian Katcher

This doesn't explain why it has become such a common joke/excuse in movies and TV.

The line "I'm washing my hair" is a way to tell a guy she's not interested. Example. In the movie "Back To The Future", Biff asks Lorraine out to the school dance and she says she's busy washing her hair. This is because she doesn't want to go out with him. Using this line in other TV shows and movies has become something of a trope.

Answer: Before the invention of shampoo conditioner, women would use lye soap. It would take literally a day for a complete washing, cleaning and grooming of hair.

Hardly something that happened after the advent of TV.

Brian Katcher

23rd Jan 2023

General questions

Looking for a cabinet game I played in an arcade in the early 1990s. It was a first person shooter, where you used a plastic gun to shoot the screen. The premise is you are in a city that's been taken over by ghosts and demons and you fight possessed items rather than monsters. The final boss on the first level is a movie poster where a actor and actress' face jump out of the poster and attack you. The second level is a restaurant where you fight flying plates and coats.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Maybe "Laser Ghost" (1990)?


That's it! Thanks.

Brian Katcher

15th Oct 2022

General questions

There was a short cartoon I saw in the early 80s where every time the guy used a figure of speech, it would happen literally: I combed the beach (with an actual comb); I put my foot in my mouth (literally); She had a lot of little ones (tiny numeral 1s).

Brian Katcher

Answer: "Symphony in Slang" by Tex Avery (1951).

Thanks. You just solved a 40-year-old problem for me.

Brian Katcher

You're welcome.

11th Oct 2022

General questions

What was this science fiction movie from the early 80s or earlier? An earth man is undergoing a procedure by aliens (or future people) to make him super intelligent. I just remember the aliens chanting 'Think about the brain...think about the brain...' over and over again.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Maybe "Starship Invasions," (1977) two alien races bring their war to Earth. One set experiments on humans, while the others ask for their help.

I don't think that's it either. I'm pretty sure I saw it in the theater and that was before my time.

Brian Katcher

Answer: There is a 1977 TV-Movie, "The Man with the Power." A man discovers his father was an alien from another planet. He has super powers. An alien emissary appears to advise him on how to use his powers to help mankind. I don't know about the "think about the brain" scene. It hasn't been broadcast in twenty years. There are a couple of other movies, but I believe this is the one your looking for.

Thanks, but after googling it, I don't think that's it. The man in my movie was older, they definitely were performing some sort of medical procedure on him, there were in some sort of futuristic hospital, there were multiple aliens, and I'm almost certain I saw this in the theater.

Brian Katcher

11th Apr 2022

General questions

Trying to remember where I saw this scene from - a guy is telling a story about where a racing dog caught the mechanical rabbit it was chasing and got electrocuted in the process.

Answer: Actually I saw it again earlier tonight - it was the criminal minds episode To a Better Place.

Answer: Except for the man and the dog, There is a Bugs Bunny cartoon, "The Grey Hounded Hare," Bugs believes the mechanical rabbit is real and tries to stop the dogs from chasing it, after disposing of them, he kisses the rabbit and gets electricuted.

Answer: In that case, there's the movie The Firm. Ed Harris talks about how if a greyhound catches the rabbit, it will never race again.

Brian Katcher

Except it's not a rabbit, it's a bone. And there's nothing about being electrocuted. He doesn't even tell a story about it.


18th Sep 2019

General questions

There was a movie about a mad scientist who was trying to create a clone of his dead wife. He had a handsome young lab assistant. When the assistant's girlfriend falls into a coma after an accident, the scientist offers to clone her as well. The assistant declines, saying a clone wouldn't be the woman who fell in love with him; the girlfriend later recovers. The scientist realises he'll never be able to recreate the past and ends up marrying a much younger woman.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Sounds like the 1985 film "Creator", starring Peter O'Toole, although I can't be certain about the lab assistant and his girlfriend. But a young woman who agrees to donate her egg and the scientist fall in love. There's also the 2017 film called "Andover" where a scientist clones his dead wife, although that film has less in common with your description than the first.


Yep, 'Creator' was it. Thank you.

Brian Katcher

4th Apr 2017

General questions

Searching for the name of a story. It's about two teenage friends. One of them invents a time machine and when the button is pressed, they both end up in Medieval times. Unfortunately, the kid who invented the time machine is turned into a horse while his friend remains human but must take the place of a knight who looks exactly like him.

Answer: It's called 'Max and Me and the Time Machine' (though they acquired the time machine from the estate of a mad scientist).

Brian Katcher

14th Dec 2015

General questions

I'm trying to figure out what a movie is that I watched as a child. It looked like it was a 60's maybe 70's movie. A woman starts rolling around in brown stuff and bubbly foam stuff that is gushing out of the walls filling what looks like a round living room.

Answer: Sounds like you're thinking of the movie version of the musical 'Tommy':

Brian Katcher

26th Nov 2010

General questions

Okay so I would like help finding out the name of this movie. I think it was made in the 80's maybe the early 90's. The only thing i remember is it was about a girl who is rich and I think she complains about her life, and so she switches lives with a poor person. I also only remember that there is a scene where a girl skinny dips.

Answer: It's 'Maid to Order, ' starring Ally Sheedy.

Brian Katcher

9th Mar 2015

General questions

I saw a film, a long time ago, I think it may have been black and white. At some point there is a sheep's body with a man's head, and I think that this creature was in a hospital bed, possibly in a psychiatric hospital. Any idea what the film could be?


Chosen answer: If it was a pig's body, then it was 'O Lucky Man!' from 1973:

Brian Katcher

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