Brian Katcher

18th Dec 2023

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Question: In the restaurant scene with Mentalino, after the boys eat peppers, Mental goes out and calls in, then comes back and asks the boys why they travel so light - only saw a briefcase and some other stuff. So... Why didn't Mental just take the briefcase and leave? That's what he was along for - to find.

Answer: At this point, Mental still believes the boys are highly trained professionals. He wants to find out who hired them, and then eliminate them.

Brian Katcher

5th Oct 2023

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Question: Why were Harry and Lloyd walking home at the end? They said the hog broke down, but what about the car they bought? I know they used the money out of the briefcase to buy it, but surely Mary would've let them keep it as a reward since she was gonna give it away to the kidnappers anyway?

Answer: They explicitly say, "First Mary dumps us, then the cops take away our nest egg." So, Mary did not let them keep it (also, it's hard to imagine that she would have been pleased with them having blown all the money that was meant to save her husband). They would not have been able to keep any of the things they bought with the money since they stole the money to begin with (you could argue that they didn't steal it at first when Lloyd grabbed the briefcase, but once they knew it was money, it was certainly theft to spend it all and replace it with IOUs). It all would have been returned to the rightful owners.

Answer: I got the impression the money came from Mary's husband's family, who might not want to gift them a Lamborghini Diablo. Why she didn't buy them a bus ticket, on the other hand.

Brian Katcher

22nd Oct 2020

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Question: What does the bad guy mean when he says "How the hell do they know that I've got gas"?

Answer: The idiots left a note for the 'gas man', explaining why they were running out on their delinquent heating bill. The hit man, who suffers from chronic stomach gas, thinks the note is for him, and that Lloyd and Harry are highly skilled professionals who have him under surveillance and know even minute details about his health.

Brian Katcher

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