Michael Albert

Answer: The record is the song, "Merry Go-Round Broke Down, " known to most of us as the "Looney Toons" theme. That was Judge Doom's first clue that Roger could be around. We don't see who started the record playing, but it was probably the eponymous rabbit, himself. If so, he would have left his scent on the record, which the supremely evil Judge Doom could have picked up by sniffing the vinyl.

Michael Albert

Question: In the scene where Jessica Rabbit performs, when she's interacting with different objects in the room, such as the cloth napkin on Mr. Acme's table (to polish his bald head) and Eddie Valliant's tie and coat, how did they accomplish that if Jessica was drawn on the film later (so I've been led to believe is the process with cartoon/reality movies). Did they actually have a stand-in/actress that they drew over?

Answer: According to the Disney Wiki (http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Who_Framed_Roger_Rabbit) : "During production, one of the biggest challenges faced by the makers of the film was how to get the cartoon characters to realistically interact with real on-set props. This was ultimately accomplished in two different ways. Certain props (such as Baby Herman's cigar or the plates Roger smashes over his head) were moved on-set via motion control machines hooked up to operator who would move the objects in exactly the desired manner. Then, in post, the character was simply drawn 'over' the machine. The other way of doing it was by using puppeteers. This is most seen in the scene in the Ink & Paint club. The glasses held by the octopus bartender were in fact being controlled by puppeteers from above, whilst the trays carried by the penguin waiters were on sticks being controlled from below - both the wires and the sticks were simply removed in post and the cartoons added in." While Jessica's performance model is credited as Betsy Brantley, it appears she was the basis for the animation, rather than actually being present on-set.

Michael Albert

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