Question: Why did Freddy's voice change? At the start of the film when he was chasing Tina, he said, "This is god," but throughout the rest of the film (and the series of the films) his voice went deeper. You have to kind of listen carefully throughout the film to know what I'm talking about.
30th Oct 2009
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
6th Nov 2008
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
Question: I saw this movie for the first time in years the other night, and I did not remember that Nancy was killed in this one. Is this the last nightmare film that she was in (other than the one where Freddy came to the real world and everybody played real names)?
Answer: Yes it is the last one.
Answer: Technically she was also in New Nightmare, both as the "Nancy" character and as the actress Heather in various scenes.
Technically the author said other than the one where Freddy came to the real world and everybody played real names. So therefore the 1st answer was accurate.
6th Nov 2008
The Monster Squad (1987)
Question: What was Sean's mother reacting to? She turned with a puzzled look before Dracula's car ever came near the house.
Answer: She heard the tires squealing and just had a reaction to that like anybody else would.
Answer: If you remember, the mother lit a candle and told Phoebe it would keep the house safe from monsters and lightning. The sound she reacted to was the candle blowing out, indicating the house was no longer protected.
She turned around in reaction at the same time the tires squealed.
No, she is NOT reacting to the tires. When the scene begins, the candle is in the lower right corner of the screen. It blows out and she reacts to the sound. I've been having this debate since 1989.
8th Sep 2008
General questions
I am trying to find the name of a late 80's or early 90's movie. The film features a newlywed couple who are honeymooning in a castle. The castle has a few ghosts inhabiting it, and the husband falls in love with one of the ghosts. Somehow the ghost becomes human again at the end, and then she and the husband end up together. Does anyone know the name of this movie?
Answer: The movie is called High Spirits. It starred Steve Guttenberg and Daryl Hannah.
2nd Aug 2008
Die Hard (1988)
Question: Has Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Die Hard 3 and Live Free and Die Hard ever been spoofed? If so which ones and what is the film that spoofed it/them?
Answer: There was a Netflix movie in 2018 that directly spoofed "Die Hard." It's called "Game Over, Man!"
26th Jan 2008
Blue Streak (1999)
Question: In the scene where the three officers (one of them being Martin Lawrence) went to the airport to check out the situation there, Mallone picks up a piece of the exhibit. Wouldn't the FBI run the prints on the items, and if so, Martin Lawrence's fingerprints would come up and reveal his true identity since he is in the system?
Answer: Yes, however Malone is not a real cop, only pretending to be one. Therefore it is safe to assume he would not know procedures of the police department and would not think his prints would be run by the FBI. He thinks he is safe because he is a cop. That's how big his ego is.
Yes, but the reason they don't worry about fingerprints is because they decided to immediately set up the sting operation, since they only had hours before the package was to be delivered in 3 hours. So, they had to hurry and make it there in time to do the bust.
12th Jun 2008
General questions
This movie was similar to Carrie. It was about a nerdish girl who was teased a lot in school and she ended up having telekinetic powers. I remember two scenes: 1) When she was chasing a girl in the locker room, the girl hid in a locker. The telekinetic girl stood in front of the locker, then sang "whoop bop ba loop ba whoop bam boop" (song Tutti Frutti) and as soon as she said the last word the locker caved in on the girl. 2) The telekinetic girl was on a toy horse in her room talking to her mom and I think the horse stuck his tongue out. If you have any clue what I am talking about can you help please?
Answer: The movie is titled, Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2. The movie came out in 1987.
2nd Jun 2008
Cloverfield (2008)
Question: I was wondering, and I've seen the movie, do Rob and Beth live? And will there be a number 2?
Answer: Whilst they have made a second film, 10 Cloverfield Lane, it does not have much, if anything at all, to do with the first film. So we aren't told what happened to Rob and Beth.
Answer: We will not know unless they make a sequel. Right now they are still deciding if they want to make a sequel or not.
18th May 2008
General questions
I am trying to get the name of movie I saw a trailer for this year. Two Americans (I think) go to China or Japan. One of the girls keeps seeing like a orb or ghost figure on computer screens and is shown a room in some office that has pictures covering the wall and each picture has this same orb or ghost figure. It has to be a movie from 2007 or 2008.
23rd Jan 2008
General questions
I saw this film that was made around the 70's or 80's. It was set in Africa, and in one scene there were two Africans children who fell into a tank of water which was on a truck. These children had never seen water before. In another scene the younger brother was out in the wild and he was approached by an animal which looked like a dog. The animal stood up and if it was taller than him it would attack him. The boy knew this so he grabbed the stick and put it on top of his head. The animal backed down. It was a comedy. What is this film called?
Chosen answer: Sounds like the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy II".
19th Jan 2008
Cloverfield (2008)
Question: What happens to the people when they get bit? Do they explode or what?
Chosen answer: We never know. Based on what happened to the girl behind the white screen, it looks like it. But we are just left to assume so. It is never clarified.
23rd Dec 2007
General questions
I'm trying to find the name of a movie, possibly made for TV in the mid-to-late 90s. In 1850s Canada, a black man married to a white woman has a beautiful daughter, educated in Paris. He advertises for a white husband for her, who turns out to be a cruel, abusive man. He rapes her on their wedding night and then sells her into slavery in the U.S. In one scene, the mother is served tea by her own daughter, now a slave, on a plantation. They manage to get her away, but who was in it? IMDB doesn't show anything for the actors I think might have been in it, Lou Gossett, Jr., Eva Marie Saint, and Halle Berry.
Answer: Sounds exactly like: Captive Heart: The James Mink Story.
19th Dec 2007
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
Question: Why is Christopher Meloni credited as playing Freakshow? I could have sworn Chris Elliott played that character.
Chosen answer: According to IMDB at this link Christopher Meloni was the only actor in this role. Chris Elliott was never in the movie.
10th Nov 2007
General questions
What movie did I just see a few minutes of? Robin Williams seemed to be playing an autistic or mildly retarded man, and he was at an airport with his son named Tommy, who was also a bit unusual but was looking after him. I believe this was all in flashback.
Answer: The movie was called House Of D.
8th Nov 2007
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
8th Nov 2007
Deliverance (1972)
Question: What exactly happens to Ronny Cox? Does he get shot by the sniper, does he fall out of the canoe and drown, or does he commit suicide?
Answer: No wound. Shook his head and dove from the canoe. Refused his life jacket. Just ridden with guilt as he was dead set against burying the hillbilly.
It's ambiguous. In an unused shot from that scene, Drew does grab at his head before falling overboard. Still, I too think he simply passes out from the stress.
Answer: Just like Burt Reynolds says. He clearly yells out "he was shot."
27th Oct 2007
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
24th Feb 2006
Last Action Hero (1993)
Question: During the sequence where Schwarzenegger plays Hamlet, one of the knights looks remarkably like Robin Williams. Who plays him?
Answer: Since there was no name in the credit for this character, we do not know. However it did not look like Robin Williams to me.
13th Sep 2007
Casper (1995)
12th Oct 2007
General questions
There was a little girl who had a doll and she pushed it around in a stroller. A little boy helped her with the doll and other little boys made fun of him for it. They had a tree house and the kids talked weird [at least I thought so] and then there was a bum who I thought followed them around but I'm not sure. He ate an apple with a knife It was weird but, it's been bothering me and I need an answer.
Answer: Sounds exactly like Dennis The Menace, the 1993 version.
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Answer: The scene you are referring to is a dream sequence. In dreams everything is different and how they change throughout the movie is no mistake.