Jason Riley

19th Jun 2008

The Happening (2008)

Question: Technically, these people would not die from the neurotoxin directly, so do you think it could have eventually worn off? That is, of course, if the people didn't kill themselves first. The government could have sent in troops with gas masks and everyone put in straight jackets and padded rooms so not to get hurt until the toxin wore off. That could have worked; what do you think?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: If it would/could wear off would be debatable. As far as sending troops in wearing gas masks: The masks are simply filters that block molecules of certain sizes. If the neurotoxin molecular structure was small enough, it could pass through the filters. And then there is, if you really wanted to die, you will find a way regardless of the situation.


30th Aug 2007

Wedding Crashers (2005)

Question: What was the "substance" in the eye drops that was dispatched into the water?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: The substance is Visine Eye drops which is an old bartender trick for obnoxious drunks. Just a couple of drops in a drink will indeed make the person feel ill.

Damian Torres

25th Jul 2007

Casino Royale (2006)

Question: Is one born with a deranged tear duct or is it acquired? Also, why does Le Chiffre have a clouded and faded iris, is that part of the disorder? Can he even see out of that eye? The scar above and below his eye must also be related, or could someone have inflicted it upon him?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: It is possible to be born with this affliction, but his injury to the same eye suggests he wasn't.


22nd Jul 2007

Mr. Brooks (2007)

Question: What type of personality disorder does Mr. Brook have, is compulsive killing part of it, and is it really genetic?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: It sounds like Dissociative Identity Disorder. And I think compulsive killing is something he chooses to do, and not connected to his DID; and from skimming the article, it doesn't appear to be genetic.

Cubs Fan

Question: How did Jarda, the last treadstone agent (besides Bourne) set off the silent alarm in his house?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: While it's not explicitly spelled out, it's suggested that he was suspicious from the moment he entered the house (which is why he quickly goes for the gun in the fridge), so what he entered on the alarm keypad when he came in was not a disarm code, but was instead some sort of emergency code which called for backup.


25th Feb 2007

Meet the Fockers (2004)

Question: Does Sodium Pentothal really erase memories of events that happened during and after you take it?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: It doesn't exactly erase your memories, rather it causes a form of apnea and drowsiness, causing you to be semi-concious or not fully awake, similar to blacking out. This causes you to not remember events that took place during your dosage and during the course of time it is in your bloodstream. Since it puts you in a physical and mental state where the easiest things to do are all you can manage the mental strength to do, it is used as a truth serum, since lying is much more complicated than telling the truth. Because of these properties the drug possesses, higher doses can also be used for Euthanasia, Medical Induced Comas, and even Lethal Injections.


11th Feb 2007

The Prestige (2006)

Question: What significance do the melted hats have on the field outside scientist's lab?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: They weren't melted. They were duplicated hats and they were there because the transportation machine Tesla was working on worked more like a fax machine instead of a mere transporter, creating a duplicate in another location.


11th Feb 2007

Crank (2006)

Chosen answer: No. I'm sure something similar could be created, but it would not have the same properties as shown in the film.


24th Oct 2006

Constantine (2005)

Question: Why did Constantine not just destroy the Spear of Destiny, instead of hiding it?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: According to the legend of "The Spear", it is indestructible.

Nick Bylsma

Chosen answer: Yes you can. Quoting from Drugs.com: "Symptoms of a nicotine overdose include nausea; vomiting; watering mouth; diarrhea; abdominal pain; cold sweat; headache; dizziness; disturbed hearing and vision; confusion; weakness; weak, irregular heartbeats; chest pain; seizures; and death."

Kevin Hall

Chosen answer: According to Wikipedia: "Cordite is a family of smokeless propellants made by combining two high explosives: nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin, i.e. it is a double-base propellant. However, Cordite N, a triple-base propellant is also used. Cordite is classified as an explosive, but it is normally used as a propellant for guns and rockets." So yes, it works.


Answer: Yes, cordite is classified a an explosive, but it's rarely used as such. It's a common propellant for artillery shells etc. Realistically, the Jackal would have used a plastic explosive such C4 or Semtex for a bomb. And the mercury fulminate tipped rounds are a fantasy, it's so unstable, it would explode before it had left the barrel.


Question: Is it true that there are acres of computers under the DoD? And that they scan for key words? Can anyone confirm that?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: If there are, it is kept secret. But there is ECHELON http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON which is able to listen in on most forms of electronic communication.


24th Oct 2006

The Sentinel (2006)

Question: Is it really true that when you use a silencer the bullet slows down and is not as strong as if you did not use a silencer?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: Sometimes. A suppressor, known commonly as a silencer, works by reducing the sound of firing by manipulating the escaping propellant gas, and sometimes by reducing the velocity of the bullet. It all depends on the type of suppressor that is used.


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