Matty W

13th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: When Bond first sees golden Jill on the bed she is lying diagonally across the bed with her right foot on the bed and pointed like a ballerina on points. As Bond approaches the bed her right foot is pointing towards the camera. The last shot of Jill's legs show both her feet hanging over the end of the bed meaning that she has changed position and is now lying straight along the bed.

Matty W

12th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: When Pussy Galore's Flying Circus lands at Blue Grass Field, the blonde girl we see getting out of the first Piper is not among the group of pilots who report to Pussy in the next shot.

Matty W

12th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

12th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

Audio problem: Whenever we're looking away from the bomb's countdown timer, it fails to advance as fast as it should, even though from time to time we do hear ticking at the same rate that the counter changes. For example, we see it tick from 010 to 009 and then hear 4 more ticks before it is stopped, but it then displays 007 and not 005.

Matty W

12th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: When Bond enters Goldfinger's hotel room in Miami we see that the transmitter is on the table next to Jill. Bond turns it off but when Jill turns around and says, "Who are you?" we see that Bond is too far away from the table to have just turned off the transmitter.

Matty W

12th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: Bond drops a bottle of wine onto the floor after being hit by Oddjob and he falls and lands almost on top of the bottle, but in the next shot it's a few feet away to his left.

Matty W

12th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: Goldfinger's crew uses a giant truck-mounted laser to burn their way through the Fort Knox entrance. Several shots of the truck show the laser beam being moved across the entrance extremely rapidly; however, when these shots are intercut with views of the entrance itself, the beam inches across the entrance door very, very slowly.

Matty W

12th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

Other mistake: When Felix and his partner are following Odd Job to the airport, thinking they are tracking Bond, they are supposed to be in Kentucky but palm trees are visible in the background en-route.

Matty W

12th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: At the Miami resort, when Goldfinger walks towards the card table, on the far left you can see Bond and Leiter standing watching Goldfinger in the background. In a close up shot of Bond and Leiter we see Bond reaching for a towel and putting it on his shoulder, but then in the wide shots there is no towel over his shoulder and he never moves.

Matty W

12th Nov 2006

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: When Tilly falls after her fatal encounter with Oddjob's hat, she lands on her back. When Bond comes over to kneel over her body, it is face down.

Matty W

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