
Corrected entry: In the chapter, "Prince's tale", there's a memory in which Snape and Lily are talking about the friends of each other (the memory begins with Snape saying "I thought we were friends"). In this memory, Lily says that James has saved Snape's life, but Snape says that he was only saving himself. Some lines before, Snape makes it clear that he doesn't know that Lupin is a werewolf. However, in "Prisoner of Azkaban", Lupin said (and Snape himself) that after James saved Snape's life, he knew that Lupin was a werewolf. So this memory doesn't match - if James already saved Snape's life, he should've known that Lupin was a werewolf. (And that's why he would say that James was only saving himself).

Correction: Nowhere does Snape say he doesn't believe Lupin is a werewolf. He mentions how they sneak out at night. Lily mentions that Lupin is ill. Snape replies "every month at the full moon?" And Lily said that she knew Snape's theory about that. That's the full extent of their conversation.


Corrected entry: Near the end of chapter thirty, it says that the only people left in the room of requirement are Harry, Ginny, Mrs Weasley, Lupin, Fred, George, Bill and Fleur. But on the next page Percy (who had recently entered the room) says sorry to Mr Weasley, but Mr Weasley had left the room along with all the other people.

Correction: It did not say they were the only people in the room. It states "The crowd was thinning. Only a little knot of people remained." It never states who left or who remained. It states that Harry joined Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, Lupin, Fred, Grorge, Bill and Fleur.


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