Kimberly: [To Bulk and Skull] Why don't you guys just crawl back to the ooze you came from? (00:02:13)
Quantom X
11th Jul 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
6th May 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode, Bulk attempts to climb the rope and breaks it, pulling it down with several pieces of the ceiling coming down on top of him. At the end of the episode, this is suddenly all fixed with Trini climbing the same rope. The same gum and dirty spots are all around the top again with the ceiling appearing completely undamaged from before despite Bulk yanking it free and breaking the ceiling. (00:19:25)
6th May 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Revealing mistake: For shows like this, sped up footage can be used for effect on people or items to make them seem like they are going faster. However, in the Command Center after Alpha accident'y zaps himself, he starts to flail around the room rapidly with sped up camera. The rangers move out of the way at seemingly normal speed which would mean they were actually moving slowly when filming to make it appear they were normal. This is a good effect, except the sped up camera is given away by the fact the fluctuating lights on the golden poles around the room are flashing at much higher speeds by the sped up footage, giving it away. (00:05:12)
6th May 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
6th May 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Revealing mistake: After the rope breaks and Bulk is on the floor, he and Skull look up as the ceiling dumps pieces onto them. After this, Bulk spits out white dust that's from the ceiling. However before this even happens as he starts to look up, you can see some white on his lips with his cheeks and mouth perched where he already has the powder in his mouth ready to spit out. (00:03:12)
6th May 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
6th May 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)

Continuity mistake: After Bulk's first attempt to climb the rope, falling to the mat on his butt, Kimberly and Zack are from the overhead view towards the bottom of the screen at the side of the mat. Kimberly is standing away from it, and Zack has one foot on. After Bulk stands up and there's a different angle, suddenly Kimberly and Zack are both on the mat right next to the rope. Jason, Billy and Trini also slightly change positions. (00:03:00)
6th May 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Continuity mistake: When Skull gets up in Jason's face about the climbing rope, asking if he's saying Bulk can't do it, there is a girl in the background with a red shirt sitting down. In the next shot when the camera pulls back, this girl is suddenly up and walking off to the right of camera. (00:02:33)
17th Apr 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
17th Apr 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
11th Apr 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)

Other mistake: After the teens leave the command center, Rita sees this and orders the creation of her Putties. Her henchman slaps down a few things of clay into a mold loosely, that then show the perfect figurines of the putties coming out of them. However with the shape of the mold, there is no way that the clay would come out in shapes like that or with that detail. (00:11:35)
11th Apr 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Character mistake: Zordon begins to explain to the Rangers about their powers and then their Zords. At one point, he says "You need only to turn to the power of your Dino Zords." However, the subtitles get it wrong and spell it as if he's saying "Dinosaurs" instead of Dino Zords which is what he says. (00:10:38)
5th Apr 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)

Continuity mistake: At the juice bar, Ernie walks up with a tray of drinks and asks who ordered the spinach juice. The shot changes as the ground begins to shake, and suddenly the drinks in his tray are in different positions. Most notably the blue and red cups Switching Places. (00:06:47)
5th Apr 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)

Continuity mistake: When Bulk and Skull interrupt the Karate lesson and push Billy aside. A shot of Jason standing next to the wall has a painting of an umbrella right behind Jason's shoulder. Then when Bulk and Skull walk up to him, suddenly there is a good couple feet distance between him and the umbrella. (00:05:17)
5th Apr 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)

Continuity mistake: After Rita is freed and blows up her dumpster prison, she taunts the astronauts and says she's going to destroy the nearest planet. She's making a hand gesture as she does and then suddenly between cuts she's in a different position. The goons beside her also are in different stances. (00:01:58)
5th Apr 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Character mistake: As one of Rita's goons is helping her out of her prison, she complains that he made her step in a puddle right outside of her canister. However, they are on the moon, so there is no way there is a puddle she could have stepped in. (00:01:44)
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Suggested correction: Given that these are literal monsters and a witch living on the moon after being imprisoned for 10,000 years, I don't think we can say for certain what their machinery will do.
This is speculating too much. Practically making the same argument that it's OK because magic. The general physics of what is being displayed on the screen doesn't match up with how the clay fits into the mold even in the slightest.
Quantom X ★
What Quantom is saying is that they are using a press die to create the mold for the putties and no matter how you look at it, the volume of clay going into the mold is not enough to create the detail seen on the putties.
Ssiscool ★
It's not just that, but the shapes don't match up at all. He does the equivalent of putting clay into a round hole and getting a square out of it.
Quantom X ★