Other mistake: During the cut scene where you see Abaddon before fighting Straga on The Apocalypse/Mayhem level at the beginning of the game, you can see Minion Demons freely crawling out and diving into the pool of lava unharmed and dragging Angels into the lava. However, during game play on other levels if War hits a Minion Demon and knocks them into a pool of lava, they die instantly.
Quantom X
20th Sep 2018
20th Sep 2018
Other mistake: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: Right as the cut scene starts where you meet Abaddon, there are three Angels on screen. The one standing on a building is just looking around, and right before the one hovering by the camera starts to swoop down, the one standing on the building turns his staff towards a diction, charges a shot and fires... Only he's shooting at nothing for no apparent reason. There are no demons or humans visible that direction, and only distant buildings down the street far out of his range. So he's just animated to shoot randomly down the street at nothing.
20th Sep 2018
Other mistake: The Apocalypses/Mayhem: If before heading down the road where you meet Straga, you pick up a car and then go down there, the cut scene introducing Abaddon and Uriel still plays. War looks normal walking up and talking with nothing in his hand. But as soon as the cut scene ends, you will be standing there now holding the car above War's head once more. And considering that right after this cut scene, you have your first encounter with Straga, and his weakness at this point is throwing cars at him, this allows you to get an early hit on him right off the bat by throwing the car as soon as the cut scene ends, before he ever hits the ground to cause cars to rain from the sky for you to use.
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