Quantom X

3rd Aug 2019

Superman (1978)

Question: Why didn't Superman spin the world (and time) backwards enough to prevent the nuke from exploding in the first place? Wouldn't that have saved a lot more lives?


Answer: Just to clarify: Superman didn't spin the Earth backwards. We just see the world turning backwards when he went back in time. Of course this doesn't answer your question and it shows how difficult it is to write a good time travel story that doesn't leave the audience thinking of better ways to solve problems.

I guess the way they wrote it, Superman got to be the hero and also get the girl, not really too bad of an outcome.


Answer: Well yes. This is actually a perfect thing to submit for a Stupidity. Cause it's just bad writing all around.

Quantom X

Question: Since it was possible to create a clone army, why were cybernetic parts given to Anakin, instead of cloning the limbs he lost and attaching them to his body?

Answer: To add to the above it is not just that he is missing arms and legs but his internal organs like lungs are incapable of working properly. So one would have to do more then just replace the arms and legs. In addition Palpatine make the suit vulnerable to force lighting making it harder for Vader to overthrow him as is the way of the Sith.

Answer: It's debatable whether or not they could clone individual body parts. Also, since Anakin's limbs were severed with a lightsaber, his nerve endings would be cauterized, so simply reattaching organic limbs to them wouldn't be an option.


Answer: Adding to what Phaneron, also note how long it would take to grow said limbs for a full adult. The clones themselves have growth acceleration so that they take half the time a normal person to reach full maturity and growth. But this still takes 10-15 years for the to get to physical adulthood. And their growth acceleration doesn't stop at that point. The reason why none of the Storm Troopers are Clones in the original trilogy, by the time New Hope rolls around, is because they age twice as fast. Most died of old age or were very old by that point as in that 17 year time gap between Episode 3 and 4, they aged 34 years physically, without the growth acceleration being stopped as it's likely not able to be stopped. So it would take a very long time to grow cloned limbs for Anakin and be physically a match for him. And if they did accelerate the growth for said limbs, it would only take a few years before he'd be a younger guy walking around with very old man legs and arms. Not to mention, the arms and legs wouldn't have his muscle mass grown by default without being used.

Quantom X

Where or when is it said the accelerated growth doesn't stop or is removed when the clones reach adulthood?


In many places in the canon. Just look at the new Rebels show even. There are still a few clones left, and they are very very old.

Quantom X

30th Jul 2019

Die Hard (1988)

Question: Karl was hanging more than 5 yards off the ground for more than 6 seconds, and nothing indicated he was alive. So who removed him from the chain to the ground, and how did he not die?

Athletic Jason

Answer: Well the obvious answer to the first question is he simply unhooked himself from the chain. And the second, his neck simply didn't snap. So he was hanging in such a way that he was still able to breathe.

Quantom X

That I find hard to believe because with what was shown he was not moving and had the appearance that he's dead.

Athletic Jason

Because he was knocked unconscious by the jolting of his head.

Quantom X

Answer: Don't forget, Hans blew the roof up so the chain mechanism probably got blown up as well, meaning Karl would have plummeted back down to the floor.

23rd Jul 2019

The Lion King (1994)

Question: I recently picked this film up on Blu-Ray, and I noticed a few small changes in the animation compared to the old VHS tape I had from the 90's. (Most noticeable being that a few bits in "I Just Can't Wait to be King" seemed entirely re-animated) When were these changes made? And has Disney made other similar changes in the Blu-Ray releases for their other films?


Answer: Where as he doesn't give exacts on when, but Nostalgia Critic actually pointed out some of these things in his recent review of the film. Https://youtu.be/KnyHqxxsD8g He talks about it around the 5 minute mark. But he really only mentions that there are differences between the VHS and Blu-Ray editions of the film. My best guess is these changes were made for remastering it to look better on Blu-Ray.

Quantom X

Answer: They are shown descending down from a satellite. It's reasonable to say they return to space when not in use. And also they can just encase themselves in more illusions to stay hidden regardless of where they go.

Quantom X

16th Jul 2019

Coco (2017)

Question: If Ernesto stole Hector's guitar, why wasn't he cursed too?

Answer: The criteria for being cursed were never accurately established in the film. All we have is the words of the specialist: "You're cursed. [...] Dia de Los Muertos is the day of giving to the dead! You stole from the dead!" This seems to imply that the act of theft must have taken place on Dia de Los Muertos and the owner of the stolen object must have been dead.


Answer: In my opinion, I would say it may have been specified in Hector's will that his guitar would go to Ernesto in the event of early death.

Answer: I think it has to do with blood relations.

Quantom X

Ernesto and Hector aren't related.

Question: In real life, had Tarzan been raised by apes from the time he was a baby, would he have actually been able to be educated to act and speak like an ordinary person?

Answer: I'd have to disagree with the previous answer. Being that Tarzan was raised by apes from infancy, there are many higher-level brain functions that he (in real life) would never have completely developed, such as upright walking and other motor skills, cognitive and speech abilities, social interaction, and so on. There are some vital human-brain capacities that if not learned at certain stages of early-childhood, cannot or can only partially be learned later. However, it is highly unlikely an infant could survive long in such an environment.


That is a very valid point.

Quantom X

I actually agree with this answer. Thanks.

Answer: Any answer would be speculative at this point since we don't have enough examples of feral children living in the wild until Tarzan's age. Most children that become feral either start out at an older age, 5 or 7, where they know how to speak a language, or are found before they hit puberty. This makes teaching and integration somewhat easier. There was a case of a boy living in the wild for 15+ years that still had difficulty interacting with society even in his 60's and 70's. He had the ability to speak but eventually lost it as he became more feral and he had huge difficulties understanding technology, like radio and cinemas. In all probability, Tarzan, and similar characters, would not be able to learn how to communicate, even if he could learn to speak English. He would have an even more difficult time learning how to socialize and live as "normal" adults do. And I could not see any possibility he teaches himself how to read and speak English, or any language.


Answer: In the books, Tarzan was self-taught after he discovered the house his father built. He learned to read English using the elementary books his parents brought with them to teach the child they were expecting, these books were in the house. While studying these books, he mimicked many of the things he saw in pictures, which could have included walking upright. He did not learn to speak English until he was a young adult after traveling to Europe. Also, after rescuing Paul D'Arnot in Africa, the French officer taught Tarzan French as the two of them left Africa for Europe.


Yes, but the question was could he "in real life" be educated and learn to speak like an ordinary person if he had been raised by apes from the time he was a baby. You are only describing how Tarzan accomplished that fictionally in the book. In real life, that could not have happened.


Just adding a little perspective, which is why I qualified it to what was in the books.


Answer: Given enough time, yes. Even though the best time to learn a second language is when a person is a kid, many adults of various ages despite speaking one language all their lives, are able to learn a different one and be fluent with it given enough time and practice.

Quantom X

Question: Why did Jason Voorhees not tell his mother he was alive? This sequel shows he's alive, and she wouldn't be murdering people if she knew he wasn't dead.

Athletic Jason

Answer: The way I understand it, they just never crossed paths again after his incident. She's not exactly been hanging out around the lake where he went under. Jason has some heavy mental issues to boot and wouldn't know how to find her till it was too late. He was a lost scared little boy.

Quantom X

Question: In the first street race everyone scattered when they were informed of the police coming. Why? Surely they could say they were out for a walk, and for those with cars, a night drive?

Answer: It's pretty obvious they were gathered together for an illegal street race. And most of those cars had illegal upgrades that would have been discovered. Not only that but most of them probably had some hard drugs and weapons on them. They were all gathered in a huge group late at night with loud cars which probably breaks many regulations and codes, including noise levels. The police had everything they needed for "Probable Cause" to stop and search everybody there and find all these things.

Quantom X

10th Jul 2019

Halloween (2018)

Question: The last we saw of Michael Myers he was trapped in a basement with a fire that started, and wasn't shown making any attempt to escape. I know he is never shown dead, except nothing in the movie gives any valid evidence that Michael Myers used a Houdini to get out of the basement. Nothing shows or implies that he escaped, but a sequel is in the works. If he survived during a fire then how the hell did he escape the basement?

Answer: This is meant to be ambiguous on purpose. We are not supposed to know how he got out... if he got out.

Quantom X

Answer: DJ ratted them out, told the First Order their entire plan and to look for the little ships.

Quantom X

26th Jun 2019

I, Robot (2004)

Question: Why couldn't Dr. Lanning just kill Viki himself? I don't get it.

Answer: He couldn't. She was keeping him prisoner after she became self aware and saw him as her biggest threat. Also he likely felt like a father figure for her, so with those two things together all he could do was make Sonny to do the job cause he actually could not.

Quantom X

19th Jun 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Question: *Spoiler* After Tony died, why didn't anyone just use the time stone to bring him back? We saw Thanos do this with Vision in Infinity War so not sure what was stopping anyone from doing the same.

Answer: Vision was killed by Wanda, and Thanos just rewound that "bubble" of time so he was alive. Tony on the other hand was killed due to his internal injuries, caused by using the gauntlet. Rewind time to just before he died, and he'd still die again, because of the damage. Rewind it to before he even used the gauntlet...and he wouldn't have used the gauntlet, leaving Thanos and his army alive and kicking. That's of course assuming that the time stone can even alter events which have been caused by all 6 stones combined.

Jon Sandys

I have a further to this question however. The keeper of the Time Stone is Dr. Strange, and has been shown to have adept knowledge in it's usage since he first acquired it. They do have to return the stones back to the timelines where they originally got them to keep the time lines from really getting screwed up, meaning the stones in their time would still have been destroyed by Thanos 5 years prior. However, what exactly would keep Dr. Strange, someone that powerful and knowledgeable of the Time Stone, from using it to reverse Tony at that point? As demonstrated in his solo movie, he can manipulate time around a single object... i.e. the apple he makes rot/eaten/and whole again without affecting anything else around it. So why can he not do the same for Tony, unless undoing that would make it so he never snapped, but that would only be in that little bubble like you said. It could create a paradox possibly, but this question brings up this issue as well.

Quantom X

The snap caused his death. If he reverses time, he dies again. If he goes back further, he undoes the snap. There isn't a little bubble. The time stone can't be that powerful to undo the ramifications of the snap.

Question: How did Kirk die? He got hit by a lot of debris but from what was seen, not enough to do real damage.

Answer: Kirk also fell a considerable distance, clinging onto the platform as it dislodged from the cliff and rolled several times. In addition to being crushed/hit by debris, the fall and the rolling would have caused further serious trauma.


In addition to this statement, Kirk would have had servere internal bleeding as seen by the blood coming from his mouth.

Quantom X

12th Mar 2019

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Question: What did CJ mean when he said, "f*cking figures", before he blew himself up with some of the zombies?


Answer: "Figures" is an English expression of figure of speech about something happens and a predicament winding up a certain way. It's a play on the mathematical term of figures in an equation having a determined answer. If you follow the figures, of course you get what is comes as the answer. This is often used in real life situations as a figure of speech, where of course the stuff that happens leads to this. It "figures." So basically CJ was saying, "of course this is what happens."

Quantom X

Question: When the Jedi Padawan saves Bail Organa from Commander Appo, why did one of the clones say "Don't worry about him, let him go"?


Answer: The clones are basically brainwashed at this point, with their sole purpose being Order 66. Since Bail is not a Jedi and is not a direct threat to their mission at hand, they decided to let him go. If there had been a commander with them (more trained in tactics than these expendable soldiers), perhaps a better decision would have been made.


Answer: Because they are currently at work and can't abandon their mission to go after him.

My point is when they let the Senator lives, the clones will think that the senator will tell his allies such as the Jedi.


Well the vast majority of the senators are controlled by Palpatine anyways. The Clones don't really know who is or isn't under his influence. And it still would not be a wise move on even Palpatine's part to have his troops start killing Jedi and Senators as well. This would create too much going agtainst him in the public eye when he already has to sell that the Jedi, renown protectors of peace, and seen as super heroe, that are now the enemy and were attempting to over throw the government.

Quantom X

17th Jan 2019

Stuart Little 2 (2002)

Answer: Cause his mom and or dad made him do it.

Quantom X

Question: At the Jedi Temple, why does Commander Appo aim his gun at Senator Organa and try to kill him?

Answer: When Organa is trying to investigate what's going on at the Temple, he's simply just stopped by the troopers at first. They don't want him to witness what they are doing. At first he is just going to be turned away and threatened. When the Padawan attacks them and they kill the boy, Organa is now a first hand witness to the Troopers slaughtering the Jedi children. So then he becomes an enemy and they have to try and dispose of him. It would not have been good for them to just to out right kill a Senator on their own so that's why there were just going to turn him away.

Quantom X

17th Dec 2018

A Quiet Place (2018)

Question: Why don't they just abandon the place and go to somewhere safer?

Answer: It's a world-wide invasion. There really isn't much of a safer place. And being close to where civilization was is how they are able to keep resources and supplies for their needs. The more remote they go, the harder it will be for them to survive, much less quietly.

Quantom X

Answer: Such as where? They live in what is presumably their house, with all their belongings. Uprooting and walking silently to a new location to set up a new home would be more dangerous than staying where they are.

Answer: Mace didn't actually defeat Palpatine. Palpatine was putting on a show for Anakin to gain sympathy and try to force Anakin's hand into turning on Mace to further propel him down the path of the Dark Side with no hope of return. At any point, Palpatine could have easily turned the tables on Mace and took him out, but he knew Anakin was coming. That's why he dispatched the other 3 Jedi so quickly so that they wouldn't be in the way, and knew that Mace would have the most impact on Anakin having the Jedi turn on the Master.

Quantom X

But Mace defeats Sidious fair and square.


Palpatine made it look that way. Because he knew Anakin was coming and wanted to see him in that predicament to gain more sympathy from him to act against Mace. Palpatine threw the fight, took a dive.

Quantom X

Regardless, What I'm asking is Mace stronger than Yoda consdiering that he defeats the Emperor regardless when Anakin intervened.


No, he is not stronger. Yoda's highly force sensitive blood is even mentioned in Episode 1 when they discover Anakin's blood. That "No Jedi has a count that high, not even master Yoda." Yoda is over 800 years old and a long time student of the Force, and of his species. Not to mention he even has such a high count in his blood in such a small body. Mace is basically just human.

Quantom X

Pretty much similar as to if Anakin is stronger than Yoda considering he beats Darth Tyranus. But in reality, Yoda is stronger than Anakin or Mace Windu.


I wouldn't say Yoda is stronger than Anakin... just far more experienced. Again, he's had 800 years to study and master the Force and expand upon himself. Anakin is still learning and only in his 20's. Also after his limbs are cut off and replaced by the mechanical parts when he becomes Vader, he's actually a lot weaker than he was since he lost so much of his precious blood.

Quantom X

I think Mace was closer to winning and had a great chance had Palpatine not devised his being weak plan as an afterthought after Anakin shows up while he doesn't have his lightsaber anymore.

It wasn't an afterthought. He was manipulating the situation from the get go, having the entire thing planned out and staged ready for the perfect timing of Anakin to walk in.

Quantom X

Sidious didn't plan on Anakin walking in right before he was killed. That would have been too close. He planned on beating the Jedi Masters and use their bodies as proof that the Jedi are traitors. That would have been enough for the council and Anakin. You have to understand that Mace Windu is the most skilled lightsaber duelist of all Jedi, far superior to Yoda. There is no way Sidious could have beaten him. Yoda on the other hand is the best force user of all Jedi, superior to even Luke. All in all Yoda is the most powerful Jedi that ever lived. Anakin Skywalker, especially after joining the dark side, the second most powerful. The fact his body was broken didn't weaken him, it only made him stronger. The reason Yoda didn't beat Tyranus or Sidious is because he is too compassionate, and getting older. Tyranus used that against him and Sidious, well, he just got lucky I think and Yoda gave up too quick. No sith besides Vader has surpassed Windu, Yoda or Obi-Wan.


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