Corrected entry: When Robert and Julie find Elizabeth in the cave, there are all sorts of lights emanating in there, particularly a green one. Obviously done to enhance the moment, but most caves would be pitch black, and the cocoon itself was not generating any light. (00:38:25)
23rd Aug 2006
V (1984)
8th Aug 2006
Die Hard 2 (1990)
Corrected entry: When McClane says 'damn it, I hate it when I'm right' during the crawl through the ventilation duct, it is clear that this line has been dubbed. (00:44:15)
Correction: This is most likely a network TV alteration, rather than a mistake. Most US networks either edit out or re-dub scenes with expletive language to make them more family-friendly.
15th Aug 2006
Futurama (1999)
Corrected entry: Bender's cigar stops smoking after he burns Fry's arm with it. (00:20:15)
Correction: Cigars do not always smoke when they are lit. Various factors influence it, including temperature, consistency of the burning part (the consistency is not always the same, especially not with cigars), how long ago someone has drawn it, air movement and hand movement. In this specific instance Bender's hand has moved quite a bit before the smokeless shot, so it's certainly expected.
3rd Aug 2006
Doctor Who (1963)
Genesis of the Daleks - S12-E4
Corrected entry: When the Doctor, Harry and Sarah are viewing the meeting on the monitor, a scientist suddenly appears to Gharman's left when Davros starts to speak. (00:13:35)
Correction: Some seconds pass between the two images. Moreover, the problem shot is over the shoulder of the scientist in question and it is difficult to tell from that angle, how close he is to Gharman.
3rd Aug 2006
Doctor Who (1963)
Genesis of the Daleks - S12-E4
Corrected entry: When Davros moves around in his chair, look closely at his stomach and you can see his body rotating. This is the actor pushing the chair with his feet, but Davros is supposed to be paralysed below the waist.
Correction: While this is an accurate description of what is seen on screen, the extent of Davros' injuries are never clarified. It is never stated that he is paralyzed. It's not impossible that he retains some function in his legs and uses them to drive the chair. After all, he never operates the chair with his arm.
29th Jul 2006
Doctor Who (1963)
Genesis of the Daleks - S12-E4
Corrected entry: Davros is supposed to be a brilliant scientist, solely responsible for the creation of The Daleks and their programming. Programming The Daleks to accept him as their leader would be the absolute first thing he would do, and it's clear that the Davros death scene was only done for dramatic effect. (00:21:35)
Correction: Davros didn't program the behaviour of The Daleks into them (remember that they're not robots) - rather, he altered the genetic structure of the Dalek creatures to make them emotionally underdeveloped. Besides, much of the story is based around Davros's arrogant and delusional nature (he probably assumed that The Daleks would blindly obey him anyway), so it's not really a plot hole that he failed to realise that The Daleks would become treacherous.
28th Sep 2006
V (1984)
Corrected entry: When Marta is sent out into space at the end, the doors open and the guards push her coffin outside. In reality everyone would be sucked out of the room, because space is a vacuum. (00:46:20)
Correction: The visitors are highly advanced. There couldn't be a one way force field covering the opening?
22nd Jun 2006
Doctor Who (1963)
The Caves of Androzani - S21-E6
Corrected entry: When Morgus is talking with Stotz on the com link, the blindfolded Doctor is obviously visible on the display standing behind Stotz. Yet Morgus only notices him about a minute into the conversation, as if he's only just appeared.
Correction: This is a deliberate dramatic choice. The idea is that Morgus is fixated on the spectrox deal and only noticed the Doctor when he is placated.
16th Jul 2006
Doctor Who (1963)
Destiny of the Daleks - S17-E1
Corrected entry: This episode has a number of people who die unconvincingly, but none more so than the first guy in white to be killed by The Daleks. He lowers his head so slowly to the ground it seems he's afraid a hair will fall out of place. He can be seen breathing afterwards too, if you look at his stomach.
Correction: Considering that we find out later that Lan isn't dead, this isn't really a goof.
15th Jun 2007
Total Recall (1990)
Corrected entry: When Cohagen is boasting about how his plan to kill Cuato was a success, he mentions that Richter wasn't aware of the plan. But this makes no sense, because if Richter had managed to kill Quaid (and he had plenty of chances to do so) then the whole plan would have failed. Cohagen would have definitely made sure that Richter had orders not to kill him.
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Correction: Elizabeth was shown emanating her own light when she deactivated the mothership's doomsday device at the end of The Final Battle.
JC Fernandez