Has anyone seen or remembers this scene from a film about a boy and a girl passing or trespassing through a park, then another boy pops out in front of them or approaches them with a baseball bat or a belt, then starts hitting the girl with it? I don't remember the name of the film but I think it was released in 2001 - the boy the somehow saves the girl, and then runs out of the park with her to this house.
16th Jul 2014
General questions
12th Aug 2013
General questions
I am looking for a film from possibly the late 80s, that somehow involves rich kids and horses and high school kids trying to sneak into college dorms. The film wraps up with a young couple who have been trying to be intimate with each other getting a fancy hotel room and trying to make the moment perfect, but consequently the girl gets food poisoning or the flu which botches their big plans. Right before the credits roll she finds him sulking on the shoreline outside the hotel and they sleep together there. Does this ring any bells?
4th Aug 2013
General questions
In all the Superman movies, animated movies, and shows, how is it that his suit never seems to rip or tear or take much damage at all, if any, despite all the beatings he takes?
Chosen answer: The official answer is that Superman's invulnerability extends a few millimeters out from his skin. Which explains both why he chooses to wear tights in the first place and why they don't get obliterated, but does not explain why his cape comes away mostly unscathed as well. Although given his suit is often portrayed as being alien in origin too, that would explain its durability.
31st May 2011
General questions
I'm looking for the title of a movie about a racist black man. He even goes as far in his racism as joining the KKK. However, he doesn't know he is black because he is blind.
Chosen answer: That sounds like a skit from Dave Chappelle's "Chappelle's Show" featuring the character Clayton Bigsby, a blind White Supremacist.
13th Mar 2011
General questions
Around 1970-2010, I am searching for a movie I watched in the late 1990's, but it may have came out earlier, (not the movie Gorillas in the Mist) about a women raising a gorilla in her huge beautiful mansion, she raised him from a monkey in a crib with a bottle, she raised him along with other animals. the Family was sitting at dinner when the gorilla got out of hand, slammed his hand on the table and stormed out like a child. I remember the house was huge, beautiful stairs as soon as you walk in, full of animals she was raising. the main plot of the story is her raising the gorilla who was sick,and close to death when it was young, she saved its life but was too much to handle.
Answer: Sony Pictures' 1997 film "Buddy" starring Rene Russo. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118787/.
29th Jan 2011
General questions
Is there an alien that looks like a praying mantis in any of the Alien movies? I used to have a toy of it.
Answer: In Alien 3, there is an alien that runs on two legs, keeping its arms like a praying mantis. Ripley, says it's different from the other aliens she encountered.
17th Jan 2011
General questions
Trying to think of a movie (possibly mid-80s) that was about a winter. And this pregnant lady wanted a particular kind of food and it only grew in someone else's garden. He was trapped. Sorry, that's all I have.
Chosen answer: Sounds like an episode of the Showtime series "Faerie Tale Theatre" titled "Rapunzel". It aired in February of 1983. Starred Sherry Duval and Jeff Bridges.
23rd Oct 2010
General questions
I was wondering if anyone knows the title to a TV series that was on in either the 1990's or early 2000's. It only lasted a few episodes. It was about a group of teenagers who suddenly have the power to see and talk to ghosts. I think the series was on the WB network.
1st Aug 2010
General questions
Years ago I remember watching a two part movie on HBO, STARZ or some other movie channel like that on Comcast's on demand cable. It was about two people who (I think) were having to stay awake because creatures in the dark would come and get them. I think the creatures stalked them and branded them or something, like how we tag animals to track their movement. The creatures branded or tagged them by a red blemish on the skin, which below the blemish was a bone-hook type thing. These monsters lived in the shadows and I can only remember a few scenes so bare with me please. 1. There are 3 characters that I can remember; a guy, his girlfriend and, I think, his ex-girlfriend. In one scene, the guy thinks the creatures have "tagged" his girlfriend because she has a weird mark on her. She's missing the next day. 2. The "ex-girlfriend" goes to a bathroom in a bar and pulls out the bone from her temple. 3. In the final scene the ex-girlfriend ends up in an asylum. The camera pans into a closet and you see all these monsters and then she is dragged into a closet by the creatures. Sorry for the giant post, but I have to find the movie again. Thanks for the help.
16th May 2010
General questions
Ok not much detail here but my friend told me of this movie about this person that goes through like the stages of Jesus's life and stuff Things like they get the wounds on their hands from the crucifixion I would love to know the name, if this sounds like anything you have seen let me know.
Chosen answer: Could very well be Stigmata starring Patricia Arquette and Gabriel Byrne.
5th May 2010
General questions
I saw this movie about 3-4 years ago and missed much of it at the start, but this is what I remember. There is a woman (I think she died at the start) who is a tooth fairy and she comes to a boy (he may be her son) and speaks to him every night, and occasionally sings this song. Then she goes back to this place where there is a stairway to heaven (I think) and an elevator to hell, and she goes down screaming. The screen goes all white and you see her lying on the road (perhaps that's how she died) and she sees a traffic warden miming something like "you have one more chance". Any suggestions for the name of this movie would be amazing.
Chosen answer: Sounds a lot like "Toothless" starring Kirstie Alley.
15th Apr 2010
General questions
I am trying to remember the name of this film I saw years ago, but the title escapes me. I remember something takes over the minds of the students of a high school, one of the scenes i remember is that there is a certain powder that is deadly to the creatures so some friends in a circle snort the powder to prove they aren't one, but one female deceives them by having the skin of their nose close up and block their nostril. Plus I remember a janitor in this film who uses the lyrics "hey, teacher leave those kids alone" just before he saves them. Any ideas anyone? It's driving me insane.
Chosen answer: The Faculty starring Elijah Wood.
16th Dec 2009
General questions
I'm looking for this movie. The plot is about a boy who is driving along at night when he sees a girl getting beaten up. He then pulls over and sticks up for the girl. And after a while he then is beaten to death by accident, then they all leave and he goes missing.,Then the movie follows him on as he becomes a ghost and is trying to tell everyone where his body is, but because he's a ghost he can't communicate. As this is going on, the girl he stuck up for is feeling depressed and trying her hardest to find his body but it seems for nothing. SPOILER: they find him in the dam.
Answer: The sounds quite a lot like "The Invisible", starring Justin Chatwin and Margarita Levieva.
31st Aug 2008
General questions
Why don't very many 2-D animation movies come to theaters anymore (whenever I see a commercial for a new one, it's always on DVD right away)?
Answer: Mainly because the entertainment medium has moved on since the days of drawn animation. They're very time consuming and labor intensive, so they cost a lot. That means such a film is less likely to make a significant profit. The film financiers don't want to put money into drawn animation while moviegoers, generally speaking, are no longer interesting in paying to see them. Having said that, Disney's releasing "The Princess and the Frog" in theatres in 2009, which will their first hand-drawn animation in 5 years.
14th Aug 2008
General questions
Is there a specific reason Tuesday was chosen as the release day for new DVD/Blu-Ray releases?
Chosen answer: A lot of reasons went into this decision. Most prominently: Sales figures are released on Mondays. Releasing a DVD on Tuesday maximizes the number of days in which to make sales that will count toward that figure. Next, if a video is selling particularly well, the retailer has plenty of time to order more copies for the weekend shoppers. Finally, releasing on Tuesday, as opposed to Monday, gives the retailer more time to stock their shelves. Not a big issue with super-huge chain stores, but rental establishments especially need time to reorganize everything on their shelves to fit the new releases in. Doing this over the weekend, when the store is most likely to be full of customers, for a Monday release isn't practical from a business perspective. Tuesday releases allow retailers to use the typically slow business day of Monday to get everything ready.
11th Aug 2008
General questions
I am looking for the name of a television show that aired in the mid- to late 1990s. I recall seeing about five minutes of one episode in probably 1996 or 1997. I think each episode had different characters and different stories, not a consistent cast. It was supposed to be a series of horror stories, I believe. The part of the episode that I saw seemed like an intro, and it involved a man with a pig mask on (or a pig with a human body) that was pulling a man's body from either a toilet or bathtub. I believe it was a toilet, but I am not sure. There were other pig people in the house, and possibly some children who were hiding from them. The part I remember best is definitely the pig man and a body in the bathroom. I don't recall the channel that it aired on, but was definitely frightening. If this description rings a bell for anyone, please respond. It's been bothering me for years.
Answer: Sounds to me like "Tales from the Crypt".
17th Jul 2008
General questions
Maybe about 10 years ago, I saw a football movie and can only remember the opening scene: On a rainy night, during a game, a touchdown is made by a player in black. Once he makes the touchdown, he pulls a revolver out of his pants and shoots himself in the head. I remember the movie revolving around the drug use, etc. of professional sports players, but can't for the life of me remember the title. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Answer: The Last Boyscout. Released in 1991 and starring Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans. Billy Blanks played the suicidal athlete.
5th Jul 2008
General questions
Does anybody out there know what Hollywood puts in the hair of an actor playing a vampire to make the hair so slick and shiny? I have asked at least 3 costume shops and could not get an answer.
Chosen answer: For movie production, it could be anything from simple pomade, to hair gel, to school glue. There's no "standard" method. Glue would be the easiest to style with, it would hold the hair in place the best, and make the hair quite shiny. It takes two or three vigorous and lathery scrubs to get it all out when you're done, but it will wash out.
5th Jun 2008
General questions
I remember watching a TV show (miniseries?) in the late ninties about a guy, his daughter, and their golden retriever, who end up in Fairy Tale Land. They eventually meet up with the big bad wolf, who is really just a guy with a tail, who isn't that bad a guy, who is hitting on the daughter. That's about all I remember. Thanks for helping me out! I really hope someone can answer this question.
Answer: The 10th Kingdom.
26th Jan 2008
General questions
I am trying to identify a move that I saw on TV in the '80s. I don't remember much about it other than one scene. The movie takes place on another planet where the sun comes out only once every so many years. Children are playing, and one of them gets locked into a shed before the sun comes out. The child can feel and see the sun only through the slats of the shed. That's all I remember - this has been bothering me for YEARS. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Answer: Hearts In Atlantis, starring Anthony Hopkins. The boy kept the bat in a sheathe strapped across his back, yes?
Phixius ★