
Revealing mistake: When Harold is being attacked by the raccoon you can see the blood is being squirt out of the fake raccoon's mouth and not coming from Harold's neck.


15th Apr 2014

Psych (2006)

The Break-Up - S8-E10

Trivia: At the end of the episode Shawn and Gus show up at Jules' crime scene and she tells them they already have a detective who is in the kitchen alphabetizing, likely a nod to USA Network's OCD Detective Adrian Monk from the show "Monk" which was set in San Fransisco.


Question: Do the laces being in really make that much of a difference, or is it just Finkle projecting blame?


Chosen answer: Both. Finkle is obviously trying to blame someone else for the missed kick, but kickers do have specific positions, circumstances that help their accuracy. Some kickers kick barefooted, others have a special kicking shoe, others have specific positioning of the ball.

24th Mar 2014

Charmed (1998)

20th Mar 2014

Charmed (1998)

20th Mar 2014

Charmed (1998)

20th Mar 2014

Charmed (1998)

Sight Unseen - S3-E5

Continuity mistake: Cole goes to the manor, turns the AC on, knocks a lamp on the ground and opens a window, then shimmers up to the attic. When the sisters come home all the windows are open, but Cole opened only one downstairs.


20th Mar 2014

Charmed (1998)

14th Jan 2014

American Reunion (2012)

16th Sep 2003

Scream (1996)

Trivia: Drew Barrymore was cast in a different part and had to drop out, Craven thought about not making the movie without her, when she came up with the idea of her playing Casey and being killed off at the beginning because no-one would expect it.


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