
19th May 2024

Psych (2006)

Show generally

Plot hole: Throughout the entire show, the chief, Juliet, and Lassiter constantly tell Gus and Shawn to stay out of their way and off their case. The chief even reminds them several times that they can't work on a case unless she's assigned it to them, ignoring the fact that Shawn and Gus are private detectives and do not need police permission to investigate a case.


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Suggested correction: But they're only involved in police cases by invitation. People can't just take it on themselves to wade into crime scenes, private detectives or not. Warnings like that might not strictly be a command they "have" to obey, but it's in their best interest to take it on board and not annoy the department too much.

Yes, but the detectives do not know whether they have been privately hired or not. If they had been hired, they have every right to be involved.


Correction: Robert Kirkman has stated that Rick was in his coma for 4-5 weeks, so around 35 days. In the short series "The Walking Dead: Webisodes" the one titled "The Oath" shows that a doctor named Gale Macones stayed after the outbreak, to care for patients still in the hospital. (Including Rick) IV bags last 24 hours, and you can only go without water for 4-5ish days. Meaning she left very close to when Rick woke up, which explains why his beard was in good shape.

You can go longer than 4 days. And even if she left 4 days earlier he wouldn't be clean-shaven.


Question: In the prologue to the movie, Galadriel states that the ring has been forgotten, but Galadriel herself was around during the historic war against Sauron, and Elrond encouraged Isildur to throw it into the lava in Mount Doom, and there's even a mural in Rivendell of Isildur cutting the ring from Sauron's hand, so obviously the ring has not been forgotten. What gives? It can't be that "forgotten" means "believed now only to be a myth" ("History became legend; legend became myth") because Elrond and Galadriel (and countless other elves) would know that the ring wasn't a myth because they were a part of the earlier events. Nor can it be that Galadriel is referring to general history when she says, "For none now live who remember it," because she is not extemporizing on the nature of history, she is specifically referring to the ring: "For two and a half thousand years the ring passed out of all knowledge." Not just men's knowledge, or dwarves' knowledge, but all knowledge. Similarly, Gandalf has been in Middle-Earth for "300 lives of men", but Gandalf has to look up the story of the ring in historical papers; how did such an epic and giant war escape his notice?

Answer: Elves usually count themselves out of affairs like this, preferring to keep to themselves. It was a man who took the ring, so it is a man's tale until the elves choose to involve themselves again. And Gandalf is well aware of the war that saw the supposed defeat of Sauron. He's researching the historical documents looking for any clues, any seemingly irrelevant yet ultimately useful minutia, he may not yet be aware of.


Your answer doesn't make any sense. She says has fallen out of all knowledge. Whether or not elves prefer to keep to themselves doesn't change that they have knowledge of the ring.


The ring was deemed lost for good, eventually those that were there forgot it existed (or could still exist) untill the dark shadow over Mirkwood and later Mordor jolted their memories.


Plot hole: At the end of Apocalypse the Umbrella corporation bombs raccoon City. It doesn't make any sense that they would do this with the entire Umbrella high command underneath the city, as we learn it is in this movie.


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Suggested correction: The Umbrella high command is far underground and safe from the surface bombing. There's no mistake here.


Really? The whole point of the bomb was to destroy any evidence of what happened. That includes the hive.


The point of the bomb was to remove any trace of the virus. Meaning all the inhabitants, dead or alive. Not necessarily the Hive.


Yes but literally the head of company in Dr. Isaac's is located there. It makes no sense that they would bomb Raccoon City because according to Final Chapter they wanted the virus to spread anyway. This film franchise is filled with bad writing, crappy continuity, and plot holes.

That I can agree too. Films 4-6 have a aura about them that says "ignore everything previous, well make it up as we go along"


10th Jul 2019

Shazam! (2019)

Other mistake: Towards the end of the film when they're at the fair, Mary refers to the Sins as "sins", but there is no way she would know that they are sins.


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Suggested correction: If you think about it, Billy shouldn't have known either. However he does posses knowledge of these after he transforms and receives the powers. It is evident that when the other children held the staff and said Shazam to get the powers as well, that it also came with some, at least limited, knowledge of these things.

Quantom X

Agreed, except the scene I'm referring to takes place before the rest of the family get powers.


She called them "sins" before she held the staff.

He does get told they are sins.

Mary may not have known but Billy would, because old Shazam talked to Billy about how a previous champion released the sins into his world.

Corrected entry: It is revealed that Loki's scepter is holding an infinity stone. That would mean Thanos willingly gave Loki, a trickster he doesn't even know, the only infinity stone he had at the time. That makes no sense.


Correction: This isn't a plot hole, merely a plot point. Thanos needs all of the infinity stones. Realistically, the mind stone alone isn't much use to Thanos, but it gives Loki an advantage in acquiring the Space Stone. By using the mind stone, Loki is able to build a team of people to help him, and turn his enemies against each other and he was very nearly successful in achieving his goal. It is also made clear in the film that Thanos and The Other can punish Loki for failure without having to be on Earth with him. Loki's fear of Thanos would keep him in line.

Correction: Thanos used Loki to gain the Tesseract, the space stone and gave Loki the mind stone to help the Chitauri invade Earth and retrieve the space stone for him.


Thanos has been searching for the stones for for a very long time, finds one, but gives it away to gain another. That makes 0 sense, considering he needs all 6 to complete his task.


As the other correction states, one stone alone isn't all that useful to him though. He can still exert control over Loki, so he's not giving it away, he's just providing Loki with a tool to get another one, then Thanos will claim them both.

Jon Sandys

5th May 2014

Supernatural (2005)

Bloodlines - S9-E20

Corrected entry: The shapeshifters change appearances in the blink of an eye, but throughout the rest of the series shapeshifters shed their skin and the change takes several minutes.


Correction: The shifter in this episode is of a purer bloodline, so he doesn't need to shed. Just like the alpha.

Where does it say that it is pure bloodline or that a pure bloodline shifts differently?


Other mistake: Why hasn't there been a mention of Freddy having a child in previous films? Couldn't be because they covered it up, as soon as Freddy was discovered to be the Springwood slasher the media would have been all over him and his family.


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Suggested correction: Throughout the entire series, it's shown that there's sort a miniature conspiracy going on where the people of Springwood have been trying to make everyone forget about Kruger, including actively suppressing evidence. It's possible that when he was initially caught, the media was aware of his daughter, but not only would it not have been that big a deal (they were focused on him- not his family) in the decades that have passed since his original "death", the information was likely covered up or ignored in favor of trying to make everyone forget about it. (Hence, even Maggie doesn't know Freddy is her father.) Furthermore, the fact he has a daughter has basically no impact whatsoever on the story thus far, so it makes sense it hasn't been brought up before.

It has never been shown in any nightmare film that there is a cover up conspiracy until Freddy vs Jason (which takes place 5 years after this film), and that cover up begins after the events in this film, evidenced by many characters saying it's been quiet for 5 years.


Corrected entry: In Guardians of the Galaxy, Gamora's backstory is that she is the only one of her kind left. But here we're told Thanos killed half her planet and kidnapped her, meaning half of her people are still alive. He even says "the children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. [Zen-Whoberi] is a paradise."


Correction: The Russo Bros commented on this. This isn't a mistake. They asked the audience who they trust more: Gamora or Thanos?

Asking the audience who they trust more doesn't make it not a mistake. In one movie it was one thing, they changed it to something else in another. That's a mistake.


That assumes Thanos never lies. There's no reason to think that. Movie characters LIE ALL THE time. Thanos is trying to convince Gamora, who we later learn he actually loves (possibly the only person he's ever loved), to believe in his cause as much as he does. The Russo's point is that Gamora was in fact the last of her race, and Thanos was lying to win her over. A continuity mistake is something that can't be reasonably explained. This can be.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Whoopie asks them to sing "Mary Had a Little Lamb," about four students sing it. When she asks the blonde girl to sing, she says she doesn't know "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Yet she just heard four people sing it, so why wouldn't she know it?

Correction: You can hear a song on the radio, but that doesn't mean you've now got it committed to memory, especially if you're nervous.


It is those 5 words. Most of them sing only the words "Mary had a Little lamb"


She couldn't memorize 5 simple words (Mary had a Little lamb) to memory? Really, come on.


It's not just those 5 words, it's the whole verse/song. The girl was stressed and didn't remember it.

Jon Sandys

Plot hole: After McClane, agent Johnson, and Ferrell leave in the police car, Agent Johnson radios another agent to have DC police clear a path for them. Then on Gabriel's screen it says they have a voice match to Farrell. The problem is Farrell never said a word, so how would they have a voice match to him? Without the voice match they never should have found them.


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Suggested correction: The agent says "Ferrell" over the radio which in turn gets picked up as a name match on Gabriel's screen as they were scanning for anyone using that key word. Not Ferrell's actual voice but anyone mentioning his name over the radio.

If it was just looking for anyone saying the word Farrell it would have been a "voice" match. A voice match implies but they got a match to Farrell's voice.


In this context it is a match on the name "Farrell" that was spoken, hence it is a "voice match." It's clunky but still works grammatically.


22nd Sep 2018

Charmed (1998)

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Suggested correction: There is a difference between an Empath and the power of Empathy. A true Empath is a mortal that has died and been reincarnated and they are a separate race of magical beings. But other beings, such as witches, can have the power of empathy. It does get confusing because they refer to a witch with empathy as an empath, but that doesn't mean they are true empaths. In addition, Phoebe developed her empathy powers in her 20's as one of her first powers and her power of empathy is the strongest of any being.


And where is this stated anywhere in the 8 seasons of the show?


Corrected entry: At the end of Part 2 Jason was unmasked, showing long hair and heavy eyebrows. In Part 3 he's unmasked again, but he looks totally different. He has some hair but is mostly bald. His face looks horrible, as his eyes don't line up, his skin is grayish, etc. Part 3 was supposed to have happened the day after 2, and yet he is now bald and his features are even more distorted.

Correction: Although the unmasked Jason seen at the end of Friday the 13th Part II was simply a hallucination by Ginnie and not real, Jason's appearance in this movie is still flawed, he is not seen with the water damage to his face that he got when he drowned as a child (his correct appearance is seen in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter).

Ginny was not hallucinating or dreaming at the end of part 2. It is never stated in any of the films. Its a fan theory, not fact.


Corrected entry: An error between Part II and III. In part two, Ginny hits Jason with the machette through the shoulder and through his chest. There is a scene later at the end of Part II where Jason, unmasked, crashes through a window and the machette is still in place in his chest. This contrasts with the shot in the beginning of Part III where he "comes back to life," but in Part III the machette is not in his shoulder but in his hand.

Correction: The shots in the previous film where Jason jumps through the window are either a dream or hallucination of Ginny's, and the shot in this film where the machete is in Jason's hand is reality. It's not a far stretch to think that Jason was wounded badly and went his own way after the confrontation.

Where is it ever stated in the movie that the end of part two is Ginny hallucinating or dreaming? It isn't, at all.


Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film Heimdall sends the Hulk to earth to warn them Thanos is on his way. When Strange finds him, he's Banner and he remembers everything. The problem is in Thor: Ragnarok Banner had been the Hulk for 2 years and had no memory of what had happened during that time. He shouldn't remember what happened with Thanos either.


Correction: We don't know enough about Banner's transformations into the Hulk to say definitively what he should or shouldn't remember. It's implied in "Thor: Ragnarok" that each of them had "one hand on the wheel" but that the Hulk was trying to completely take over, which would account for Hulk being in control for two years and Banner not remembering anything. By the time Hulk fights Thanos in this film, the Hulk had only been around for a short amount of time (a few hours at most), so it's entirely possible that Banner could remember most if not everything that happened in that timeframe.


Correction: At the end of Thor: Ragnarok he had returned to his form as Bruce Banner. We don't know when he transformed back into Hulk, but it was presumably after Thanos attacked the ship. Therefore Bruce would be aware of Thanos as a threat. He may not have transformed until the moment before he charged Thanos, in which case he would have heard a lot of Thanos' plan.

He actually transformed back into the Hulk while on Asgard to fight Fenris the wolf. Assuming they've been flying for several weeks when Thanos attacks, the Hulk would have been in control the entire time since he never transformed back. More than likely the reason Banner remembers Thanos is because he warns them as he is transforming back from the Hulk. We also see the Hulk communicating with Banner more during the film (in his refusal to help out) so while Hulk doesn't want to actually come back out, Banner is still able to retain the information that Hulk possesses.

Yes. He would have most likely turn as soon as there was a threat. So he wouldn't know Thanos was coming to earth. Banner knew how big a threat Thanos was which he wouldn't know if he turned right away.


15th Jul 2003

Urban Legend (1998)

Corrected entry: Why did Brenda kill Michelle straight away, the one who killed her boyfriend, while she mentally and physically tortures Natalie, who was just a passenger in the car?


Correction: Maybe in her convoluted mind, she blamed Natalie more. Or she could have had easier access to Brenda to kill her. Or she figured it would be fun to torture someone who she had managed to befriend and then therefore, she wouldn't be a suspect. This type of logic isn't a mistake.


Easier access to Natalie? She was in the car with Michelle alone. And she could have just as easily befriended Michelle instead. Her mind was so convoluted she couldn't comprehend who was actually responsible for her boyfriends death but could come up with an elaborate plan to befriend a girl just to kill her friends to mentally torture her? Right.


28th Feb 2006

Charmed (1998)

Correction: Grams bounded their powers including spell casting and potion making, so when she died only their spell casting and potion making powers were unbound, Phoebe still needed to read the spell to gain all their powers back.

No. Grams said their powers, that includes all powers. If they had all powers reading from the book would not be needed.


8th Jul 2004

Men in Black (1997)

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, when the alien kills Edgar, he tosses the man's skin up out of the crater, then drags it back down where he puts it on. When it drags on the ground, it's obvious that Edgar's "skin" is simply a rubber or latex shell.

Correction: What else would an empty skin look like?

Well for one it doesn't look like rubber.


26th Aug 2014

Blue Streak (1999)

Corrected entry: Since ML's partner was shot and killed during the commission of a felony, he would have been charged with felony murder and gotten a lot more than 2 years in prison.


Correction: Eddie is murdered by Deacon and given that Deacon betrayed the group, Miles could have testified in court about any of Deacon's previous criminal activities that he was privy to in exchange for immunity to Eddie's murder and/or a reduced sentence.


Since none of that is actually stated in the movie you're just making it up.


Miles was never charged with felony murder in the movie either, you are making that up too! You stated what you believed to be a mistake, and Phaneron gave, within the context of the movie universe, an explanation as to why your alleged mistake was incorrect.

We as viewers are allowed to speculate as to what happens in movies off-screen in order to fill in gaps in the narrative. Obviously Miles would have had a trial prior to his sentencing, but the trial itself would have been neither essential to the plot or interesting to watch, and since Miles is released after two years, it's fair to assume he struck some kind of deal.


We can speculate all we want. Doesn't make it canon.


No, it doesn't make it canon. By that same token, you asserting that Miles should have received a longer sentence despite the film providing us no details as to how his trial went down doesn't make it a movie mistake either.


Deliberate mistake: If this movie takes place 7 years after the original, how could his daughter be 13? He was part of a government project, I doubt they let them leave for relationships.


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Suggested correction: This is a retconned film made after 2 other direct-to-video Universal Soldier movies were made. While the film is considered non-canon in the series, in the film itself, the facts of the original are altered to allow Luc to have a daughter.


Exactly. If this movie changes things that happened in previous films than they don't make sense in context to the series, that's a mistake.


Essential the film can be considered the same as a reboot. Reboots and remakes can alter characters without being considered mistakes because they're not actually part of the film series, just like "Universal Soldier: The Return" is not part of the Universal Soldier film series. However, changes to characters in retconned films, shows, or books, by definition, are not mistakes.


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