Plot hole: Apollo lectures Starbuck about his appearance, reminding him that they will be seeing Commander Kronus, so he should at least "fasten up" his jacket. But in these shots and every shot after, Apollo's jacket is open, too.
11th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
10th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)

The Lost Planet of the Gods (1) - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: When Boxey plays with Muffit, a red chair on the right sits away from the wall and turned slightly. Boxey and Muffit leave the room as Serina and Apollo argue, and when Apollo walks toward the chair, it is not turned as much and is much closer to the wall. (00:24:20 - 00:25:55)
9th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Saga of a Star World (1) - S1-E1
Factual error: When Apollo decides he and Zac will attack the Cylons that are following them, he tells Zac to "hit your reverse thrusters and maximum braking flaps", but they aren't in an atmosphere. Brake flaps would have no effect in the vacuum of space. (00:10:30)
Suggested correction: Since the Colonial Vipers CAN fly in atmosphere and in space, that move would just be standard operating procedure and used either in space or in air. Similar to the way Navy pilots deploy a tailhook (for carrier use) when they land on runways.
9th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)

Deliberate mistake: When Apollo lands the Cylon fighter aboard Galactica, the view forward from behind he and Starbuck is a reuse of the same shot from the prior episode when they landed a shuttle aboard Celestra. Note the headphones they wear, then don't wear in the very next shot. (00:44:20)
9th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)

Continuity mistake: As the shuttle approaches the Celestra, Apollo is told he is crazy to try and land in the dark. The view forward shows the landing bay of Celestra is pitch black in darkness. Seconds later, another shot shows the landing bay is now bathed in blue light. Once landed and aboard, they exit the shuttle into the very-well-lit landing bay. But nobody has ever turned any lights on. (00:40:30)
8th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Continuity mistake: The shuttle belonging to Commander Kronus is described as being a non-military version, differently equipped than are the Galactica shuttles. But an exterior shot shows the shuttle to be 'GAL 356' yet again, which is the most-often-used Galactica shuttle. (00:28:15)
8th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)

Continuity mistake: When the Celestra's joystick is hit by laser fire, it tips to the right and the ship lurches off course. An exterior shot shows the landing bay is pitch dark. When the ship is forced back on course, the next exterior shot shows the bay is very well lit. (00:44:10)
8th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Plot hole: At about 35 minutes into the show, the fuel gauge of the shuttle shows 50 units of fuel remain. Five minutes of real time (and far longer in "story time") after, Starbuck begins counting down the fuel level, starting at 25 and dropping by 5 every 2 seconds. At that rate, the 50 original units should have run out within 20 seconds, and shouldn't have lasted over 5 minutes. 'Real world' use of fuel in space doesn't apply, as the canon of this show suggests fuel use is a constant to maintain motion, even in a straight line. (00:35:05 - 00:40:40)
8th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Continuity mistake: When Apollo changes course, he pulls the joystick back and the shuttle seems to 'pull up' in the inside shot, but the next exterior shot shows the ship is turning to starboard, not rising. (00:34:25)
8th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Continuity mistake: When Apollo launches the shuttle from the Celestra, the close-up of the joystick shows he is in a Viper, not the shuttle. (00:27:30)
8th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Continuity mistake: When Starbuck and Apollo discuss going to see Aurora, the wide side shot shows Starbuck's hair hangs down to the corner of his right eye. But shots showing Starbuck from the front show his hair at least an inch above his eye. (00:12:50)
8th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Continuity mistake: As Galactica attacks a Cylon base star, she is shown banking to port with the base star off her starboard bow. Seconds later, the base star is to port and Galactica is banking to starboard, yet no course change has occured. (00:11:30)
7th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)

Continuity mistake: The exterior shots of Commander Kronus' shuttle show that all its side windows are transparent, like all Galactica shuttles. But the interior views show that its second starboard-side window is actually an opaque gray panel, not transparent as seen from outside. This is because the exterior shot is of a Galactica shuttle (no model was built to represent Kronus' shuttle). Also note the impossibly high interior ceiling at the very front, compared to the exterior shape. (00:29:40)
7th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Revealing mistake: Throughout the entire run of the series, special effects shots are repeated over and over, often half a dozen times in the same episode. Budget problems forced the practice, but at times it is so pronounced as to become a distraction. The same Cylon raider banking to the side, hit by laser fire and exploding outward to its sides, is probably seen more often than any other single shot in the show. It is flipped many times so that it can bank left, then be used to bank right, providing two shots for the price of one.
7th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Plot hole: The President and the General argue on a podium in front of a large gathering of citizens that are seated all around. When the General is told that their enemies have launched an all-out missile attack that will trigger their own automated response, wiping out both sides in the next six minutes, the audience is completely motionless and doesn't appear to react at all. They take the news that they are all going to die remarkably well. (00:40:25)
7th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Deliberate mistake: When the Vipers make visual contact with the attacking Cylons, an exterior shot shows a large group of Cylon fighters from the front/right as they drop into view and move left to right. The rearmost ship on the left is a gold color while the rest are the usual gray. This odd effect is also seen in the first episode's first battle as well as during the last episode's last battle- an odd coincidence. The original concept for the show was to have these gold ships be the squandron leader, but showing it every week would be too expensive, so that idea was dumped and the one shot with it got used a few times without explanation. (00:05:40)
6th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Saga of a Star World (1) - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: After the big battle, Apollo announces that the Cylons are "on the run". Adama orders all the Vipers back on board Galactica, and when they've landed, he is informed that two are missing. Apollo and Starbuck have headed off to find the Cylon base ship on which a Cylon reports to the Imperious Leader that an attack is imminent. When the leader suggests that their Cylon Raiders can defend them, the Cylon replies that the Raiders are still engaging Galactica- but this hasn't been true for sometime- that battle is over. (02:09:40 - 02:11:05)
6th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Trivia: Episode 18 - "Baltar's Escape": This is likely a mistake, but it's a self-excusing one that, if intentional, was a nice bit of inspired continuity. In "The Man with Nine Lives", a Colonial Warrior, played by an actor not seen previously, is guarding new recruits that are confined in their quarters awaiting security clearance. He not only freely gives out classified information, but is eventually overpowered by two phony recruits and locked in a supply closet. Then, in "Baltar's Escape", the same actor appears as a member of the Council of 12's security team. It's likely the film makers thought no one would recognize him, but given the disdain that Colonial warriors have for the Council's security people, it is fitting to see this failed Warrior reassigned to the Council - a nice touch, even if not intentional.
6th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Continuity mistake: When Apollo asks Starbuck "Where's John", Starbuck answers as if he knows who John is, yet Starbuck never asked nor was told John's name. (00:32:30)
6th Feb 2006
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Plot hole: When Starbuck attempts to liberate Apollo, he captures two guards, saying "Now drop them or I'll incinerate you". They comply and he leads them to a room where Apollo's weapons and equipment are being analyzed. The analyst holds a radio on which we hear Starbuck say "Drop it or I'll incinerate you". First, Starbuck isn't transmitting. Second, he already has the guards disarmed and in custody. Third, the words are not the same as spoken earlier. Fourth, there's no reason such a transmission would have been delayed when sent radio-to-radio. (00:30:35)
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