Question: Why was Simon allowed a damn at the joy joy feeling machine thingy while John was fined for one while talking to his friend?
Grumpy Scot
10th Sep 2007
Demolition Man (1993)
Answer: Note that when Spartan is fined for swearing, the machine uses his full name. When Phoenix is fined, the machine only refers to him as "You" ("You are fined 1 credit...") as he isn't recognised because he doesn't have a chip. Presumably he's expected to take the ticket and pay the fine even if the machine didn't automatically know it was him.
Also notable is that when Lenina swore she was fined only one half a credit instead of a full credit. Probably because she is a cop.
No, I think she got fined only a half credit because it was a *sotto voce* violation (under her breath).
Strange, I can swear somebody already mentioned that once before.
Wait a minute, is that trivia?
Answer: Phoenix has no sub-dermal microchip in his hand. Per Huxley, all transactions are done with this chip. That would mean fines are also generated per person based on this chip too.
Except when Simon is trying to get a gun, he keeps swearing at the booth which constantly fines him.
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Answer: I'm assuming you're referring to when Simon says "Damn, I'm possessed!" He was hacking the machine when he said it, perhaps he'd corrupted the program or shut off the microphone as a side effect?
Grumpy Scot