
23rd Jun 2022

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: After Harry discovers that Peter is really Spider-Man, he tells Peter that he murdered Norman Osborne. Why didn't Peter just say, "I didn't kill your dad. He was already dead when I brought him to you"?

Answer: Anything Peter tells Harry about his dad at this point could lead to Harry asking more questions, and Peter wants to get to Doc Ock's lab before it's too late.


Answer: As the other answer suggests, it'd be a dangerous waste of time. Additionally, Harry is literally driving himself insane believing that Spider-Man killed his father... so it's not like Harry would actually believe Peter anyway even if he tried to explain it in that moment.


9th Oct 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: Why is Peter still bullied by people in school even though he is in college? I'm referring to the scene where people hit him with backpacks and call him names as well as the scene in "Spider-Man 3" where he is bullied in Dr. Connors' class.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: Other students see him as a nerd and a teacher's pet.


4th Mar 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: How did Harry know where Doc Ock was later located, when Peter asks him for instructions on how to find him and save MJ?

Answer: Unless there is is a deleted scene to shed light on the issue, then it's not really addressed in the movie. It's possible that Doc Ock and Harry had a second meeting that took place off-screen in which Ock revealed to Harry where his hideout was, but as there's nothing really to go on, it's anyone's guess and it's reasonable to consider it a plot hole.


24th May 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Answer: Despite being removed as CEO, Norman would still own the stock, which would then be passed on to Harry.

Greg Dwyer

Did Harry have to take over or was it his decision?

It's always a choice to become CEO of a company.


Answer: Norman killed the other board members at the World Unity Festival. If he did so before all the legal requirements of removing him from the company were completed, then their intentions would effectively be null and void and Norman would remain the owner.


Answer: Well Harry did want to keep his father's "Honor" and quoting from the first film, "become half of what he is." He didn't want to disappoint his father even after death. Or has a bigger goal in mind. But he did it on his own.

1st May 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: What happened to that Asian nurse in the hospital that was last seen sliding down and scratching a sort of metal wall?

Answer: It's implied that all the doctors and nurses in that scene were killed. And she wasn't scratching a metal wall. She was being dragged across the floor and her fingernails were peeling up the floor surface in a desperate attempt to cling to safety.


26th Feb 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Answer: It was destroyed by an electrical shock when he turned around and saw Rosie fall over dead.


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