Nick Bylsma

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie Beckett is walking down the stairs of the ship while it's being blown to bits by the cannons from the 2 pirate ships. There's a close up slo-mo shot of the railing being destroyed as he walks down. The railing is consistently being blown up RIGHT behind his hands. The shot cuts away to a view from in-front of him and there's a good 3 feet between his hand and where the railing is broken.

Nick Bylsma

Correction: That's right, there is a slow motion SIDE shot of the upper part of the stair railing being blown up *right* behind Beckett's hand, and then it cuts to a slow motion FRONT shot and the upper part of the stair railing is getting blown up once again. ALL of the action is seen from multiple angles and in dramatic slow motion. This is a deliberate and common filmmaking technique to show a single action or sequence repeatedly from several different angles, by 'turning back time' very slightly in some cases, to show the action from a different perspective. The railing being blown up is one of those cases. Another example is in 'LotR: The Two Towers' when Legolas surfs the stairs.

Super Grover

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