
22nd Jun 2011

Transformers (2007)

Corrected entry: Lenoox wants to hide the Cube in the city. You don't have to be a four-star general to think that this is a bad idea. Cities have lots of civilians who won't keep their mouth shut when they see building sized robots trying to kill each other. Plus, you could end up killing hundreds of them. You would probably cause millions of dollars worth of damage if you turn a city into a war zone. Which he is expecting, since he brings heavy weaponry and is insistant on having the airforce around for support. He is even talking about making a stand.


Correction: Lennox is in the thinking that it's going to be harder for the Decepticons to fight in a cramped city rather than out in the open, or at Hoover Dam. And you said it yourself, Lennox isn't a 4 star general, hes a field soldier used to thinking on the fly. Soldiers dont always have good ideas on battlefield,but just because they decided to fight in the city doenst make it a mistake.


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