
Corrected entry: On the bus after the first blowout, when Izzy yells "Poho update." The camera moves back towards Scott, you can see the back of the bus (under the emergency door) has been removed, presumably for shooting through.


Correction: The floor of the bus is intact. The only oddity is that the emergency door has two windows, one above and one below. Both windows have dirt on them and are lined with rubber, so they appear to be normal parts of the bus. I don't see anything else this could refer to.


Corrected entry: After the first tire blows, we see Chelsea using a mobile phone, looking like she's texting someone, but a few scenes later we're told there's no reception where the bus has stopped. How can she text with no reception, and if she isn't texting, why would she be checking her phone reception before anyone else even knows why the bus has stopped?


Correction: All we see her doing is punching buttons. She could be bored and playing a game, looking through her phonebook, messing with options, etc. Chelsea doesn't do or say anything that indicates she's trying to communicate with someone or checking reception.


Corrected entry: After the first tire blows Chelsea is using a mobile phone, but right after Izzy yells "Poho update." the camera moves slowly down the bus and her phone has disappeared. She wasn't off-screen long enough to put it away.


Correction: We see her holding it extended in her right hand and punching buttons, probably playing a game. When the camera comes back to her, her hands are offscreen and the absence of the phone cannot be verified.


Corrected entry: A bus roof that can support the weight of 6 athletes gives way easily to a javelin wielded by a cheerleader? Not very likely.


Correction: The athletes are spread out over the entire roof. Cheerleaders usually have a good bit of muscle from constant practice, plus this one's powered by adrenaline. The javelin is pointy and focuses the force much more than a large person does.


Corrected entry: When the old couple pass the bus, they are going in the opposite direction to it. When Taggart finds their car later on, he keeps going in the same direction they had been (away from the bus), judging by the tire tracks leading off the road, so how does he ever find the kids?


Correction: The Creeper attacked the old couple from above (evidenced by tearing off the roof) and the driver pulled the steering wheel all the way to the left trying to toss it off, throwing the car into a U-turn that ended in a tree on the other side of the road (the tracks to the crash are curved, not straight). Thus it faces backward when Taggart finds it and he can find the bus by going that direction.


Corrected entry: How does the Creeper have any trouble lifting Bucky or the assistant coach, when we later see that it is strong enough to lift a truck right off the road?


Correction: It lifts the truck off the road while in flight. It doesn't use its wings to pull up the victims.

Corrected entry: The first time the bus has stopped, Betty is on the bus every scene we see trying to raise someone over the radio, so how can she be standing behind the tree smoking with the cheerleaders? The time between the various scenes at the bus isn't long enough for her to get off, have a cigarette and get back on again.


Correction: Between when all the players get off the bus (the last time Betty is seen on the radio) and when the cheerleaders are discovered smoking, the coach moves from just outside the bus door all the way around to the rear driver's side, so obviously some time has passed. We have no idea how much time. Betty isn't seen again until after the players' conversation, so she had time to get back as well.


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