Corrected entry: Eugene should not be on Death's list before the film even begins- he says that he was transferred because of Val Lewton's death but she would have died in the plane crash if everything had gone to Death's plan- her job would have been available if Alex hadn't got her off the plane. Even if you argued that he was appointed rather than someone else because she died slightly later (her job may have been available at a different time and thus to a different person) she quit her job after the accident. The job was not affected by Alex's premonition and so neither was Eugene's design.
28th May 2004
Final Destination 2 (2003)
22nd Jan 2004
Final Destination 2 (2003)
Corrected entry: When Kimberly pulls out in front of the traffic after her vision there are heaps of cars held up. If she hadn't stopped way more people would have been killed than just Norma, Timmy, Rory, Kat and Eugine, Isabella, the baby and the cop.
Correction: Actually, she only blocked an off-ramp, not the whole highway. The only people on the off-ramp are the people Death kills in the film, plus Isabella.
29th Sep 2003
Final Destination 2 (2003)
Corrected entry: When the lottery winner gets his hand and watch stuck in the disposal, he finally pulls out his hand without the watch. Yet when he's climbing down the fire escape, he's wearing it again.
Correction: It was his ring he dropped down the waste grinder, not his watch. He had the watch on the whole time.
26th Aug 2003
Final Destination 2 (2003)
Corrected entry: If Death was working backwards through the order people would have died, Clear should have been last on the list to die, as she was the one who defied death first.
Correction: Clear was on the list of people who were supposed to die on Flight 180, the others were on the list for the Highway 180 pile-up. Two different lists, two different orders, and since Clear is the only survivor from list one she can be killed any time.
10th Feb 2003
Final Destination 2 (2003)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Kimberley has the premonition about the road crash, she had been driving on the highway for a while before the truck with the logs passed her, then subsequently crashed. However, back in reality, the log truck passed and crashed virtually right in front of them - within yards of the junction. If they had actually driven onto the highway when the lights turned green, they would have been miles ahead of the crash scene. (01:25:56)
Correction: In Kimberly's vision she pulls out in front of the truck and causes it to slow down, probably delaying the accident by a few minutes. In real life she never cut in front of it, meaning it never slowed down, so the accident happened much sooner.
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Correction: Don't forget that there's a gap of about a month between the time that the plane crashes and the time when Death starts to catch up with the intended victims. If Ms. Lewton carried on teaching for that month, that would have been enough to alter fate and ensure Eugene didn't get the job.