
Question: Voldemort asks Snape if the elder wand truly listens to him. Voldemort thinks that it listens to Snape because he killed its last owner, Dumbledore. Voldemort has his snake kill Snape. If Voldemort's theory was correct, that the wand listens to Snape and killing him would be the answer, wouldn't the wand belong to the snake? This is probably a stupid question but it would make sense to me. The snake is a living thing, Voldemort himself doesn't kill Snape so it would go to the snake, right?

Jennifer Smith

Chosen answer: Voldemort was not correct. He mistakenly believed that Snape was the wand's master, but it was actually Draco Malfoy who commanded it, though neither he nor anyone else knew that. When Draco disarmed Dumbledore when they were atop the Astronomy Tower, the wand, sensing Dumbledore was defeated, changed its allegiance to Draco. It was after that event occurred that Snape killed Dumbledore. Even though Draco never physically possessed it, the wand remained under his control until Harry disarmed him. It is not necessary to kill the Elder's wand's master in order to win control of it. Also, if an animal killed the Elder Wand's master, it is unlikely the wand would respond to it. It would have to be a human or a humanoid-being.


Your last sentence, of course, becomes far more complicated in light of the Fantastic Beasts series' revelation that Nagini WAS once a human being. Given that this is the case, if Snape really had been the master of the Elder Wand, could Nagini have become its next master upon killing him? Hopefully, J. K. Rowling will answer this question someday.

Well either way it won't worked for Snape because he wasn't the master of the Elder wand at that point. He didn't even know that the Elder wand belong to Draco and then to Harry. He wasn't interested in the Elder wand as a matter of fact.


I think it's more important that regardless whether Nagini was a human once or not, at that point Nagini was a Horcrux and a vessel of Voldemort's soul without having a soul herself (if she ever did), unlike Harry. So Nagini killing Snape is the same as Voldemort himself killing him.


Question: Why did McGonagall send all the Slytherins to the dungeon? It was only one Slytherin who wanted them to turn in Harry, and many times in the series people say not all Slytherins are bad.


Chosen answer: Not all Slytherins were bad, but many were and they would fight against Harry. McGonagall did not have time to pick out which ones were allies or enemies. It was simply more efficient to lock them all up at once. Also, even though there were good Slytherins, they would know that taking sides against Voldemort and failing to fully support him could result in later retaliation against them or their families.


Question: Why doesn't Snape just apparate away when Voldemort is about to kill him?

Answer: Snape was taken by surprise and he was confused. He was Voldemort's right-hand man, and wouldn't have expected the Dark Lord to kill him, at least not then or in that way. Appararating also takes some deliberate thought and physical action, and Snape simply didn't have enough time to react.


Question: After Voldemort's death, is anyone able to teach Defense Against Dark Arts for more than a year?

Answer: Yes. According to J.K. Rowling in interviews, the curse Voldemort had cast on the Defense Against the Dark Arts position preventing any teacher lasting more than one year, was finally broken upon his death, and from then on any instructor lasted beyond twelve months.


In the movies it is never mentioned that Voldemort cursed the DADA post or even applied for this position.

It is mentioned in the books.

Question: Why did the parents of so many Hogwarts students actually allow them to return to school this year, thinking that Snape murdered Dumbledore (they don't know that Dumbledore wanted Snape to kill him) and Voldemort is in control of the place?

Answer: In the books it is actually stated they are required to attend, not optional.

Answer: It is complicated and the movies glossed over much of how Voldemort plotted his gradual take-over of the Ministry of Magic and also Hogwarts. His followers were placed in key Ministry positions, and began changing laws and regulations. Voldemort also manipulated the news media (The Daily Prophet) using propaganda to sway public opinion. During his rise to power, the Dark Lord remained hidden from public view, making it difficult for the general public to realize what was going on or identify who was behind it. Once the take-over was consolidated, it became a law that every magical child now had to attend Hogwarts. That way, not only would they be indoctrinated into the new order, it was also a means to identify and cull any Muggle-born children. Of course, most Slytherins willingly sent their children to Hogwarts, despite the changes. Also, the general public did not know the exact circumstances of Dumbledore's death, discrediting Harry's account because he was being painted as an attention-seeking liar. By the time most people realized what was happening, they could do little about it.


Question: If every former Hogwarts student who goes bad was in Slytherin, why has Hogwarts kept the house over the years? Why not disband it?

Answer: Because it is too firmly entrenched in wizard society and it wouldn't be allowed. One-fourth of the wizard population would probably revolt if there was any attempt to disband it. Ron's comment that every bad witch or wizard was from Slytherin was a child's over-generalization and actually untrue. For example, Peter Pettigrew was a Gryffindor and Prof. Quirrel was a Ravenclaw. Slytherin House itself is not evil, but those who are drawn to the dark side possess Slytherin traits in abundance, including resourcefulness, intelligence, cunning, ambition, self-preservation, exclusivity, and so on. These are not evil qualities, but they do help drive evil wizards. It is pointed out in the books that not all Slytherins are evil or support dark magic. Those following a dark path would likely do so regardless of what House they were sorted into.


Question: I don't really understand how Voldemort dies. The scene shows Harry and Voldemort fighting with the two spells - Expelliarmus and Avada Kedavra - and the spells collide. Then Harry disarms Voldemort and catches the wand, and then Voldemort just dies. Can anyone tell me why he dies?

Answer: It's a little complicated. Voldemort actually died by his own hand, though unintentionally. Voldemort believed he commanded the Elder Wand and cast the Avada Kedavra curse at Harry with it. However, Harry was actually the Elder Wand's master. Because wands are somewhat sentient, the Elder Wand recognized Harry as his master, so the killing curse rebounded off him, and went back to Voldemort, striking him dead. All of Voldemort's Horcruxes had been destroyed, so he was no longer protected by them. At the same time, Harry cast the Expelliarmus charm, causing the Elder Wand to be ejected from Voldemort's hand into his.


Question: In Half-Blood Prince, Draco disarms Dumbledore at the top of the Astronomy tower. He disarms the wand revealed to be the Elder Wand. Therefore Malfoy IS the new master of the wand. In Malfoy Manor in DH1 Harry disarms Draco's OWN wand, not the Elder Wand. Why then does Harry automatically become the new master of a wand he did not "win" from its previous owner? Is it because he is now the owner of Malfoy's wand, the wand that "won" Dumbledore's, and therefore the wand believes Harry disarmed Dumbledore?

Answer: The Elder Wand's master does not have to actually be holding the wand to lose its allegiance. If its owner is overpowered in some way, then he can lose possession of the wand. Wands are sentient, and the Elder Wand is the most powerful wand in the wizard world. When Harry disarmed Draco, even though the Elder Wand was never in Draco's physical possession, the wand sensed this and changed its allegiance to Harry.


Question: In the epilogue, whose trolley is Harrys daughter riding on before they go through the 9 3/4 passage?


Chosen answer: She is riding on her brother James Sirius' trolly. He is the eldest of Harry and Ginny's three children.


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