
Corrected entry: When Bathilda Bagshot changes into the snake (Nagini) when Harry and Hermione have come to visit her, Hermione cast 1 or 2 spells who both affect Nagini. But because Nagini is a horcrux she shouldn't be. In the second part of Deathly Hallows at the great battle, Nagini is trying to kill Hermione and Ron just before Neville cuts her head off. At that moment Ron is casting a spell, but Nagini is not affected and just goes on like he should be. Also when Hermione trows a stone to Nagini, she isn't affected.

Correction: Even though Nagini is a horcrux, she, being a living being, can still be affected (though not killed) by magical spells, just as Harry, also carrying a horcrux, was when Voldemort's killing curse struck him near the movie's end, knocking him out. Ron used the same spell (confringo) that Hermione cast at Nagini earlier, but hers was stronger and unexpected. Ron, still less accomplished magically than Hermione and Harry, was attempting to get away and cast a weaker spell. Nagini, being sentient, seeing Ron, and was not taken by surprise, thus lessening the spell's effect. Also Hermione threw the stone to distract Nagini, not to inflict injury. Also, Bathilda didn't change into a snake. Nagini had killed Bathilda and was inside her dead body, animating it to walk. Nagini then slithers out through Bathilda's mouth and her body crumples to the floor.


Corrected entry: When Xenophilius Lovegood draws the Deathly Hallows, his resurrection stone is a misshapen circle, but when the camera cuts away and comes back, it is perfect.


Correction: It has already been pointed out that the symbol Xeno is seen drawing appears different from the close-up shot.


Corrected entry: In the ending credits, when they show the names of the students going to Hogwarts on the train, there are two names that should not be there: Cho Chang and Katie Bell. Both of them graduated the previous year. The first time code is for the train and the second is for the credits. (00:46:00 - 02:19:10)

Correction: While that is true in the books, the films never state that either Cho or Katie were a year ahead of Harry. There have been many instances where facts in the movies differ from the books. For example, the Patil twins are identical and were sorted into different houses in the books, while in the films, they are either fraternal twins or merely sisters, and both are in Gryffindor.


Besides, Cho Chang was in HPATDH. She comments on Luna's statement about the Diadem.

Corrected entry: When Fred arrives at the Weasley's home after battle with Voldemort at the beginning of the movie, you can see him put his glasses on right before taking them off.


Correction: Being as Fred was using polyjuice potion to impersonate Harry, who is very near-sighted, Fred's eyes may not have completely returned to normal yet, and he could have momentarily needed to put them back on to see properly, then took them off again as the potion's effect wore off. Hermione, also a Harry decoy, was earlier heard commenting about how bad Harry's eyesight is as she was putting on the glasses.


Corrected entry: In the scene after Ron destroys the locket, he tells Harry "Only three Horcruxes left". There are seven horcruxes and only three have been destroyed, so there would really be four left.

Correction: Spoiler alert: This is a bit confusing. Yes, there are seven Horcruxes, but Voldemort only meant to create six: Tom Riddle's diary, the Peverell ring, Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's cup, Ravenclaw's diadem (tiara), and Voldemort's snake, Nagini. Voldemort always intended to have seven soul pieces (seven being the most magical number), the six Horcruxes mentioned above, and the one remaining in his body. When Voldemort cast the killing curse at baby Harry, a piece of Voldemort's soul was unintentionally sheared off and embedded into Harry (possibly in his scar), and leaving him with certain abilities, such as speaking Parseltongue. The curse then rebounded, destroying Voldemort's body. Technically, Harry is the seventh (and accidental) Horcrux, though only Dumbledore and Snape realized this, and Harry will learn this later when he views Snape's memory in the penseive. From everyone else's perspective (including Voldemort), there are only six Horcruxes, three have been destroyed (diary, ring, and locket), and three more (cup, diadem, and Nagini) must be found. In total, there are eight soul pieces. If the soul shard within Harry is not destroyed, then Voldemort cannot be killed.


However, in The half blood Prince, Tom Riddle asks Slughorn, could someone split their souls 7 times, meaning he was planning on making 7 Horcruxes all along, not 6.

No, he said "can you split your soul only once? For instance into 7?", the memory is not fully whole I'd say but Slughorn does confirm it, he was considering to split it into 7 pieces, not 7 times.


Exactly as you said, Tom Riddle told about parting the soul into seven pieces, not making 7 Horcruxes! That being said, Voldermort split his soul into 7 pieces, one inside his own and the rests (6) into Horcruxes, which implies having 3 other Horcruxes left to be destroyed (Cup, Diadem, Nagini).

Corrected entry: When Harry is looking through the files in Umbridge's office, he pauses at Dumbledore's profile. The file claims that Dumbledore's blood status is "Half-Blood," but he is in fact a "Pure Blood", because his father was a wizard and his mother was a witch.

Correction: That does not make him a "pure-blood." If you recall, Harry's father was a wizard and his mother a witch, but Harry is considered a "half-blood" because Lily Potter's parents were non-magical. The same may be true about Dumbledore's lineage. If either his witch mother or wizard father was muggle-born, or they had a parent who was, then he would indeed be a "half-blood." A wizard has to have a long (and in-bred) history of only magical ancestors to be considered "pure-blood."


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