
27th Mar 2009

Twilight (2008)

Question: I haven't read the books, but at times, Charlie Swan's behavior seems to indicate that he knows something about the Cullens. Other than thinking they are a bit odd, does he know that they are vampires or that the Quileutes are wolves?


Chosen answer: According to the 4 books, Charlie does NOT know the Cullens are vampires. Spoiler alert! In the 4th book breaking dawn, Jacob tells Charlie he is a werewolf. Charlie is not made aware of the Cullens as vampires in any of the 4 books.

Tricia Webster

Answer: Charlie does know that the Quileutes have a prejudice against the Cullen's and that they stopped using the hospital that Carlisle works in. When Bella tells her father that the Cullen kids aren't very accepted at school he is defensive and gives a long speech about what a good family they are.

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