Question: Why did the design of the coin change throughout the movie? In the beginning, when Elizabeth holds up the coin, there is a different design on the back than when Barbossa drops it into the chest with her blood, at the end. Please explain?
Question: Why did Norrington let Jack escape?
Answer: At no point did he actually "let" him escape on purpose. Jack was always just too witty for Norrington (who is kinda slow). That's counting 3 occasions where Norrington failed to capture Jack, but perhaps you can be more specific as to which escape you are referring to.
Question: Jack Sparrow comes to Port Royal to commandeer a ship, but gets stopped by two marines, who tell him the dock is off limits to civilians. Why is the dock off limits to civilians?
Answer: Because it's a navy dock, not a public one and there are naval ships moored there.
Jack would have been able to get one the of ships if he had permission.
Ok. But my question is are naval docks off limits to keep civilians from stealing or sabotaging their ships?
One of those civilians could be a pirate you know.
Question: Why did Elizabeth lie to the pirates about her last name?
Answer: Elizabeth lied because she knows that being the governor's daughter makes her a valuable hostage who would either be ransomed or used for leverage. A commoner girl is far less useful.
What would the pirates ransom Elizabeth for? Gold silver and jewels?
Possibly for gold but she was more valuable for obtaining her father's cooperation to give them whatever they wanted (i.e. a safe escape, finding the coin, etc.) in exchange for not harming her.
"Safe escape" they can't die. "Finding the coin" the coin was already on board their ship.
She doesn't know that.
Question: The scene where Will and Elizabeth are sitting together tending to Elizabeth's cut (after the scene where Will has rescued Elizabeth from Barbossa and the pirates in relation to the Aztec Gold). I don't really understand what's going on with the scene where they are alone below deck, they seem to have a moment where they're about to kiss and they randomly stop and she pulls his hand to the medallion on her necklace. I know that scene's quite cute but I just don't understand it properly. Can anyone explain?
Answer: Elizabeth is a high-born lady while Will is a lowly commoner. Elizabeth is conflicted over her feelings for Will while she is technically engaged to Commodore Norrington, who is considered a far more suitable match than Will. In this time, people were expected to marry within their own social class.
Question: In the final battle scene, Jack was protected from death because he had possession of a single gold coin from the Aztec loot. If possession of a single gold coin could turn Jack into an invulnerable, living skeleton under the moonlight, how did the curse not affect Elizabeth after she had in possession the medallion for so many years? I believe she should have been turned into an undead person as well, since her gold coin was indeed part of the loot.
Chosen answer: Elizabeth was unaffected by the curse because she never removed the coin from the Aztec chest. Neither did Will Turner, who Elizabeth took the coin from, then hid it. It was only those who stole a coin from the chest who were cursed. Losing it, having it stolen, or giving to someone else does not pass on the curse to the new recipient. Jack delibertately took a coin from the chest, therefore cursing himself, albeit to protect himself so he could defeat Barbossa.
Question: When the Black Pearl arrives at Port Royal, and the two pirates, Ragetti and Pintel go after Elizabeth, she runs to her bedroom and throws fire on Ragetti's head. These pirates are cursed, and therefore cannot feel anything. Why then, does he yell as if he could feel the fire? Isn't that a mistake?
Answer: Ragetti (amongst others) is indicating that the undead pirates do feel pain. In example Ragetti talks about his wooden eye and how it "splinters terribly". He also screams that the coal is hot and that it burns him. Another pirate screams in agony when being stabbed. As Barbossa states; they can't feel pleasure in any form but mentions nothing about pain. The curse is meant to punish the greedy who stole/steals the gold. What better punishment than let them suffer by not feeling what wealth can bring in form of pleasure by flesh and food but only take away that part and leave the "bad" feelings like pain?
Answer: I think it is a deliberate mistake so the curse isn't revealed too early. If he did not react to the coal, the moviegoers would mark that as a mistake that he didn't feel pain from hot coals.
Question: In the scene where Jack is getting shot at by British soldiers, there's a shot of him running and waving his hands around in front of him. I keep thinking that he's "deflecting" the bullets with his hands, but I know that's not possible. So, what exactly was jack doing?
Answer: He's not doing anything except running. Jack Sparrow (as Johnny Depp has created him) has rather exaggerated and somewhat effeminate physical movements, including staggering when walking and flailing his hands about, especially when running. He does the same thing while being chased by cannibals in "Dead Man's Chest."
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Answer: The most likely answer is, it is because the coins are movie props that probably had slight variations in the designs. There may have been multiple prop makers producing the coins for the movie, resulting in a different-looking product. It would be unrealistic that the same exact coin would always be used as the one belonging to Will Turner. This should be submitted as a movie inconsistency.
raywest ★
Actually that would just be a continuity.