
Question: The Beast accuses Maurice of coming to "stare at the Beast", as if people know about him. So why do the townspeople not believe there is a Beast, until Belle shows them with the mirror?

Answer: The Beast is self-absorbed, selfish and cannot see the good or innocence of people (hence why he was changed into a beast). He assumed that the only reason Maurice would be there is to stare at "The Beast" (after all... EVERYONE must know about "The Beast" in the Beast's mind).

Answer: It's doubtful the Beast was aware of what the villagers actually knew or believed about him. Typically, people become divided in their beliefs. Some may have believed there was a monster living in the castle, while others completely dismissed it as total nonsense.


Question: Gaston sings that he ate eggs to help him get large. Why didn't he say meat? Was he vegetarian? Was Disney deliberately supporting vegetarianism/respecting vegetarians? Are there any historical circumstances that I'm not aware of? Or am I just overanalyzing this matter?


Answer: In addition to eating meat, eggs would be a more readily available and cheap protein source in the village.


Answer: Eggs are full of protein. Eating a lot of eggs is an excellent way to bulk up and build muscle mass.


Eggs are not good for you if you eat too many of them.

To quote Stephen Fry: "Well of course too much is bad for you, that's what "too much" means. If you had too much water it would be bad for you, wouldn't it? "Too much" precisely means that quantity which is excessive, that's what it means. Could you ever say "too much water is good for you"? I mean if it's too much it's too much. Too much of anything is too much. Obviously." That aside, while it used to be believed that the cholesterol content of eggs was a health risk, more recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn't affect blood cholesterol levels for most people. As such there's no real maximum limit on egg consumption beyond the aforementioned "too much of anything is too much".

I don't think Gaston cares much about his cholesterol.


They didn't even know the word.


Answer: While I was waiting for this question to be accepted, I found the answer to one of my questions myself. Gaston is indeed not vegetarian, considering he mentions his hunting trophies during the aforementioned song and earlier in the movie, he tells Belle to imagine him roasting his kill on the fire place.


Answer: I would say she is roughly around for a year as the first scenes of the movie during the song Belle show a scenary of France in Spring. They they then spend winter in the castle and it is Spring again when the curse breaks.

Answer: It wasn't specified how long she was there.


Question: How can the villagers forget about the Prince and his castle after they were cursed?

Answer: No explanation was given. It may have been that part of the curse affected those peoples' memories. The villagers may also have simply chosen to forget out fear, they believed the castle had been abandoned or was haunted, or possibly enough time had passed that it simply was ignored.


Answer: The Narrator said, "A spell was cast so that the villagers and anyone who knew of the Prince and the Castle would forget about it." When the spell was broken, the villagers could be heard saying, "there you are", "where have you been", "I remember you."

Question: Why does everyone love Gaston? I can kinda see why from his looks/biceps but is there another reason why they love him so much?

Answer: I would say he was admired rather than loved and for very superficial reasons. He is young, handsome, manly, and extroverted. People often admire and wish for those traits. They project other non-existent qualities onto such a person while blind to their flaws. In Gaston's case, he is arrogant and self-absorbed. It is very typical of our society to celebrate people for their physical attributes, even though they may lack integrity in other areas of their lives.


I'd have to disagree. The film takes place in the 1790s to early 1800s if you ignore the Eiffel tower in Be Our Guest. So not long after the revolution at all. The peasantry was suffering quite a bit of food insecurity, which we see reflected in the opening song, (the eggs are too expensive, the bread is stale, etc.) Gaston is a hunter, and he's able to provide for his village which might otherwise have suffered a bit. I'd argue that his super-inflated ego may be a result of the praise he rightly earned.

The original story of Beauty and the Beast was published in 1740 and a lengthier version in 1756. So it takes place way before the revolution during the reign of Louis XV.


Answer: I get the impression that Gaston comes from a family with some amount of wealth and social status - maybe not royalty, but perhaps more wealth and status than most people in the town have. Also, despite being vain and arrogant, he is bold and somewhat cunning. Many people like to latch on to a "leader" type.

Question: Why doesn't Gaston go off with one of the three blond women who fancy him instead of chasing after Belle, who he can see is not interested in his advances?

Answer: Either he only wants what he can't have (Belle) or the women who fancy him are not the type he would consider suitable as his wife and the mother of his children.


The 2017 live-action movie (with Emma Watson) has an interesting description of this. Gaston talks about how Belle is the only woman who doesn't want to impress him. He finds this attractive. He knows that he could have most other women any time he wanted, but Belle is different.

Answer: Gaston wants to marry a girl as beautiful as he is so he doesn't want anyone else but Belle.

Question: What happened to Belle's mother? And where are the beast's parents, the king and queen?

Answer: It's never explained, but we're to assume they are dead. In the case of Belle the absence of the mother is a typical plot scenario for Disney heroines, i.e. Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Snow White, etc., but is never explained.


Answer: In the latest movie, it is explained that Belle's mother died from the plague.

And the Prince's mother died from some unknown reason.

Question: If the beast was a young boy when he was turned into a beast, why is it the portrait of him he tears up looks like he does at the end of the film?

Answer: "Boy" is a rather broad term, and it can refer to someone who is grown but has not quite reached full manhood.


Answer: Additionally, it sometimes happened that artist made noble rulers look adult even while still young. So it could've been a historical borrowing to foreshadow his later appearance.

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