
Corrected entry: Christian Grey gives a speech during a Anastasia's university graduation ceremony. During the speech the podium he speaks at reads "Vancouver" on it, rather than Seattle, which is where the movie is based. This reflects the fact that the ceremony hall used in this shot is located at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver BC. Despite this the filmmakers try to hide the real location of the scene elsewhere by placing a Washington State flagpole on the stage.

Kelsey H.

Correction: The school that Ana goes to is in Vancouver, WA (not Canada). Ana and Kate move to Seattle, WA after the graduation.

No they move before the graduation. I've seen this movie multiple times and I know this is true.

They do so in the movie. In the book, they move after graduation. Doesn't change the fact that they went to Washington State University in Vancouver, Wa.

Pay attention to the interior and the events occurring. During the montage of Ana going over the contract, her and Kate are in the process of moving. After the "was this nice?" scene, Ana and Kate are in their new place before they graduated, and before Ana's first experience in the Red Room.

Correction: Clarifying several points: Ana and Kate move to Seattle and their new apartment just after their final class but before the commencement ceremony. Commencements usually occur 1-2 weeks after the academic year ends; Ana and Kate attend the ceremony at the campus, but technically, students are graduates only after their submitted paperwork is approved. Commencements are strictly ceremonial and attendance is optional. Even students who have not quite completed all degree requirements are allowed to "walk" at the ceremony. Students receive a ceremonial scroll at the commencement and the actual diplomas are mailed. Ana's school, Washington State University, and the commencement ceremony were in Vancouver, Washington, not Vancouver, B.C. Canada. The school, located on Washington's southern border, is a WSU branch campus. It is about a three-hour, straight drive on I-5 between Seattle and Vancouver, so a fast, easy commute. Ana and Kate either still had access to their old apartment, rented a motel room, stayed with friends in Vancouver, or drove back to Seattle the same day. Confusion between the two Vancouvers is understandable for those unfamiliar with the Pacific Northwest.


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