Revealing mistake: When Dan calls Becky, there is a shot of her and Mark in their Minneapolis apartment. This is the exact same set that is used later for Darlene's Chicago apartment when she goes to college. The fireplace shape and style, the wallpaper, position of the bathroom door, and the windows are exactly the same. The only difference is that the Darlene version looks shabbier.
29th Jul 2021
Roseanne (1988)
14th Jan 2021
His Dark Materials (2019)
Revealing mistake: Angelica and the other children are about to crash through the door to attack Lyra and Will. As Lyra runs past a cabinet, a lamp sitting on top is knocked over and crashes to the floor. Dafne Keene, who plays Lyra, reached over and very obviously pushed the lamp to the floor.
12th Sep 2019
To Catch a Thief (1955)
Revealing mistake: Foussard is killed and his body dropped off the cliff into the sea. There is a close-up shot of his head and torso, facing upward, that is supposed to be underwater. However, the actor is obviously not in water. His hair, that should be floating loosely around his head never moves and appears to be held in an outward position by stiff hair gel. Some type of "special effect" filter is layered over the entire shot to simulate water rippling over the corpse.
2nd Aug 2019
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)
Revealing mistake: When the officials arrive at the Talbot family tomb to investigate the recent events, they find the crypt door unlocked. As they start to enter, the door opens on its own. When the camera cuts to an angle from inside the crypt, a thick cord can be seen pulling the door open.
19th Jul 2017
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)
Revealing mistake: During winter at the cabin, several of the kidnapped girls are doing chores. As they are about to go back inside the cabin, the long icicles hanging on the porch eaves can be seen swinging loosely when they should be frozen in place.
9th Sep 2016
Cast Away (2000)
Revealing mistake: When Kelly is copying her dissertation, there is no paper being fed through the copier feeder or any printed pages going into the output tray. (00:12:40)
Suggested correction: Watch carefully. When Kelly turns round, you can see, by her right hand, paper coming out of the copier and landing in a pile on top of each other.
15th Jul 2015
The Andromeda Strain (1971)
Revealing mistake: When Dutton, Hall, and Stone are undergoing the first level of decontamination, they walk into the treatment area while completely nude. When the distorted shapes of their bodies are seen on a thermal imaging screen, you can tell that Hall is wearing briefs, even though they are supposed to have no clothing on whatsoever during the decontamination process.
6th Jul 2015
Friends (1994)

The One With Ross' New Girlfriend - S2-E1
Revealing mistake: At the end, when Rachel and Ross are talking on Monica and Rachel's balcony, the edge of the "brick" wall behind them has a gap in it. The facade is obviously a thin plastic sheet made to look like bricks and mortar, and it has pulled away from the surface it is attached to.
11th Apr 2015
Sex and the City (1998)
I heart ny - S4-E18
Revealing mistake: Just after Big has left NY for good, Carrie leaves his apartment and is walking down the street. A leaf (that another mistake pointed out was digital as it was falling to the ground) is lying on the sidewalk. Carrie picks it up, but it is obviously an artificial one made from plastic and fabric.
2nd Feb 2015
Saving Mr. Banks (2013)
Revealing mistake: Whenever Ralph is driving Travers in the limousine and the exterior of the car is seen in a long shot, there is no one riding in it other than the driver. From every view point of the windows that can be seen, there is no passenger inside where Travers is supposed to be seated.
17th Dec 2013
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)
Revealing mistake: Early on, after Clary blasts the demon with a homemade explosion that blows a huge fireball across the kitchen and blasts out the window, there is no sign of anything being burned, not even the curtains. The kitchen is only in a slight shambles and there are small fires burning in isolated areas that never spread or char anything.
29th Aug 2013
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)
Revealing mistake: When Jace and Clary are on the spiral staircase in the conservatory, the automatic overhead sprinklers go off. Even though the (CGI) water spray can be seen falling all around them and they are not under any cover, they are obviously not getting wet, their hair and clothes staying perfectly dry. When the scene cuts to a different viewpoint, there are some water spots on Jace's back, but they are in an odd pattern and only in a small area, not all over his light-colored shirt, which is dry. As they are walking back to Clary's room, both are still completely dry and the wet spot on Jace's back has disappeared.
26th Nov 2011
Terra Nova (2011)
Revealing mistake: Dr. Shannon identifies the skeleton as being a middle-aged male, but the skull is female. A male skull has a more pronounced ridge over the eye orbits, a sloping forehead, a longer mastoid process, and the skull widens at the back, unlike a female's that is more parallel.
16th Apr 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
Revealing mistake: When Harry walks across the frozen pond, both in his shoes and when he is barefoot, there are no footprints left on the ice. The pond is covered with a light snow, that Harry brushes away to see the Sword of Gryffindor beneath the frozen surface. The snow would show any tracks.
31st Dec 2010
National Velvet (1944)
Revealing mistake: When Velvet and Mi are talking to the jockey in the pub, there is a blackboard behind him listing the menu. However, all the writing is backwards. The film negative apparently got flipped, in this print at least, resulting in a reversed image. This is the only scene where reversed lettering is seen.
19th Sep 2010
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Revealing mistake: The morning after Ronnie and Roy's big fight, Roy starts cleaning up his clay "sculpture." Before he pulls its upper portion off, you can see the pre-made seam (which is poorly disguised by the clay) where the top is attached to the bottom. When he tears it off, the lower portion is perfectly smooth and flat on top (simulating Devil's Tower) where it was obviously pre-cut.
12th Jul 2010
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
Revealing mistake: When Jacob is injured by the newborn vampire in the final battle, the Cullens and the Quileutes are crouched around him. The top of Jacob's flesh-colored body suit is quite visible at his waist; he is supposed to be nude after phasing back into human form.
10th Feb 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Revealing mistake: When the fruit from Jack's "kebob" lands next to him, they gently plop to the ground intact, despite having fallen from a great height. Although Jack also lands intact, his fall was cushioned by a number of obstacles - the multiple wooden bridges, the bamboo pole catching between the rocks, the unwinding rope, etc. With the exception of the pineapples, the already-damaged fruits (from being speared) are too thin-skinned or the rinds too brittle to have survived an impact from the height, speed, and angle shown. These are the SAME fruits (papayas, mangos, and melons) that easily splattered into pulp when thrown at Jack by the native women with far less force, a slower speed, and at a close range. (00:40:50)
17th Sep 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)

Revealing mistake: The crow pecking on the floating coffin Jack is hiding in has a modern-day identification band on its leg. (00:05:50)
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