
The Day After Tomorrow mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the man asks Jack "Why for the love of God would you aggravate the Vice President?", he has both his hands up. When it cuts his hands are down. (00:13:20)


The Day After Tomorrow mistake picture

Factual error: When the North Atlantic current is shown on a world map, there are a couple of errors on it. 1) South East Asia is missing, and 2) Arabia is joined to Africa.


The Day After Tomorrow mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jack is briefing the President, he draws a line on a map of the U.S. and tells the President to have everybody south of that line evacuated. The shape of the line changes between shots. (01:04:20)

The Day After Tomorrow trivia picture

Trivia: There is a party at J.D.'s school after the academic decathlon. Most of the students are wearing name tags. Sam's name tag says "Hello my name is Yoda." (00:21:50)

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