
6th Mar 2005

Mr. Bean (1989)

Mr. Bean mistake picture

Mr. Bean - S1-E1

Visible crew/equipment: When Mr Bean parks his car outside the examination hall, as he reverses into his spot, you can see a group of plain-clothed crew members pushing the camera reflected in the car nearest to the camera. More noticeable as the camera is actually moving. (00:00:35)

Neil Jones

2nd May 2005

Mr. Bean (1989)

Mr. Bean mistake picture

Mr. Bean - S1-E1

Visible crew/equipment: Before the church scene, Mr. Bean drives into the car-park and knocks the blue car off the road. Look at the car closest to the camera, as Mr. Bean reverses, you can see a person and a crane above him reflected in the window. Also, in the blue car's window closest to the camera, you can see dolly tracks. (00:14:15)

17th Sep 2005

Mr. Bean (1989)

29th Dec 2004

Mr. Bean (1989)

Mr. Bean mistake picture

Hair By Mr. Bean of London - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the country fair, Mr Bean interrupts a boy doing the buzzer game. When Mr Bean is on his second go at this puzzle and stands up after unplugging the device, you can see the same boy come round a table behind Mr Bean. Cut to the next shot, the boy has disappeared from where he should be behind Mr Bean and can now be seen walking across the back of the hall.

Neil Jones

24th Aug 2004

Mr. Bean (1989)

Mr. Bean mistake picture

The Library - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Just when Mr. Bean's hiccups are over the guy sitting on the table with him takes his right hand up to the book and has his left lower arm on the table. But after Bean hiccups again he suddenly has his right hand down again and his left hand on his book.

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